Chapter 204 This Mermaid Is Not Pure 36
The current situation is very unfavorable to them. Du Xilun doesn't know how many people the other party has brought. At present, they are evenly matched, but what if there are still ambushes outside?They brought less than [-] people this time, thinking of beating the king, they were caught off guard and cooperated internally and externally.

But if it drags on, it won't do them any good!

Du Xilun's mind was running fast, and finally his cold eyes locked on Lan Shuang. She was standing on the edge of the high platform, she was the best target!

"Catch Lan Shuang first!"

He ordered to the soldiers: "Grab her so we can get away!"

"Yes!" The soldiers moved after hearing the sound, and rushed towards Lan Shuang in unison.

And Louis was only blocked by people symbolically. After all, Lan Shuang's strength is so clear to him. It is not so easy for this group of people to kill Lan Shuang!
Seeing that the soldiers were about to climb up the high platform to catch Lan Shuang, the king anxiously shouted from behind: "What are you watching? Hurry up and protect the queen!"

Ross glanced at him, the king was inexplicably looked at, and said angrily: "Don't you know magic? What are you still doing?"

As a result, when his voice fell, Ross jumped off the high platform, and kicked the frontmost soldier out with a flying kick, hitting the people behind, and there was a gap in their encirclement immediately.


Why can't this man understand?
However, the next moment he heard Lan Shuang say, "Protect the king."

Then Lan Shuang tapped her toes and jumped down, like a white butterfly.


His heart suddenly rose to his throat and almost jumped out!

Lan Shuang took his sword and walked nimbly among the crowd, and everything he passed immediately fell down.

Her swordsmanship was so exquisite and fast that the soldier was stabbed by her almost before he could react, and Ross also grabbed the sword, broke through the encirclement and came to Lan Shuang, back to back with her.

Lan Shuang noticed it, turned her face to look at Luo Si, and suddenly remembered the back-to-back fight with Jiang Han on the boat in the second life.

Unexpectedly, there will be a day when the scene will reappear. Although the time and place are different and their identities have changed, the souls inside are still the same as before.

This feeling is quite wonderful, and even makes Lan Shuang a little excited.

Through the thin fabric, Ross seemed to be able to feel her heartbeat, and the corners of his lips curled slightly, "Do you want to compare?"

"Compared to what?" Lan Shuang asked with a smile as she kicked away the attacker from the side.

"Compare us who will catch Du Silen first."


The two hit it off immediately, while others were killing, they were exercising their muscles.

One person with one sword, tacitly did not use magic, just hit one move after another, Du Xilun didn't know that he had become the target of the two of them, and he hid behind the soldiers to direct.

But it didn't take long for Du Xilun to find that there were fewer and fewer people in front of him, and he began to back away in panic.

But separated by a layer of people, he still met Luo Si's gaze. Those emerald-like eyes usually looked indifferent and gentle like the calm spring water, but at this moment, it seemed that there was a stormy wave, and there was no killing intent inside. Cover up.

Being looked at by him like this was like being stared at by a wolf. Du Xilun was terrified and stiffened all over.


Another soldier fell, and Du Xilun heard a chuckle behind him: "Master Du Xilun, do you dare to be distracted at this time?"

"Lan Shuang?!" Du Xilun suddenly wanted to turn around, but found that the person in front of him had also fallen down. With a sweeping sweep, Luo Si kicked all the people in front of him down. He raised his hand again, and firmly caught the long sword. The tip of the sword hit his heart with a "shua".

At the same time, the back of Du Xilun's heart was also held against by the tip of the sword at the same position.

Du Xilun: "..."

Lan Shuang and Luo Si looked at each other, and Lan Shuang said with a smile, "Oh, it's a tie."

Ross's brows and eyes softened, and a drop of unknown blood was just covering his little mole under his eyes, looking extremely coquettish.

"Equalities are fun, aren't they?"

Lan Shuang was hit by this smile, and even her heart was slightly numb.

Her eyes were as bright as a bright moon, and she said with a smile, "Yes."

Du Xilun, who was caught in the middle and held up with two swords: "..."

Or you still kill me?Not so humiliating.

You stuck me with a sword, and then fell in love in front of me, a traitor, damn... But no one can do this kind of thing!
And the king behind him was also dumbfounded, he opened his mouth for too long, his jaw was sore, and his saliva almost flowed out.

He quickly put his chin back on his hands, and looked at Lan Shuang again in disbelief.

When did his daughter become so powerful?

No one answered him. This question is destined to have no answer, because the person who can answer him is dead.


In the end, this premeditated palace change ended in a disastrous defeat for the queen and Du Xilun.

Lan Sisi didn't even intercede, she knew it was useless to say it, in front of so many people, the crimes committed by the queen and Du Xilun were certain and irreversible.

Standing in the crowd, she looked at the ruined wedding hall, and then at Lan Shuang, whose white gauze was stained with blood, and burst into tears.

Lan Shuang seemed to feel something, and looked over. When her eyes met, Lan Shuang's eyes were gentle, but she didn't smile or speak. At this time, there was nothing to say.

Lan Sisi also understood, so she quickly looked away, looking at the queen and Du Xilun who were tied up and pressed to the ground.

The other soldiers were driven out and gathered outside at the foot of the steps, with Louis in charge.

The hall was quiet again. The ministers survived the catastrophe, their hearts were still beating wildly. Looking at the distressed Du Xilun brothers and sisters, they immediately started spitting stars to attack.

"Your Majesty, the queen colluded with Du Silun to plot rebellion. According to the laws of Mordo, she should be hanged!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, the queen is simply crazy! This kind of behavior is too bad and must be severely punished!"

"His Majesty--"

"His Majesty……"

The minister said one sentence after another, and the king's brain was buzzing when he heard it. He waved his hand impatiently, "Okay!"

The ministers just shut up.

The king walked up to the queen and saw her disheveled hair and chaotic eyes, almost unrecognizable. Is this the Celia he liked back then?
The queen was also staring at him, and laughed wildly: "You really gave birth to a good daughter!"

The king closed his eyes, sighed, and waved to Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang walked over holding the hem of her skirt, "What's wrong?"

"She and Du Xilun are at your disposal. I'm tired and want to go back."

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows: "Are you sure?"

The king shook his head, and left the hall without saying a word, looking a little lonely no matter how he looked.

"elder sister……"

Lan Sisi also came over, and before Lan Shuang could speak, she smiled wryly, "I'm not here to beg, I..."

She took a deep look at the queen and Du Xilun and said, "I want to marry."

(End of this chapter)

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