Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 213 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 6

Chapter 213 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 6
Lan Shuang's eyes moved slightly, and then she smiled at Xin Wujiang: "The road is narrow, you should go first."

Xin Wujiang's intended apology got stuck in his mouth.

He frowned and looked at Lan Shuang for a moment, for some reason he always felt that she had a kind face, especially the moment when she smiled.

The girl's face was still full of greenness, delicate and beautiful like a flower that is about to bloom, but there is a bit of stubbornness and carelessness hidden in those eyes, this is not a delicate flower, but a bloody manzhu.

not simple.

This is Xin Wujiang's first impression of Lanshuang.

He raised his eyes to look at her sedan chair, then looked at the frame in front of her and stopped, and couldn't help frowning: "I was the one who collided first, so there is no reason for me to go first, please—"

He reined in the horse and stood aside, Lan Shuang didn't force it, "In that case, let's go ahead first, thank you."

She turned to the guard of honor and said, "Continue."

Seeing that she didn't pursue the matter, the members of the guard of honor didn't cause any trouble, and continued to move forward with the sedan chair.

Soon the mighty team moved away, and the road became open again.

Xin Wujiang watched the team leave with a slightly condensed expression, "It turned out to be someone from the National Teacher's Mansion."

Then she is the famous saint who was raised by the national teacher in the mansion?

this direction...

Xin Wujiang's eyes flickered, and he immediately galloped up to follow.


The moment the sedan chair was lifted, the smile on Lan Shuang's face froze, and she frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

It doesn't look like he is pretending, does he have no memory in this life?
Although he had been pretending to be innocent in the last life, she could still detect some clues from his small details, tone of voice and the way he looked at her, especially when he went home with Rose, he hooked her finger .

But in that world, there is no such thing as a finger hook agreement.

Her previous suspicion got the most powerful evidence at that moment, so she was sure that Ross in the previous life had recovered her memory. As for how much she recovered, she didn't know how much he had recovered. Why didn't she act with him?

Lan Shuang sighed, resting her head on one hand, feeling a little bad.

Not sure if they can be together in the end, they don't intend to pierce the layer of window paper, they just want to enjoy the present moment, their hearts are the same in this regard.

But after knowing that he lost his memory in this life, she was still somewhat lost, and had to start over again.

"Host, why are you in a bad mood?"

888 stared at the screen, and found that Lan Shuang's mood fluctuated a bit, so he couldn't help asking.

Lan Shuang shook her head: "It's nothing, the one just now is the fourth man, right?"

"What is the fourth one...ah!" 888 remembered the Shura field that he and Lan Shuang liked to joke about before, and couldn't help laughing: "Yeah, he helped the five emperors' womb change, and almost killed the national teacher in the end." Man, the last scene the original owner saw before he died was him slowly walking in from outside the palace."

"Is that so..."

Lan Shuang nodded, "It's really pretty, young general, handsome and romantic."

She thought back to his cold face, and couldn't help but smile, from the beginning to the beginning, who made herself like it?

Think so much about what to do, life is impermanent, happy day is a day, there is no time to waste, love should be early.

Her mood suddenly improved again, 888 looked at the emotional curve like a roller coaster, couldn't help but scratched her hair, and asked in confusion: "Master, your mood changes too fast, right? Are human beings so complicated? Why are you suddenly happy again?"

Lan Shuang smiled and nodded her face: "Well, I am happy because I am happy."


Come on, someone is bullying the system!

The crown prince's birthday banquet was not held in the East Palace this time, but in a private residence, also to avoid the discomfort of being stared at by others.

The private house here is called Qianju Garden. As the name suggests, it is full of chrysanthemums of various colors. Now this season is a good time to appreciate chrysanthemums.

There are two big pots of golden pots outside the gate of the mansion, which are really gratifying to look at.

The sedan chair stopped steadily, and the attendants at the door saw that it was the national teacher, and immediately went forward to meet him, "Welcome the national teacher."

The sedan chair curtain was lifted by a white-clothed waiter, and Lan Ye was rushed out of the sedan chair wearing a bronze beast mask, and her snow-white robes fell like waves, not stained with dust.

His glazed eyes fell on the prince's entourage, and he nodded slightly: "His Royal Highness invites you, of course he will come."

The attendant smiled obsequiously, and when he rolled his eyes, he saw the sedan chair behind him rushing up and down.

White skirt and light gauze, golden butterfly wearing flowers, face like frost and snow, color like peach blossom.

It's as beautiful as the Nine Heavens Xuannv descending to earth, and the eyes of the entourage are straight.

Lan Ye frowned indistinctly, turned to face Lan Shuang and said, "Shuang'er."

Lan Shuang looked at him and smiled, "Father."

The entourage immediately reacted, and bowed their hands: "I don't know where the fairy came from. She was originally a saint. Disrespect and disrespect."

Lan Shuang nodded slightly.

"The two of you, please—His Royal Highness has been waiting in the hall for a long time."

The entourage hurriedly asked people to invite the national teacher and Lan Shuang in, while he continued to stand at the door to greet the guests.

As soon as Lan Shuang stepped over the threshold, she heard the voice of her entourage with a bit of surprise, "General Xin!"

With a thought in her mind, Lan Shuang suddenly stopped and looked back, and saw Xin Wujiang riding a horse to the door, reining in the reins, turning over and dismounting, his movements were clean and neat.

"General Xin..."

Lan Shuang murmured in a low voice, but was overheard by Xin Wujiang, who suddenly looked over with sharp eyes.

Lan Shuang was taken aback, she was so fierce.

Seeing that it was her, Xin Wujiang was also taken aback for a moment, then he frowned and nodded at her.

Seeing that Lan Shuang didn't leave, Lan Ye turned around suspiciously, and saw her looking at Xin Wujiang, his face under the mask sank slightly, and he coughed lightly: "Shuang'er, don't keep the prince waiting."

Lan Shuang rolled her eyes in her heart, who made him wait?Did I make him wait?Besides, I didn't promise to do anything with him.

She smiled and walked to Lanye, "Got it."

Lan Ye gave her a heavy look, and couldn't help telling her again: "Don't be willful."

"Father, don't worry. I know what I'm doing and what I'm going to do. My life is still in your hands, so I won't act rashly."

Lan Shuang's words choked Lan Ye back.

Lan Ye held her breath and led her to the main hall.


The crown prince was sitting on the main seat at this time, chatting with the crown princess, and there were several young masters and ladies sitting below.

It is more open than the national style. At private banquets, the defense between men and women is not so serious, so everyone will sit in the same room without embarrassment.

In addition, they are all acquaintances, and they talk to each other fairly harmoniously.

However, this harmony was maintained until the national teacher came in.

"The national teacher has arrived—" the eunuch shouted, and then the main hall fell silent, and everyone looked at each other, exchanging some kind of information.

 I have already thought of a small theater in this world, called Xin Wujiang Zhenxiang Notes.

  Early Xin Wujiang: What is a woman?trouble.

  Later Xin Wujiang: Madame smells so good!
(End of this chapter)

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