Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 221 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 14

Chapter 221 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 14
Xin Wujiang's face was cold and gloomy, his ink-like eyes stared straight at Lan Shuang's face, and after a while he suddenly smiled, Lan Shuang's heart tightened suddenly.

"is it?"

His voice was deep and mellow, and Lan Shuang's ears couldn't help feeling a little numb. The next moment, Xin Wujiang grabbed her wrist and twisted her wrist with his backhand, pressing on the numbness. force.

Xin Wujiang chased after the victory, straightened up, and moved his other hand down to clamp her ankle, trying to throw her out.

Lan Shuang secretly scolded the beauty for misleading people, but her eyes were full of fighting spirit. It has been a long time since she had a hearty fight. These days, because of the national teacher and the prince, she has been holding back her anger.

She chuckled lightly, and when she was flying into the air, she used her strong waist to bounce her upper body up. The other leg was wrapped around Xin Wujiang's waist, her hands firmly clasped his neck, and she turned over forcefully, pressing Xin Wujiang onto her body. Down.

A muffled "dong" alarmed the maid outside the door.

"What happened to the saint?"

"It's okay!" Lan Shuang covered Xin Wujiang's mouth and said loudly, "I accidentally knocked down the decoration, don't worry about it."

"Yes." The maid didn't suspect anything and continued to watch outside.

Xin Wujiang squinted his eyes, and taking advantage of Lan Shuang's distraction, he grabbed her waist and turned over abruptly, pressing her down tightly, learning from the previous lesson, and grabbed her two arms. Her wrists pulled over her head so she couldn't struggle.

Lan Shuang: "..."

She moved her legs, and Xin Wujiang pressed down a little more, "Don't move."

He warned in a low voice, Lan Shuang had no choice but to stare at him twice, then suddenly let go, lay lazily on the ground, and laughed.

"General Xin, is this not good for you? If people know about bullying weak women, your fame will be ruined."

Xin Wujiang sneered: "Weak woman? You?"

"I'm so weak and can't take care of myself, do you have the nerve to suppress me?" With a thicker skin, Lan Shuang was never afraid of anyone.

Xin Wujiang was silent for a moment, let go of her hand, turned over and stood up.

Lan Shuang also sat up, stretched out her hand to him,

Xin Wujiang frowned: "What?"

"Give me a hand." Lan Shuang looked at him with a smile, not seeming angry at all.

Xin Wujiang became more and more unpredictable about her.

He remained silent, Lan Shuang didn't take back his hand, just looked at him like that.

In the end, Xin Wujiang still gave in, and stretched out his hand to hold her and pulled her up.

Lan Shuang smiled and patted the ashes on her body, "Thank you."

Xin Wujiang took a seat by the table, looked at the handicap on the table, and said expressionlessly: "You have a good life."

"You're not bad either."

Lan Shuang sat down opposite him, poured a cup of tea and pushed it to him.

Xin Wujiang took a look, but didn't move, and Lan Shuang didn't care.

"Did you come to see me?" Lan Shuang asked after taking a sip of tea.

Xin Wujiang sat upright, and if his gaze had any substance, it would be extremely stressful when it fell on someone.

Ke Lanshuang didn't react at all, and was not afraid of him.

Xin Wujiang squinted his phoenix eyes, took out a handkerchief from his arms and put it on the table: "Your things, return them to you."

Lan Shuang: "Mine?"

She took it and opened it, only to find that it was a peach hairpin that had been broken in two.

"So it's here with you. The maid didn't find it in the morning, so she asked me."

Xin Wujiang: "If I hadn't picked it up and the fifth prince saw it, you would probably be dead now."

"Then you are here to claim credit?" Lan Shuang blinked.

The corners of Xin Wujiang's lips twitched slightly: "I don't like others pretending to be confused with me. You are not weak in martial arts. Who did you learn from? The national teacher?"

Lan Shuang wrapped the hairpin and put it back on the table, "This has nothing to do with you, right? General Xin came here to ask me this?"

"How much did you hear that day?"

Xin Wujiang was too lazy to go around in circles.

"I said, not much, I really entered by mistake." Lan Shuang's face was light, and she explained calmly: "At that time, the national teacher asked me to see the prince, but I didn't want to, so I just walked around. I didn't expect to get lost. That's it, now I'm going to the pear orchard."

"Huh?" Xin Wujiang frowned: "The national teacher asked you to seduce the prince?"

"Yes." Lan Shuang picked up a piece of snack to eat, swallowed it and said, "He thinks so, but I don't want to hook up with a married man. If I want to, I can only be the only regular wife."

Xin Wujiang looked at her deeply, without saying a word, as if he was judging the truth of her words.

"You are the righteous daughter of the national teacher, what good will it do you to disobey him? What are you planning to do when you tell me this now?"

His voice was condensed, like the wind blowing from the snow field, ruthless and fierce.

Lan Shuang spread her hands and blurted out naturally: "You."

Xin Wujiang was taken aback: "What?"

"I'm trying to trick you, can't you see it? General?"

Lan Shuang had a direct showdown, which caught Xin Wujiang by surprise.

Xin Wujiang's brows were tightly furrowed, and the aura around him suddenly released, and he issued a warning to Lan Shuang with the coercion tempered on the battlefield: "Don't talk nonsense."

Lan Shuang smiled indifferently, "I'm serious, the national teacher will not let me go easily. If I don't marry the prince, I will marry other princes. I am controlled by him, and I can't help myself in many cases."

"What's with me?"

Xin Wujiang said indifferently.

"Of course it's related." Lan Shuang got up and walked behind Xin Wujiang, put her hands on his shoulders, leaned slightly and whispered in his ear: "Don't you think we are very similar?"

Xin Wujiang narrowed his phoenix eyes, and his body tensed slightly.

Lan Shuang continued: "I live under the fence and cannot be free, so why not you? You have done so well, General, don't you understand this truth? Logically speaking, you should have returned to the frontier a long time ago, but the emperor forbids you to leave the capital , the mind is clearly revealed, and I am afraid that they will marry you and keep you in Beijing, gradually weakening your prestige in the army."

Xin Wujiang's breath sank, Lan Shuang's words really hit his sore spot.

"It's pitiful, the mighty eagle on the battlefield is trapped in this golden cage, and boiled into poultry little by little. Who doesn't feel sorry for watching it?"

Lan Shuang's hand lightly landed on Xin Wujiang's neat side face, her fingertips were slightly cool, and Xin Wujiang grabbed her wrist, and pulled her in front of her, "So——what do you want to say?"

Lan Shuang propped one hand on the table, and the other hand was pinched by Xin Wujiang. She didn't care about her teeth, and smiled freely: "Since they are all caged birds, why not join hands?"

"with you?"

"Can't I?" Lan Shuang straightened up and counted her advantages one by one.

"First, I'm fairly good-looking, and I'm a good match for the general's face."

"Secondly, I don't have any influence. The national teacher is deeply trusted by His Majesty. If I marry you, you will solve the urgent need. I don't have to wander among several men anymore. Your Majesty will even think that I am placed by your side." piece."

"Third——" Lan Shuang shook three fingers in front of him: "When the dust settles in the future, if the general doesn't like me, we will make up and leave, and you will not be delayed in finding another beautiful woman."

"So, the general will consider me?" Lan Shuang looked at Xin Wujiang with a smile.

Xin Wujiang's eyes were deep, and he didn't speak for a long time, and he didn't let go of her wrist.

 Xin Wujiang, you can't do it, if you want me to do it!Can this be tolerated?
(End of this chapter)

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