Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 209 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 2

Chapter 209 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 2
"What are four? Who is the fourth?!" Lan Shuang asked through gritted teeth.

888: "The fourth one is the general that the original owner saw before he died. It is an integral part of the plot. According to the rules of the previous four planes, this person is probably your boyfriend~"

Lan Shuang: "..."

"So what is the wish of the original owner in this life? Don't tell me that you took all these four men, I can't!"

"Of course not. We are a serious system. Even if there is such a wish, we will let them go out and turn right to find other systems that are responsible for this aspect." 888 said with a smile.

Lan Shuang: "..."

Then you really have a detailed division of labor.

"Ahem, to be honest, the original owner's wish in this life is to live as himself and not to be anyone else's pawn. If possible, he can save the life of the master."

"Live like yourself?" Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows. This task is interesting. It's not about revenge, or climbing to the top, but about living like yourself?

It would be better than wanting to be a queen in the previous life, at least there is a direction, and it is too general to live as yourself.

But the latter one... "Save the life of the national teacher?" After Lan Shuang digested the plot, she understood the meaning of this sentence, "Because the national teacher once saved her, so she wants to repay her kindness?"

888: "Well, other than that, the original owner actually has different feelings for the national teacher, but those feelings have been worn out in the previous life, and she just doesn't want the national teacher to repeat the same mistakes."

Lan Shuang was silent for a moment, "Okay, I understand."

She probably knew where to start.

The original owner, Lan Shuang, was the adopted daughter of Lanye, the teacher of the Great State.

Said to be a foster daughter, in fact, Lan Ye is not very old, he is only 30 years old this year, but there are only a handful of children at this age.

So he adopted Lan Shuang, and gave her the title of adoptive daughter. In fact, Lan Shuang was already seventeen years old. In fact, it could be said that she was a brother and sister, but Lan Ye referred to her as father and daughter.

Outsiders don't understand, and the original owner Lan Shuang also can't understand.

But this does not prevent her from admiring Lan Ye.

Lan Ye often covered his face with a bronze mask when walking outside, and he never took it off when he saw the emperor. This was the privilege given to him by the emperor.

Therefore, people in the world have speculated that he must be really ugly and difficult to be elegant, so they cover it up.

Only the original owner who has been with Lanye day and night knows that Lanye is not only not ugly, but also the most beautiful man in the country!
Even if you are not confused, it will add a bit of mature charm.

With just one glance, the original owner fell into a quagmire, unable to extricate himself.

In the past 12 years, Lanye cared for the original master in every possible way and loved him to the fullest. Everything he used was of the highest grade. He learned from everyone and devoted himself to nurturing him, making the original master a model of noble women in Kyoto.

When everyone saw him, they all said that he was unparalleled.

But the day before yesterday, Lanye suddenly found the original owner and asked her to try her best to win the prince's heart, and then seize the fifth prince.

The original owner just woke up from a dream, she is just Lanye's most precious pawn.


Lan Shuang also watched the following plot, and when she saw the ending of the original owner, she couldn't help but sigh: "Ask what love is in the world, if you don't find the right person, you are a waste!"

888 has also seen the plot, and couldn't help but agree: "Isn't it? The last one died and the other went crazy, so it's not a good thing to fall behind."


Lan Shuang was stunned: "Is Lan Ye crazy? Isn't he missing?"

888: "Well, I didn't pass it on to you because those plots didn't help you in your mission. Lanye later lived in seclusion in the mountains, haunted by nightmares. He always felt that the original owner was still alive, and he would go crazy within half a year."

Lan Shuang was silent for a long time and sneered, "The man is dead, so why bother to pretend."

She said what she said in her heart, and it was ridiculous that she really laughed out loud, and she snorted coldly, just in time to be heard by the person who walked in under the moonlight.

The visitor paused slightly, looking at the small bulge on the bed through the tulle, his eyes fluctuated.

"The smell of alcohol is so strong, why is Shuang'er so unhappy?"

The deep and gentle voice blew into the curtain with the cold night wind, Lan Shuang couldn't help but be taken aback.

"Little Baba, when did this person come in? Why didn't you remind me?"

Lan Shuang thought about it quickly, she probably didn't say anything strange.

888: "I forgot, Lan Ye's martial arts is very high, and his lightness skill is excellent. I didn't pay attention to the one who walked without making a sound..."

"Okay, let's see what he wants to do."

Lan Shuang didn't make a sound, just lay there without opening her eyes.

"Jingle Bell--"

The silver bell hanging beside the bed swayed as the bed curtain was pushed aside, making a series of small and ambiguous sounds.

Lan Shuang's heart sank slightly, she could feel that the national teacher was getting closer, what did this person want to do?Didn't you mean foster father?Isn't this too inappropriate?

As soon as this thought came to her mind, someone clamped her jaw violently, with a lot of force, and soon there were red marks.

"Didn't sleep, why won't you look at me?"

Lan Ye's breath was getting closer, and a faint plum fragrance was inexplicably tinged with a bit of chill, blowing towards his face.

Lan Shuang had no choice but to pull herself together, opened her eyes a little, and looked at him with dizzy eyes.

Seeing this, he was stunned, there was no candle in the room, and it was dark everywhere, only the cold moonlight came in from outside the door, illuminating half of Lan Ye's face.

He was sitting beside the bed, dressed in a snow-white robe, with wide sleeves hanging down like a cloud. When he looked down, he looked like a fairy who was compassionate but had no desires.

It's no wonder that the original owner couldn't forget it just by looking at it. Lan Ye is really handsome and not like ordinary people.

No one spoke, their eyes met each other, one was cold and gloomy, the other was blurred and scattered, the autumn wind blew past, and the bed curtains fluttered between them, blurring each other's faces.

Lan Shuang suddenly came back to her senses, she took the lead to look away, lowered her eyes and coughed lightly, raised her hand to rest on Lan Ye's wrist, and pulled it a little harder, "Father, I'm not unhappy, just uncomfortable."

Lan Ye narrowed his eyes, "Really?"

He stared at the red mark on Lan Shuang's chin for a moment, then retracted his hand unhurriedly, and twirled his fingertips under the cover of his wide sleeves, "I thought it was because I let you get close to the prince. Dissatisfied with the matter with the Fifth Prince, so drinking heavily in the mansion, isn't that right?"

His tone was light and fluffy, like a cloud that would disperse when the wind blows, but it could always leave some traces, which was the evidence of seduction.

Lan Shuang silently revised her position in her heart, what kind of immortal in white clothes flutters, this is clearly a vixen.

"My adoptive father gave me this life. If my adoptive father asked me to do things, I dare not complain. Otherwise, what if you don't give me the antidote?"

Lan Shuang turned her face to the inside, not looking at Lan Ye, although her words were calm, but coupled with such a gesture, no matter how you looked at it, she seemed to be throwing a temper tantrum.

Lan Ye was silent for a moment, then chuckled lightly, "The adoptive father is just scaring you."

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows, immediately climbed up the pole, turned to look at him: "Then can I not go?"

Lan Ye smiled: "No, among these two people, one of them will be your husband-in-law in the future, Shuang'er, this is your fate, you have to admit it."

Lan Shuang propped herself up and sat up, leaning against the wall inside, looking at him at the same level, her long hair loose, her eyes cold: "Really? But what if I don't want to accept my fate? Father, what you say today, don't regret it in the future. "

 I wrote it for a long time and the hero didn't show up, I'm guilty!
(End of this chapter)

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