Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 217 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 10

Chapter 217 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 10
After handing over the sultry instructions to 888, Lan Shuang unscrewed the ointment and squeezed out a little to apply on her neck. It was a bit cool just after applying it, but it turned into a slight heat after a while. Feeling completely gone, Lan Shuang looked down at the lake, and the marks on her neck were gone.

"Okay, go back."

Lan Shuang handed the ointment to 888 for safekeeping, turned around and went back easily.

She had been away for a long time, and when she was seated, someone asked her where she had been.

She was a little embarrassed and said: "I came to Juyuan for the first time. I wanted to go to get some fresh air, but I lost my way while walking. It took me a long time to find it."

The others smiled contentedly when they heard this, "Yes, it's easy to get lost in such a big garden without a guide, just come back."

Everyone didn't take it seriously and continued watching the show.

Seeing that the male guests were lively and chattering, Lan Shuang couldn't help asking: "What's the matter? What are you talking about over there?"

A girl in pink beside her said: "Hey, I don't know how late you came back. The princess and concubine vomited just now. I asked the imperial doctor to have a look and said that she is happy."

"Really?" Lan Shuang said with a smile: "That's really a happy event, just in time for His Royal Highness's birthday, really double happiness."

"That's not it!" The girls were quite envious: "His Royal Highness was very happy when he found out. This child is blessed at first glance. Regardless of gender, he will definitely be loved in the future."

Lan Shuang's eyes fell on the crown princess who was surrounded by people not far away to say hello, and she was smiling and rubbing her belly with her hands. The joy of being a first-time mother made her look even more beautiful.

"It's a good thing I didn't listen to Lan Ye's advice to hook up with the prince, otherwise it would be a crime."

Lan Shuang thought with lingering fear.

888: "Host, don't think about it. You will return home later, how will you explain to the national teacher?"

"Take a step to see." Lan Shuang said helplessly: "The wish of the original owner is really abstract, and there is a limit to what I can do."

"That's true..." 888 rubbed his little chin thoughtfully.

Because the crown princess was found to be pregnant suddenly, the birthday banquet ended a little earlier, and when they were sent away, the crown prince took the crown princess directly into the palace to announce the good news to the emperor and queen.

The prince is now twenty-five years old, but he has never had anything under his knees, because the princess is not pregnant, and the queen doesn't like concubines, so no one else is allowed to conceive before the princess is pregnant.

As a result, not only the prince is under great pressure, but the princess is also uncomfortable. The two of them have been looking forward to the child for two years, but it can be regarded as having it.

The emperor and empress were also overjoyed when they received the news. Not to mention a lot of rewards to the princess, the empress even assigned her confidants to serve the princess and ensure the safety of the mother and child.


"...That's it, the crown prince is following suit, this is the emperor's eldest grandson!"

The confidant reported to Lanye, and Lanye's eyes were heavy after listening: "Oh, the eldest grandson."

Whether it can be born or not is another matter.

He lowered his eyes, and the white piece in his hand landed on the chessboard with a "da", "Go down."


As soon as the confidant opened the door, he saw Lan Shuang standing at the door. Lan Shuang raised her hand, as if she was about to knock on the door. The two looked at each other, and the confidant hurriedly cupped her hands at Lan Shuang: "Saint."

"Well, are you finished? Can I go in?"

Lan Ye heard it from inside the house, and raised his voice, "Come in."

The confidant nodded at Lan Shuang, and left quickly. Lan Shuang took a deep breath, walked in, and then closed the door behind her backhand.

It was already evening, the sun was setting, the room was dark, and when Lan Shuang walked in, she saw Lan Ye sitting on the couch by the window playing chess with herself.

On the chessboard, black and white pieces are fighting fiercely, refusing to give up an inch, and have reached a stalemate.

Lan Ye was twisting a sunspot in his hand, and it didn't fall off for a long time. Half of his face was hidden in the dark, and half of his face was bathed in the afterglow of the setting sun, which made his expression cold and gloomy.

Lan Shuang came over and bowed to him: "Father."

Lan Ye didn't lift his eyelids, and said coldly, "Lan Shuang, your wings are stiff."

Lan Shuang pursed her lips: "Why did foster father say that?"


He chuckled lightly, and Heizi fell down, completely falling into a dead end.

After looking at it for a while, he suddenly flicked his sleeves and overturned the chessboard.

Heizi and Baizi rolled all over the ground, crackling, and one fell on Lan Shuang's feet. She lowered her eyes and said, "The foster father is so angry because I didn't go to see the prince?"

Lan Ye's eyes were as sharp as a knife: "Since you know, why don't you go? Do you think I'm reluctant to touch you?"

"Don't dare, I feel that I don't have such a high status in the heart of my adoptive father, so how dare I be proud of my favor?"

Lan Shuang raised her head and said with a half-smile.

Lan Ye's breath was slightly heavy, and he just looked at her like this.

Lan Shuang refused to give an inch, let him watch, the two faced each other silently for a moment, and it was Lan Ye who spoke first, "So what do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything. My life is in the hands of my adoptive father. It's easy for my adoptive father to kill me. He keeps me because the pawns are hard to keep and I can't give up easily. I understand all this."

Lan Shuang picked up a chess piece and looked at the light, then said softly, "What should I do? I can be a knife in your hand, but I don't want to be a plaything in a man's hand."

"Seduce the crown prince or other princes, and provoke their fights. I don't think I have the ability to cause trouble. If my foster father insists on me doing it, I'd rather die."

As she spoke, she squeezed the chess pieces hard with one hand, and with a twist of her thumb, they turned into fine powder and fell down one after another.

Lan Ye's eyes were fixed: "Your martial arts have not fallen at all in these years."

"If a woman wants to stand in this world, she must have some skills." Lan Shuang smiled indifferently.

Lan Ye laughed inexplicably when he heard the words, and then fell silent again.

Lan Shuang didn't rush him and just stood there.

After a long time, Lan Ye got up and walked in front of Lan Shuang, the room became darker and darker, and it was almost impossible to see people clearly.

But Lan Shuang could feel Lan Ye approaching every step of the way. He reached out and clamped Lan Shuang's chin, forcing her to look directly at him: "So you would rather die than attack the prince?"

"The princess is pregnant, so I won't do such a wicked thing."

Lan Shuang was firm.

Lan Ye sneered: "Okay, then you can go and explain to the prince yourself, I will not interfere in this matter again, without the protection of the National Teacher's Office, I will see how you stand."

After speaking, he let go of Lan Shuang and strode away.

Lan Shuang touched her chin and raised her eyebrows: "You can solve it yourself."

After Lan Ye left the room, he went to the study and called the maid who served Lan Shuang: "Is there anything unusual about the saint recently? Have you seen anyone?"

The maid thought about it blankly, then shook her head and said, "The saint has never been out of the house these days, nor has she seen anyone. The only thing that can be considered abnormal is that she suddenly made an exception and got drunk."

(End of this chapter)

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