Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 210 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 3

Chapter 210 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 3
The smile on Lanye's lips froze slightly, "What do you mean?"

Lan Shuang smiled: "No intention, I just want to ask my adoptive father if he really thinks it through? The crown prince is the prince of the country. If there is no accident, he will definitely ascend the throne in the future, and the decline of the five princes' mother clan has no one to rely on now. Look at it. Cowardly and incompetent, who does foster father want me to choose?"

Lanye stared deeply at her for a moment, then Shi Shiran got up: "You don't have to worry about it. I will tell you what happens next. What you have to do now is to contact the prince. Three days later, the prince will have a banquet. You have an invitation, and you know what to do."

Lan Shuang had a severe headache, and her temples were throbbing. After sitting for a while, she felt dizzy and nauseated in her stomach.

But she didn't want to show timidity in front of Lanye, she just smiled and said: "Okay."

Seeing her agreeing, Lan Ye turned pale, "You are not feeling well, so go to bed earlier, I will come to see you some other day."

Lan Shuang didn't speak, and immediately jumped up from the bed after he went out, ran to the outside and found a basin, and started to vomit.

Lan Ye, who had just left the door, just heard it. He paused when he was about to go down the steps, and then took it back. He turned his head to look at the closed door, his lips slightly pursed.

The maid came up, "My lord."

Lan Ye regained consciousness and ordered in a low voice: "Go get some water, and let the kitchen make a bowl of hangover soup."


The maid took the orders, and Lan Ye came down the steps. As he walked, he thought about Lan Shuang's every move and the way she looked at him. It seemed to be obedient, but in fact it implied provocation.

Could it be that after getting drunk, his personality changed?
Lan Ye unconsciously twirled his fingers again, the red mark flashed in his mind again, his eyes dimmed, and he walked away quickly.


Lan Shuang felt much more comfortable after vomiting, but felt weak all over her body. She touched her forehead, "Little Baba, why do I feel like I have a fever?"

888: "Host, don't worry, I'll check it for you!"

Lan Shuang sat on the ground and leaned on the stool to calm her breath. After a while, 888 yelled, "Ah! Host, you really have a fever, and it's still a little high. You have to call the doctor!"

Lan Shuang nodded calmly: "I'll just say that it's uncomfortable no matter what."

Just as the maid came in with clear water, she was startled when she saw Lan Shuang sitting on the ground: "Saint, what's wrong with you? It's cold on the ground, don't freeze!"

She put down the basin and went to Fu Lanshuang, Lanshuang's hot body temperature leaked through the thin underwear, and the maid felt bad when she touched it: "Are you feverish?"

"Well, don't panic, go and ask the government doctor to come, and then ask someone to empty the contents of the basin and clean it up."

The maid looked at the basin full of wine and sour water she vomited, and the smell was really unpleasant.

"Yes, this servant will help you to bed first."

"It's work."

Lan Shuang returned to the bed, and the maid covered her with the quilt, wet the veil and wrung it dry, folded it and put it on her forehead, "I will go to the doctor right now, servant girl!"

Lan Shuang couldn't hear what she said clearly at this time, she was drowsy, and she could feel that there were always people coming and going in the room, but they didn't come close, so she didn't take it seriously and let herself fall into a deep sleep .

The maid went to look for Lan Ye, and Lan Ye rushed over immediately after knowing that Lan Shuang had a fever, obviously Lan Shuang was still fine when he left.

"Master National Teacher——"

Lan Ye went back and put on a mask when he came back. When he walked to the door, the maids saluted immediately.

Lan Ye walked past them without even looking at them. Just as he walked into the inner room, the doctor who hurried outside also arrived.

"grown ups!"

The doctor almost bumped into the national teacher, and he quickly saluted after standing still.

The national teacher turned his head to look at him: "Yueying, go and show her."


Yueying came forward with the medicine box, and the maid immediately parted the bed curtain and took out Lan Shuang's hand and put it beside the bed, and put a silk handkerchief on her wrist.

Yueying checked Lanshuang's pulse through the silk handkerchief, and the others did not dare to breathe, and held their breaths.

After a while, Yueying frowned, got up and said: "My lord, the young miss is drinking too much and hurting her spleen and stomach, and she got wind, so she developed a fever. I went to prescribe a prescription and get her to drink it. She drank it for five consecutive days." God, you can recover."

"Remove the heat first."

Lan Ye's voice sounded cold through the mask.


The maid immediately brought the pen and paper, and Yueying wrote quickly. Once the prescription was completed, she immediately gave it to the maid: "Hurry up and fry the medicine, let the kitchen cook a bowl of thicker porridge, and I will pad the lady's stomach in a while."



Everyone got busy, but Lan Shuang fell into a deep sleep and became unconscious.

When she became conscious, she felt someone standing beside the bed.

Thanks to her courage, those who are less courageous may be able to scare half of them away.

"Father is not asleep yet, is he standing here to keep watch for me?"

Lan Shuang's voice was hoarse and low, sickly, which made people worry.

Lan Ye frowned: "You have gone too far this time."

Lan Shuang smiled lightly: "Don't worry, I won't miss anything. It's just the wind and cold. I'll definitely recover in three days. I won't be absent from the prince's banquet."

Lanye: "..."

He snorted softly, shook his sleeves and left, "It's better like this."

Lan Shuang looked at his leaving back with a dazed expression: "Huh?"

She asked 888: "Leave now? Is this person sick? Standing here for a long time just to listen to my sarcasm?"

888 was silent for a while, pinched his chin and said, "I think you are sometimes straight."

Lan Shuang: "???"

It wasn't until the maid came over with the porridge and served her to drink that Lan Shuang suddenly realized: "Look at me, I'm sick and confused, is Lanye worried?"

888: "Yeah, you have figured it out."

Lan Shuang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she lay down slowly, pulled the quilt, "Aren't I not used to it? I haven't been back to the ancient times for a long time, and I forgot that the ancients were so circuitous, and Lan Ye was a leader, so I didn't respond come over."

888 put it bluntly, "I think you're just too lazy to bother with him, right? You don't treat Ross like that. You can tell what kind of jealousy he has if you lick his lips."

Lan Shuang: "..."

She froze for a moment, and then smiled, "Okay, don't tell me if you see it or not, it's a matter of life for a person to live, and his heart is so big. If you give it to one person, you can't tell it apart. The original owner Ai Lanye , but I don't love him, so - what does he think, what does it have to do with me?"

"Saint, the medicine is here."

Lan Shuang lay drowsy on the bed. The maid came in with a medicine bowl. Lan Shuang touched her stomach. The porridge hadn't been digested yet. If she wanted to drink such a bowl of medicine again, would she still be able to sleep tonight? ?
"Master Moon Shadow's medicine is very effective. The saint will recover soon after drinking it, so don't worry."

Seeing her in a daze and not drinking, the maid thought she was worried. Lan Shuang shook her head without explaining. She sat up and took the bowl and asked 888: "Little Baba, is it poisonous?"

888 checked it and said, "No, the host can rest assured."

"En." Lan Shuang picked up the bowl and drank it down, staring blankly at the maid.

 Lanye: The wild fire is endless, and the spring breeze blows the wild

(End of this chapter)

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