Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 208 World 5: The Holy Maiden is Escaping the Shura Field Again Today 1

Chapter 208 World Five: The Holy Maiden is Escaping the Shura Field Again Today 1
In this life, Lanshuang lived longer than her previous lives because she knew magic, but she didn't grow much. When she was almost 150 years old, her life span came to an end and she was about to leave this world.

Mermaids lived much longer than her, and time favored them. When Lanshuang began to grow old, Rose's appearance was still as beautiful and young as ever.

In order to prevent Lan Shuang from having a sense of gap, he used magic to forge his appearance. In Lan Shuang's eyes, he was slowly growing old with her.

But the appearance can be changed, but the lifespan cannot. For a mermaid, 150 years old is the prime of life.

Ross looked at Lan Shuang, whose eyelids were getting heavy and his vitality was gradually dissipating, and he couldn't tell what it was like. Sadness, reluctance and loneliness rushed up all at once, like a large ball of cotton soaked with water stuck in his throat.

"Do not be sad……"

Lan Shuang was struggling to speak, so she raised her hand to caress Ross's face and said, "Change back, I want to remember your best appearance."

The teardrops that Lost had never shed finally fell down, flowed down his handsome cheeks, and finally condensed into a pearl and landed in Lan Shuang's palm.

Lan Shuang smiled, "Don't cry, didn't you say it hurts?"

She held the light blue pearl, feeling helpless and distressed, with a touch of loneliness.

Another life is over, will he still be in the next life?
She didn't know, but she hoped so.

Rose shook his head and wanted to say something, but his throat was choked by soreness and he couldn't speak.

He didn't cry because of the pain, but because of the pain. He couldn't help it, and the tears fell by themselves. Compared with the heartache, that little pain was simply negligible.


Ross held Lan Shuang's hand, put it on his lips and kissed it lightly, "Don't leave me alone."

"I don't want to either, but my lifespan is up..."

Lan Shuang's voice became weaker and weaker, "Why don't you go with me? You are too lonely..."

But after a while, she struggled again, held Ross's hand instead, and said with gentle eyes: "Forget it, I can't bear it, I'll walk slowly, you chase me slowly, we can always..."

Before finishing the last sentence, her breath died.

Luo Si froze, and then the tears really fell one by one like beads with broken strings, and soon a piece of pearls fell on Lan Shuang's body.

Lan Shuang's soul left her body and returned to the space, and 888 immediately greeted her: "Host, this life is too long, you have worked hard~"

Lan Shuang shook her head, looked at her young soul, and sighed: "Turn on the screen, I want to see the situation of Ross."

888: "Huh? Do you really want to see it? I'm afraid you will be reluctant to leave after watching it."

Lan Shuang smiled and shook her head: "I am such a ruthless person, how can I be reluctant? I just want to see if he has done something stupid."

888: "Oh, that's it, host, wait."

He stood in front of the console and tapped a few times, the screen instantly lit up, and Ross' figure appeared on it.

Lan Shuang's eyes froze slightly, and after crying for a while holding her body, Ross hugged her and swam into the deep sea, gently put her into his shell bed, and then...lay down in it himself.

Lan Shuang: "..."

888 puzzled: "What is he doing?"

Lan Shuang said softly: "This is the burial method of the mermaid clan, taking everything back to the embrace of Mother Hai."

888 was taken aback for a moment, "So... he is going to be buried with you?"

Lan Shuang pursed her lower lip and lowered her head. 888 couldn't see her expression clearly. After a while, he heard Lan Shuang say: "Let's go, the next world, don't give me this kind of world again. You can live alone!" Too long, a person's life is too short, very tormented."

888 thought the same thing, shook his little fist seriously and said: "Don't worry, the host, I will screen the world carefully in the future, and such a situation will never happen again!"

"OK, thanks."

Lan Shuang raised her head, with her usual gentle smile on her face again.

888 didn't think too much, his simple system couldn't analyze complex human emotions, he pressed a button, and said to Lan Shuang: "Come on, host, the transmission channel to the next world has opened, this time it's the ancient world Oh~"

"Ancient times..." Lan Shuang's eyes flickered slightly, remembering her first world.

She stood on the teleportation array and closed her eyes. The next moment, the familiar feeling of weightlessness came, and there was a slight tingling in her heart, but this feeling was fleeting, and she didn't take it for a while. thing.

888 looked at the shells gradually disappearing into the deep sea on the screen, shook his head and sighed: "You infatuated mermaid..."

Seeing that Lan Shuang had entered the next world, 888 turned off the monitoring screen for the mermaid, and focused on the situation on Lan Shuang's side.

Little did they know that the moment the surveillance was turned off, a dazzling red light burst out of the shell.

The next moment, a big fire ignited around the shell, and it started to burn in the sea. The fire spread very fast, and directly burned that piece of sea red.

A slender figure walked out of the fire slowly.

With white hair and red eyes, at first glance, it looks like a snow mountain stained with blood, with the ultimate coquettishness in the holiness.

He raised his eyes to look at the surrounding environment, slightly hooked his lips, raised his slender hand to count, and then randomly sketched twice in the water. After the golden light shone, the water waved in front of him, and a door was engraved with dark golden patterns all over its body. The door appeared out of nowhere.

He pressed his hand on it, and the door immediately opened to both sides. It was pitch black inside, and he couldn't see anything. He just walked in until his figure was completely swallowed by the darkness, the door closed automatically, and then disappeared without a trace, as if everything was gone. happened before.

All that was left was the fire that burned wantonly, and finally burned the shell bed without leaving a speck of dust.


"Is the saint still awake?"

"No, the saint is very drunk."

"Hey, what if the national teacher finds out about this?"


Lan Shuang frowned slightly, but she couldn't hear anything clearly when she heard the voice gradually receding from her ear, it was buzzing as if separated by a layer of paper, she couldn't help shaking her chaotic head.

"Little Baba, why do I feel so dizzy? Is it because I haven't shuttled for too long that I can't get used to it?"

888 hesitated and said: "That...it seems that the original owner drank too much wine and got drunk."

Lan Shuang: "..."

She struggled to open her eyes, but her eyelids were as heavy as a thousand weights, and she couldn't open them. She resolutely gave up, "How much did you drink? How could you be so drunk?"

888: "I will pass the plot to the host, please accept it~"

"it is good."

Lan Shuang lay down peacefully, and after accepting the plot, she couldn't help but gasped: "Hiss—what the hell? Isn't the original owner a supporting role? Why is the love and hatred of three men mixed in?!"

888 kindly reminded: "Not really."

"Huh, that's good, it's very difficult for me to get one..."

888: "Wait! I didn't finish. It's not three men, it should be four."

Lan Shuang: "..."


 This world should be longer, I quite like it~
(End of this chapter)

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