Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 212 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 5

Chapter 212 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 5
Xin Wujiang withdrew his gaze and looked forward, his tone was a little softer than when he was in the Fifth Prince's Mansion before: "Going around the kilns in the south of the Yangtze River to fight cocks and crickets, you have a chic life like a dude."

Xin Wubian shook his body, then raised his head to look at him in fear: "That... I just said that, how dare I? If I really did it, let alone father, you can beat me half to death, right? Don't you do it to confuse the world..."

As he spoke, he felt aggrieved, and said in a low voice: "One family and two generals are enough to make people fearful. If I try to be more ambitious, the emperor will definitely be so worried that he can't sleep. Isn't this something we can't help?"

Xin Wujiang frowned, then relaxed it, and sighed inaudibly: "These years..."

Xin Wujiang raised his head to look at him, and Xin Wujiang said in a deep voice, "I'm sorry for you."

Xin Wubian's eyes turned red instantly, "Brother..."

Xin Wujiang raised his hand to stop him, and didn't let him continue to say those sour words, he just said: "You are not too young now, Dad is thinking about marrying you, and when you get married, you don't need to pretend to be a dude anymore, just take care of yourself." Just live your life, if you continue to pretend, no one will marry your daughter to you."

"What about me? I'm only twenty, and you're already 22. You're not married yet. Dad should be more anxious, right?"

Xin Wubian suddenly became interested, leaned close to Xin Wujiang and used his elbow to abduct him: "Hey, brother, you are already old, don't you have a girl you like?"

He glanced down suspiciously: "You don't have a disease in that area, do you?"

Xin Wujiang: "..."

Sure enough, you can't give this younger brother a good look, otherwise he will show you what it means to not fight for three days and go to the house to expose the tiles!
Not only did he go to the house to expose the tiles, he also kicked his nose to his face!
"Why don't you ask a doctor to take a look at you another day?"

Xin Wujiang: "..."


After a while, Xin Wujiang's voice came from the carriage: "Stop!"

The driver didn't dare to ask, he stopped the car directly, and then...

"Hey, brother, what are you doing?"

Xin Wubian was pulled out of the car by Xin Wujiang's ears.


Xin Wujiang said to the driver: "Let him walk back by himself."

Driver: "..."

He glanced at the second young master sympathetically, and immediately sat back in the carriage: "Drive—"

Xin Boundless: "..."

"elder brother?"

"Brother! Did you really just leave me behind?"

"elder brother!"

Xin Wubian wanted to cry but had no tears.

Fortunately, this place is not far from the General's Mansion, and it will take less than a quarter of an hour to walk back.

It's just that it's still quite cold outside, his brother is so ruthless!
It must be because he talked about his pain, so he became angry from embarrassment!Sure enough, he still has a problem with that.

Xin Wubian thought anxiously, "It's not a solution to hide illness and avoid medical treatment, why don't we go back and ask dad to persuade elder brother?"


On the prince's 25th birthday, he didn't make a big deal, because there were many disasters this year, and the people were suffering. It would be unreasonable for him to hold a big banquet. A few tables were set up in the mansion, and brothers and sisters or young ladies who were close to him were invited to gather together, and it was over.

He also sent invitations to the national teacher and Lan Shuang, and he sent them in two, the thoughts in it are self-evident.

Lan Shuang was woken up by the maids early in the morning, put on the moon-white hollowed-out gold silk butterfly dress, and sat in front of the vanity mirror to dress up carefully.

The bun is high, embellished with pearls and emeralds, which is beautiful and not vulgar.

The earrings are a set of jade beads wrapped around gold threads, which look beautiful, gentle and elegant.

She looked at herself in the mirror, and the maid was also looking at her. After a moment of hesitation, she said, "The saint's face is too beautiful, heavy makeup will make her look sharp, why don't you change the shape of her eyebrows?"

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows: "Why do you want to change it so sharply?"

"This..." The maids looked at each other in blank dismay, "Because the Master of the State Teacher doesn't like it, that's what the Holy Maiden said before."

Lan Shuang smiled: "No, I don't want to dress up like that now, give me Luo Zidai."

The maids dare not disobey her orders. Everyone in the National Teacher's Mansion knows that there are only two masters in this mansion, the National Teacher and the Holy Maiden.

Lan Shuang took Luo Zidai and lightly traced on her slender eyebrows. Originally, she drew willow-leaf eyebrows, which looked gentler, but now she didn't bother to draw them again according to the original eyebrow shape. Point, eyebrows like distant mountains, dignified atmosphere.

The rest of the makeup was also painted by herself. She was already white without powder, so she didn't need to do anything extra. She just put on some lip balm to make her complexion better, and then put a pen on the center of her brows, and it was complete.

"Okay, let's go."

Lan Shuang got up, the sky-blue cloak was hanging down at the crook of her arms, and when she walked out, she happened to meet Lan Ye who was going up the steps.

Lan Shuang glanced at him. He was wearing a bronze mask and a white robe today, and he looked the same as before.


Lan Shuang bowed to him.

When she bent her knees, Lan Ye was slightly stunned, a moment of astonishment flashed in her eyes, "You are...unusual today."

Lan Shuang straightened up, smiled without saying a word.

Lanye: "..."

He took a deep look at Lan Shuang, turned around and said, "The chariot is ready, let's go."


After going out and seeing the two sedan chairs, Lan Shuang couldn't help but said to 888: "Should I be said to be a national teacher who is used to playing tricks? Isn't this sedan chair too coquettish?"

The national teacher's sedan chair was bigger than hers, and it was parked in front, with white gauze hanging on the four corners, and golden bells hanging from the eaves, when the wind blew, the gauze danced, and the bell sounded crisp and clear.

Her sedan chair was roughly the same as his, except that there were no strings of bells, but four sachets instead, and an elegant fragrance could be smelled before approaching.

With the help of the maid, Lan Shuang got into the sedan chair, and after sitting down, she felt that she had been sublimated.

"Get up the car—"

Someone yelled, and then the waiter in white lifted the sedan chair and walked forward steadily.

Lan Shuang's gaze suddenly became higher. She watched the people on both sides of the road throwing all kinds of eyes at her, and listening to their discussions, she felt an inexplicable sense of illusion.

And just as the sedan chair turned a corner, a horse ran out from the other side of the street.



The street after the turn was a bit narrow, and the national teacher's sedan chair and guard of honor took up most of it. The man was riding a horse at a fast speed, and almost collided with Lan Shuang's sedan chair.

The person who carried the sedan chair quickly dodged, and the person on the horse also pulled the rein: "Woo——"

Lan Shuang was bumped and almost thrown out!
She hurriedly held on to one armrest, opened the car curtain and looked over, wanting to see who was so reckless.

Coincidentally, the person immediately looked down.

Looking at each other, Lan Shuang froze for a moment.

The young man was full of vigor, his phoenix eyes were sharp, and his whole body was full of chilling intent. He was not an ordinary person at first glance.

There was a mole that she was very familiar with on that face that seemed to be carefully carved.

It's him!

 Mom's big boy finally came out, mom is pleased

(End of this chapter)

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