Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 218 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 11

Chapter 218 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 11
Lan Ye frowned. It was the first time he told Lan Shuang about her mission and what she should do as a pawn. At that time, her eyes were hurt, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that the sky fell and the earth fell.

After all, in the past ten years or so, he really doted on her, held and protected her like a pearl in his palm, and suddenly revealed the truth, it was really cruel.

But... cruelty is real, isn't it?
Lanye leaned back in his chair and fell into deep thought. He never felt that there was anything wrong with what he did. He would do whatever was beneficial to his revenge. To him, everyone was only useful or useless.


It is a special case in many cases, so it is because I have indulged her too much and made her delusional?

Lan Ye pinched his eyebrows.

She's playing against herself now, just out of anger, right?

The maid looked at Lanye anxiously, "My lord..."

"Look at the saint, if she is going out or meeting someone, please come and tell me immediately."


Lan Ye waved his hand, and the maid went back.

"Forget it, when she suffers outside, she should learn to be good." Lan Ye whispered to himself, put one hand on his eyes, and rested against the back of the chair.


After Lan Shuang went back, she fell into a deep sleep without heart or lungs. Wasn't she just explaining to the prince?The prince will talk to her again, and if he doesn't look for her, it will be nothing.

It is impossible for the prince to go to the street and yell: The saint has released Gu's pigeons, she is disrespectful to Gu, and Gu is very angry!Why doesn't she hook up with Gu?
Thinking of it, there were pictures in Lan Shuang's mind, and she couldn't help laughing after waking up.

The maid looked at her and was still laughing while eating, and couldn't help but ask, "What good happened to the saint? Why are you so happy?"

Lan Shuang took a sip of tea, rinsed her mouth and said, "It's nothing, I just had a very interesting dream."

The maid wanted to ask, but Lan Shuang had already looked away, obviously not intending to continue, so they kept their mouths shut.

With nothing else to do, Lan Shuang went to her small study room to find some books to read, but after searching for a long time, she found all the four books and five classics, all kinds of history books, not a single dishonest one.

"Oh..." Lan Shuang supported the shelf and sighed: "It's really boring."

888: "Aren't these books bad? If the host wants to read them, you can make do with them, right?"

Lan Shuang: "I am a person with normal higher education. I have read enough serious books. Why do I have to suffer this kind of torture when I go back to ancient times? I just want to read something relaxing and happy."

As she spoke, she sighed again: "Forget it, I'll go out and buy it myself."

As soon as she said go, she talked to the maid, and they all left the courtyard, but Lan Ye suddenly sent someone: "Holy lady, Mr. National Teacher, please go to the prince's house and let the saint girl go to greet the prince. .”

The smile on Lan Shuang's face disappeared instantly.

What about letting her solve it by herself?

What does it mean to lead someone to the door?
Seeing that Lan Shuang didn't move, the waiter in white said in embarrassment: "The national teacher said, if you don't go, you don't have to go out in the future."

"Oh, just go." Lan Shuang waved her hand and said to the maid, "Go and buy some books for me."

"What book does the saint want?"

Lan Shuang smiled and said: "Fengyue storybooks, the writing should be delicate and the plot smooth, and the illustrations are the best, but the paintings should be well-crafted, and there is no human figure."



Is it really okay for you to be so arrogant?
The waiter didn't even dare to look at Lan Shuang anymore, he had to tell Master Guoshi about this later!

Lan Shuang followed the waiter all the way to the garden. The garden was full of chrysanthemums of various colors, but it was similar to the chrysanthemum garden.

Before she got close, she heard the prince's hearty laughter, "Borrow the auspicious words from the teacher! My son will be rich and powerful, and he will be safe and sound!"

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows, she still looked like a father.

Lanye said softly: "The emperor himself is blessed."

The prince loves to hear these words, he can't stop smiling from ear to ear.

Lan Shuang walked in gently, bowed to the two of them and saluted: "His Royal Highness, foster father."

"Shuang'er is here." Lan Ye replied in a neutral voice.

The prince squinted at Lan Shuang, with a slight smile, unable to distinguish between emotions and anger.

Biansheng Lanye stood up and said, "I still have some good tea here, which tastes very unique. Your Highness, sit down for a while, and I will make a pot."


The prince and the national teacher looked at each other, tacit understanding.

Lan Shuang knew that she couldn't escape this test, so she calmed down.

After Lanye left, the prince said coldly, "Excuse me."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Lan Shuang stood still, and the prince waited for a long time to see that she didn't speak, and his heart became more and more annoyed: "The saint is so arrogant, she is alone here, and you don't even want to say a word?"

"The courtier thinks that His Highness is unhappy, so she dare not speak nonsense, so as not to hurt her peace."

"Heh, you are eloquent at the moment, so Gu wants to ask you, do you know why Gu is unhappy?"

The prince sized her up presumptuously, Lan Shuang smiled: "I know."

If a wise person doesn't speak foolish words and fool the crown prince, that's a dead end. In this dynasty, she has no one to rely on, and no one can afford to offend her.

So when it's time to converge, you still have to converge.

Lan Shuang knows better than anyone what it means to judge the situation.

"Huh?" The prince didn't expect her to say that, raised his eyebrows, and waited for her next words.

Lan Shuang didn't go around in circles, and said directly: "I don't know what the adoptive father told His Highness, but the adoptive father asked the courtier's daughter to see His Highness, and the courtier went, but..."

She lowered her head shyly and said in a low voice: "I didn't want to attract others' attention, so I didn't let the maid follow. As a result, I overestimated myself, and after walking for a long time... lost, lost, in the garden After going around for several times, I couldn't find His Highness, so I guessed that His Highness might not be able to wait to go back, so he had to go back the same way."

Lan Shuang spoke with sincerity, and even raised her eyes to look at the prince, "Your Highness, I really didn't do it on purpose."

Prince: "..."

"Lost? Where have you been?"

He still didn't believe it, but felt that Lan Shuang didn't have the guts or necessity to lie to him.

Lan Shuang pretended to be thinking and said: "It's a lake. I walked along the lake and saw two forks. I saw that the west side was more spacious, so I went west, and then went around to a deserted place. There was a large area over there. Pear tree."

Hearing this, the prince understood: "You have gone to Xiqingyuan."

The place Xiqingyuan agreed with them is indeed a little far away, and if you walk from the Koi Lake, it's easy to go wrong if you don't know the way.

The prince replied eighty-nine points to the letter, and said helplessly, "You—"

Lan Shuang smiled: "My daughter wanted to apologize to His Highness, but at that time His Highness and the Crown Princess were busy, and it was not easy for my daughter to bother you, so it dragged on until today."

"So you asked the national teacher to invite Gu?"

The prince thought he had seen through Lan Shuang's mind, but Lan Shuang just smiled and said nothing.

You think it is what you think, anyway, the national teacher will not deny it.

The prince saw her smiling face like a flower, and his heart moved, "Then do you know what Gu means?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to pull Lanshuang.

 High-energy early warning of Lanzhou University flickering ahead!
  Digression: Recently, the book city has changed the scoring mechanism, maybe?

  Then my rating fell like jumping off a cliff, so please move your fingers and give me a five-star, humble kneel down.jpg
(End of this chapter)

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