Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 214 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 7

Chapter 214 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 7
The Crown Prince and the Crown Princess looked at each other, and the Crown Princess got up and said, "It's rare for the national teacher to come. I heard that he never likes such excitement."

The prince nodded, a bit of calculation flashed in his eyes.

"Lanye has met His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince's concubine."

After the national teacher came in, no one looked at him, he saluted the prince and princess, and straightened up without them saying anything.

The concubine's face showed fear, but it was only for a moment, and before Lan Ye looked over, she lowered her eyes to cover her past.

"Guo Gu is really happy to be able to come."

As the prince said, his gaze crossed Lan Ye and landed on Lan Shuang beside him. He couldn't help being startled, and asked in a soft voice: "This is the saint? It looks different from a few years ago."

Lan Ye hooked her lips: "Shuang'er lives in seclusion all year round, it's normal for His Highness to feel unfamiliar, Shuang'er—"

Lan Shuang took a step forward, bowed to the crown prince and princess concubine, and greeted the prince and concubine in a neither humble nor overbearing way: "My daughter, Lan Shuang, has met His Royal Highness, the concubine."

She is not as presumptuous as Lanye, the princess is more pleasing to the eye, but it is only pleasing to the eye.

"I remember that the last time I saw the saint was three years ago. I caught a glimpse at the palace banquet. At that time, I was shocked. I didn't expect that three years later, the saint became more and more beautiful."

The princess raised her hand, "The saint is exempt."

Only then did Lan Shuang straighten up, and smiled gently at the Crown Princess, "Naturally, I can't compare to your majesty's grace and grandeur."

The Crown Princess felt at ease, and the smile on her face became more sincere. The Crown Prince looked at it calmly, and seeing that the Crown Princess had finished speaking, he waved his hand and said, "Come here, give seats to the Imperial Teacher and the Holy Maiden."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Lan Ye and Lan Shuang were seated, Lan Ye sat on the man's side, and Lan Shuang sat on the woman's side. The women couldn't help secretly looking at Lan Shuang, but they didn't dare to look at Lan Ye blatantly.

The national teacher is notoriously moody, cloudy and sunny, but he is deeply favored by His Majesty, if he is provoked, he will not know where his head will be tomorrow.

"Today is His Highness's birthday, so I should come here. The chrysanthemums in His Highness's garden are blooming very well, and I am very happy about it."

The prince smiled and said: "It's good that the national teacher likes it. It took me several years to raise it."

He didn't raise him for nothing, he just decided the place here because he knew that the national teacher liked him. Now that the man is here, it's not in vain that he put so much thought into it.

Lan Ye smiled: "Your Highness has a heart."

The four eyes met, and some kind of secret thoughts were clearly revealed.

Lan Shuang sat in the last seat and watched, watching the nose, nose and mouth, and dutifully pretended to be a sculpture.

In fact, I complained to 888 in my heart: "Look, ancient times are troublesome, everyone here is a genius, there must be 9999 minds in this room!"

888 was puzzled: "Which one is missing?"

Lan Shuang: "Hehe, the prince's."


"He thought he was catching the national teacher, but he didn't know that all of this was in the national teacher's plan. It was the national teacher who was catching him! Big fool, he is still complacent."

Lan Shuang sighed in her heart, "Poor."


"General Xin arrived—"

When the prince was about to get close to the national teacher again, the eunuch yelled again.

Now everyone reacted, especially the women, everyone became excited like chicken blood, but after all, it is a noble woman, the excitement can only be seen from the corners of the eyes and brows, and the actions and words dare not be too presumptuous .

At most, he would straighten his collar, straighten his cuffs, and then touch his hair to see if there was any mess.

The Crown Princess had a panoramic view of all this, and whispered in the Prince's ear, "General Xin is very popular."

The prince nodded, but the meaning of the smile was unclear.

The young masters also turned their heads to look, Xin Wujiang just walked in under the eyes of the whole room.

His steps were steady, his figure was tall, and he looked even more majestic when he came against the light.

Seeing that he didn't feel much on the horse before, Lan Shuang realized that Xin Wujiang was really tall after sitting and standing now. In modern times, he is simply a standard male model.

He is 1.9 meters tall, with slender waist, long legs and wide shoulders. His arms are smooth, not too slender, but not too thick. He is very powerful at first glance.

Wearing a black robe, the whole person is tall and straight, handsome and extraordinary.

No wonder these ladies are so excited.

Lan Shuang thought silently, even if she watched it ten thousand times, she would still be moved.

"The last general, Xin Wujiang, has met His Royal Highness, the Crown Princess."

He clasped his fists to salute, the prince stood up to greet him, and gave him a vain support: "What wind brought Wujiang here, don't you never attend banquets?"

Compared to the prince's enthusiasm and intimacy, Xin Wujiang seemed much colder, "My father is not feeling well, so the last general came here to give a congratulatory gift, and by the way, look a little bit boundless."

The prince didn't feel embarrassed, he already knew Xin Wujiang's temperament, and patted him on the shoulder with a smile, "Wubian's temperament is indeed too lively, you have worked hard as a brother."

The corners of Xin Wujiang's lips twitched slightly, revealing a little smile: "The last will be the elder brother, and the elder brother is like a father, so naturally he should take care of the younger brother."

These words touched the prince's heart, "Yes, elder brother, hahahahahahaha!"

"sit down."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Xin Wujiang walked to the last seat and sat down, just opposite to Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang saw him and smiled at him.

Xin Wujiang frowned inexplicably, why did he laugh every time he saw him?

Lan Shuang didn't know what was going on in his heart, she smiled and looked away, looking at the prince above, but unexpectedly, Xin Wujiang's expression was even more inexplicable.

She really came for the prince?

The crown prince and princess concubine took the national teacher to say a few words, and soon the topic turned to Xin Wujiang again.

"It's rare for Wujiang to return to Beijing. Now the border is stable. There should be no war in a year or so. Wujiang can stay in Beijing for a few more days."

Lan Ye also turned his head to look in Xin Wujiang's direction. Xin Wujiang lowered his eyes and said indifferently: "If there is a war, the general will come out without invitation. If there is no war, it will be the same wherever the general is."

Lan Ye narrowed his eyes.

This Xin Wujiang, a young general, is well-known and has a large army in his hands. Everyone wants to curry favor with him, including the crown prince.

If the crown prince wins Xin Wujiang over, his side will appear to be dispensable, which is very unfavorable to him.

His eyes slid over Lan Shuang, whose head was half down, and his previous decision was further strengthened.

"That's right, but Wujiang is already in his twenties this year, and it's time to start a family. I wonder if the old general can find a marriage for Wujiang? Or, does Wujiang have a girl he likes?"

The prince's tone was natural, as if he was chatting with his brother.

All of you here are human beings, how can you not understand the key to this?

For a moment, the men showed envy, but the women felt a little disappointed.

The crown prince misses Xin Wujiang, so to win him over, he must introduce someone from his natal family or the crown princess's natal family to him, they are probably useless.

Only Lan Shuang was in a delicate mood.

how to say?Lan Ye asked her to seduce the prince, but she only wanted to seduce Xin Wujiang, and the prince was thinking of making a connection for Xin Wujiang, so what was she? !

Are you being taken advantage of?

Is it okay to let him get on the line?

Lan Shuang gritted her teeth, no one should try to steal her!
What is it to be a prince, she wants to be a general!

 Do it!Hurry up!

(End of this chapter)

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