Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 219 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 12

Chapter 219 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 12
Lan Shuang rolled her eyes violently in her heart, forget about being wretched!

888 is also quite disgusted: "The prince is lustful by nature, but because in this position, the emperor and queen are pressing down, and the princess is watching, so nothing has happened, but in fact, the beautiful maids in the East Palace are all I have been troubled by him all over the place, host, you have to be careful!"

Lan Shuang reassured him: "Don't worry, although I can't directly slap him, I can fool him."

888: "Well, I'm assured of your ability to fool people."

Lan Da's flickering is not bragging!

Seeing that Lan Shuang didn't hide, the prince became more courageous. Seeing that his fingertips were about to touch Lan Shuang's hand, Lan Shuang suddenly took a step back to avoid it.

The prince's eyes suddenly sank: "Saint?"

Lan Shuang bowed to him, and asked sternly: "What is your Highness going to do?"

Her face was too serious, and she directly confused the prince: "Gu..."

"Your Highness!" Lan Shuang interrupted him, straightened up, looked at him neither humble nor overbearing, and said in a deep voice: "This is the National Teacher's Mansion, not the East Palace, and the maid is a saint, not His Highness's concubine. Your Highness stretched out her hand to think If someone sees the courtier's daughter, how will His Highness's name survive?"

The prince frowned: "How can there be people here? Isn't it all already..."

"What if?"

Lan Shuang sighed: "How can His Majesty's eyes be caught by the posture of the court lady Pu Liu? The damage to the court lady's reputation is small, but the damage to His Highness's reputation is big. If it is spread, how will His Highness gain a foothold in the court?"

Prince: "...this..."

He was a little hesitant, as if it was the same reason, but it's not that serious, right?

"I like a woman alone, and the two love each other, why not?"

The prince didn't have the confidence to ask.

Lan Shuang continued to work hard, put on an earnest look, and said persuasively, "Your Highness, now is the critical moment, don't lose the big because of small things."

"If a courtier follows His Highness in such an unreasonable manner, it is not only self-deprecating, but also an insult to His Highness! But how can a girl from a good family who knows how to behave privately and flirt with other men? Seeing such a girl, will His Highness still think her well?"

The prince honestly shook his head.

"That's it. The minister respects His Highness, and naturally hopes to enter the East Palace with a clean body. Now is not a good time. The Crown Princess is just pregnant, and His Highness is eager to find a beautiful concubine for fun. It is heard by the Minister. They What do you think? Will you read the next book because of this?"

The prince trembled, and immediately thought of those hideous and aggressive officials.

He nodded again and again: "Yes!"

Lan Shuang took another step closer, staring at the prince's face condescendingly, and said sullenly: "What's more, when this matter is heard by the emperor and the empress, what will they think of your highness? Will they think you are frivolous? , disrespecting his wife? If it is introduced to the Crown Princess’s natal family, will they suspect that the entrusted person is not human?”

The prince was about to break out in cold sweat, his lips trembled, and his voice was weak: "Yes..."

Lan Shuang nodded with a serious expression: "That's it, now is your chance to stabilize the position of the prince, and the other princes are all staring at your position. If you make any mistakes, they will definitely blame you. If you gnaw a piece of meat off your body, do you think they will just wait for you to show your flaws?"

Hearing this, the prince couldn't sit still anymore. He stood up abruptly, dripping with cold sweat, and said angrily, "The Holy Maiden taught me very well. She is so lonely that she has lost her mind. From now on, she must be cautious in her words and deeds!"

As he spoke, he bowed to Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang bowed back and said, "The courtier is just saying what she says from the bottom of her heart, so don't take it to heart, Your Highness."

"No, no, no! You are so right! You are really thinking of Gu, Gu understands!" The prince looked at Lan Shuang with burning eyes, like a hungry dog ​​looking at a meaty bone.

Lan Shuang: "..."

Do you understand a hammer?
The prince hesitated to speak, stopped talking and wanted, and finally bowed to Lan Shuang, "I have written down the love of the saint. When Gu stabilizes his power in the future, he will marry the saint. It is getting late, so I will leave first." .”

After speaking, he straightened up and strode away, his back showing a transparent chic.

Finally, Lan Shuang couldn't hold back and rolled her eyes, saying so much and still not dead?
But it's okay, I'll get married when you are stable, and then you can marry in your dreams.

After witnessing the whole process, 888 gave Lan Shuang a thumbs up, amazed at her ability to fool.

Knowing it with reason and moving it with emotion, he insisted on saying touching the little hands as a great sin, and made the prince fool around, so he almost made her a confession.

Whoever saw this didn't say a word: Damn it!

Lan Shuang sat down at the table and rubbed her legs, "Tsk, who said standing and talking doesn't hurt your back? Not only does my back hurt, but my legs also hurt."

888: "The host has worked hard! But it's really great! You can say that you've survived the dead end!"

"After so many worlds, I haven't made any other progress. I have already mastered the point of talking nonsense when I see people talking about people!"

Lan Shuang picked up the teapot on the table, but found it was empty, she stood up disappointed, "Forget it, let's go back to the room."

She turned to go back, but she saw Lanye coming down from the corridor, the eyes under the mask glanced at the empty table, and asked in unpredictable mood: "The prince is gone?"

"Well, let's go."

Lan Shuang smirked and said, "Your Highness is very satisfied, foster father is at ease."

Lanye raised his eyebrows: "What did you say to him?"

"I didn't say anything, I just analyzed the pros and cons for him. The prince is not a stupid person. He knew the power of it, so he didn't hold me any longer."

Lan Shuang's mouth was dry and she just wanted to drink water. She nodded to Lan Ye and said, "If foster father has nothing else to do, I'll go back first."

She walked past Lan Ye without looking sideways, without missing anything.

Lan Ye frowned, looking at her back and lost in thought.

The autumn wind passed by, and the wind chimes under the eaves jingled, which made him feel a little flustered, and always felt that something was getting more and more out of control.


In the next few days, Lan Shuang was rarely clean, and Lan Ye didn't know what was going on, but she didn't look for her again, and she didn't force her to hook up with any prince like a guest. She was also happy and comfortable, nestling in the room and reading a book.

Until one day, when the maid was arranging her jewelry, she found that a hairpin was missing. Several people gathered together and checked in a low voice. After checking for a long time, it was confirmed that one hairpin was missing.

"The suet jade peach hairpin is gone."

"That's the saint's favorite, why is it gone?"

"I remember the last time the saint wore it to a banquet."

"Could it be lost in the chrysanthemum garden?"

Lan Shuang was leaning on the couch and reading the storybook, just as she was reading the highlights, a few maids were chirping like birds, making her so noisy that she couldn't calm down, she pressed her eyebrows and raised her eyes, "What's wrong?"

"Ah, saint!"

The maids immediately turned around and stood in a row, one of them whispered, "Saint, your peach hairpin is gone."

Lan Shuang was at a loss for a moment, "Peach Blossom Hairpin?"

888 reminded: "Host, when you fought with Xin Wujiang last time, you fell."

Lan Shuang: "I said, why did I seem to hear something?"

(End of this chapter)

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