Chapter 207

It turned out that Ross’s life in the sea was not happy, and he was not welcomed by the mermaids, so he often felt very lonely and wanted to escape from the sea, so he never felt that there was anything to miss in the sea, and he never regarded it as his home. .

But Lan Shuang said she wanted to go, so Luo Si also accompanied her.

This time Lan Shuang didn't wear such a complicated palace dress, she only wore a thin skirt, which was very convenient for her to move around.

She stood by the beach looking at the bright sunshine and smiled and said, "The weather is just right today, suitable for going into the water."

Ross unbuttoned his clothes slowly with one hand, took off his coat and trousers, and turned back into a mermaid.

Even though I have seen it many times, it still feels different when I see it on land than when I see it by the sea.

The endless deep sea, soft white sand, and silvery white fish tail are simply pleasing to the eye.

Lan Shuang traced Rose's body presumptuously, and said with emotion: "Actually, a mermaid is a goblin, right?"

Ross glanced at her with a smile, jumped up, and his whole body turned into a smooth silver light and flew into the water, stirring up layers of waves.

Lan Shuang walked forward, her bare feet were submerged in sea water.

The next moment, a big white hand suddenly appeared on the surface of the water, grabbing her ankle and pulling it, Lan Shuang's body was unstable, and she threw herself straight into the sea: "Loss!"

"I'm here."

Rose surfaced, opened his arms and embraced Lan Shuang.

Just as Lan Shuang smiled, and was about to speak, she was dragged directly into the water by Luo Si's tight waist.

Lan Shuang: "!"

At the moment when she was engulfed by the sea, the silver light flowed from Ross's fingertips, drawing a huge bubble and wrapping Lan Shuang in it. At the same time, Ross leaned over and kissed her.

Skin to skin, breath entangled, was carried by Ross in one breath, and disappeared between Lanshuang's lips and teeth.

Shocked and stimulated, Lan Shuang's heart beat rapidly, causing a buzzing in her ears.

Ross pulled her all the way to the deep sea, and the bubbles always wrapped them firmly.

The surrounding light dimmed and brightened again. At the moment when Lan Shuang was about to sink, Ross let go of her and said in a deep voice, "Here we are."

Lan Shuang opened her eyes and looked at the huge shell in front of her in surprise, "This is...your home?"

Ross nodded, and he swung his fishtail deftly, leaving a string of ripples in the water. He came to the shell bed and held both sides and lifted it slightly. The shell opened, revealing the soft pale pink inside.

Ross turned and sat on it, holding Lan Shuang's hand: "Try?"

Lan Shuang stretched out her hand and poked it. It was not the meat of the shell, but a kind of cloth.

She sat on it curiously. The fabric was very elastic and soft, a bit like a modern sofa.

"What kind of cloth is this?"

She sat down next to Ross and asked curiously.

Rose leaned his head on her shoulder and said softly, "It's a specialty of the mermaid tribe. The mermaid queen will send someone to give one to each mermaid when it becomes an adult. It's a gift and a necessity. It's used by mermaids to settle down independently."

"That's it." Lan Shuang also leaned on his head, and the two of them just put their heads against each other, holding hands, sitting quietly together watching all kinds of fish swimming around.

There was a silly, chubby green fish swimming over in a daze, as if it was very curious about Lanshuang, it opened its mouth from the side to take a bite, but it slammed on the bubble.

Lan Shuang: "..."

She stretched out her finger in a funny way, and poked the silly fish through the bubble. The fish's round eyes seemed to light up, and she opened her mouth wide to bite again, but after biting for a long time, she didn't break through the bubble, and she was in a hurry. spin around.

Lan Shuang laughed so hard that she couldn't sit still. Luo Si held her shoulders, but she couldn't laugh or cry, and gave the fish a look. When the fish saw that Luo Si had a fish tail, it looked at its own, fell silent for a while, turned around and ran away.

"Hey, don't scare it, it's so fun." Lan Shuang smiled, and soon felt wrong again.

"Wait, why does this place look familiar?"

She frowned and looked around, Ross smiled and said, "Of course it looks familiar, we're here when we first met."

Lan Shuang: "Ah... I fell into the water here!"


Los put his hands on his sides, stretched out his fingers and said, "I was making a wish at that time, and you fell into my arms from the sky. I once suspected that the sea god appeared, otherwise, how could my wish come true so quickly?"

"Huh?" Lan Shuang was curious: "What wish did you make?"

Ross held her in his arms and sat down, kissed her long hair and said: "I was just an adult, but no one in the clan liked me, so it was difficult to find a spouse, I was too weak, so everywhere I was excluded, and some people even came to laugh at me, and I was doomed to die alone."

"How is it possible?" Lan Shuang retorted dissatisfiedly: "With me here, I won't let you die alone."

Rose chuckled: "Yes, but I didn't know at the time, I made a wish to the Sea God in a fit of anger, hoping that God would give me a partner, and I would treat her well, and then..."

His gentle gaze fell on Lan Shuang's face, and the affection inside turned into a thread of affection, weaving into a net, and firmly engulfing Lan Shuang's heart.

"And then I fell down? What a coincidence?" Lan Shuang was surprised but also a little dumbfounded.

"Yeah, it's such a coincidence."

Rose held her face and rubbed her forehead, "So our fate is destined."

Lan Shuang pinched Rose's face, "No wonder you were so kind to me from the beginning, so you already regarded me as your partner."

Ross responded in a low voice: "Yes."

"Thinking about it, it's still a bit romantic." Lan Shuang leaned on Rose's arms, looked at the deep and quiet sea and said, "Why don't you fall into my arms in the next life?"

Ross was a little moved, but still shook his head and said, "Forget it."

"Why?" Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows.

"I'm too heavy, and falling will hurt you, so you'd better fall into my arms, I can catch it."

Ross lowered his eyes, covering the faintly surging red inside.

Lan Shuang didn't notice it, but said softly: "Okay, then I will fall from the sky in my next life, and then you remember to catch me, and I will go with you if you catch me."

"Then what if I don't catch it?"

"I didn't catch it..." Lan Shuang dragged out her tone, then raised her head and smacked Ross's chin, "Then I'll go find you."

"It's a word."

Ross hooked Lan Shuang's little finger and shook it.

Promise in this life, promise in the next life.


Digression: Originally there were two updates today, but the number of words is a bit small, so let’s make three updates

(End of this chapter)

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