Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 222 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 15

Chapter 222 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 15
Xin Wujiang turned out of the window, returned the same way and landed in a dark alley, where Xue Qing was waiting to let him out, when he saw him coming out, he immediately went up to him, and whispered: "Master."

Xin Wujiang nodded solemnly, and nodded slightly: "Let's go."

He turned around and left, Xue Qing didn't dare to ask too much, he just had to watch over the master's affairs, if the master didn't say anything, he couldn't cross the line.

After walking three steps, Xin Wujiang's footsteps suddenly stopped, Xue Qing was taken aback: "Master..."

Immediately, Xin Wujiang turned his head to look at the window on the second floor of the teahouse.

Xue Qing frowned, what is the master looking at?
Xin Wujiang didn't know what he was looking at, but soon, a touch of snow appeared in his vision, the man stood in front of the window, smiled and waved at him: "Go on!"


With a wave of Lan Shuang's hand, a package of things was thrown over, and Xin Wujiang raised his hand subconsciously to pick it up.

"I don't want the broken things. When it's repaired, the general will return it to me." Lan Shuang closed the window after she finished speaking.

Xin Wujiang: "..."

I didn't break it, why should I fix it?
Xue Qing looked blankly at the things in his hand, "What did the saint say?"

Xin Wujiang clasped his hands together and put the handkerchief back into his arms, "It's nothing, let's go."


Xue Qing patted her head, it was so strange.


Lan Shuang sat down and drank the last sip of tea, put down the teacup and went out, "I've had enough tea, let's go and go shopping with me."

The maids were not suspicious, nodded and followed behind her. The three of them first went to the jewelry store, and then went to buy some rouge powder. Seeing that the fried chestnuts in sugar were good, Lan Shuang bought a pack and took it home.

As soon as she arrived at the gate of the National Teacher's Mansion, and walked around the screen wall, Lan Shuang saw a thin, snow-white figure standing behind her.

Lan Shuang was taken aback, did she wait here specially for her?

She didn't dare to be affectionate, but she felt that she had guessed right.

She bowed: "Father."

The national teacher turned around slowly, glanced at her, saw that she was holding an oil paper bag in her hand, and couldn't help frowning: "The things outside are not clean, what are you buying these for?"

"Eat, you won't get sick if you don't do anything clean."

Lan Shuang smiled and handed the paper bag forward: "It's really delicious, do you want to try it?"

The sugar-fried chestnuts were not long out of the pot, they were still warm, with a faint fragrance, they kept digging into the nose of the national teacher.

The national teacher turned his face away, and his voice was cold: "Where did you go?"

Lan Shuang said truthfully: "Go to the teahouse for tea."

"Only tea?"

The national teacher's words meant something, and Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows slightly: "Otherwise? If the foster father has something to say, you can just say it directly, why bother to beat around the bush with me?"

The national teacher narrowed his eyes suddenly, his expression slightly condensed.

The two maids following behind were so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe, and wished they could shrink into the cracks in the ground.

Lan Shuang handed them the fried chestnuts: "Go back."


The maid ran away as if she had been pardoned.

The national teacher stared at Lan Shuang for a while, then suddenly said: "Follow me to the study."



After arriving at the study room, the national teacher retreated everyone, and only he and Lan Shuang were left in the room. He was sitting and Lan Shuang was standing.

"Kneel down."

He didn't lose his temper, but just scolded in a deep voice.

Lan Shuang didn't move at all, "I don't know what mistake I made, and my adoptive father wants to punish me to kneel?"

"If you're not guilty, you won't be able to kneel down? Lan Shuang, who do you think you are? If I pamper you and pamper you, do you really think I can't bear to touch you?"

The national teacher stroked the armrest, his face dark and gloomy.

Lan Shuang's face remained unchanged, and she looked at him with burning eyes, "I can kneel, but after this kneeling, the relationship between you and my father and daughter will be completely severed, do you really want me to kneel?"

The national teacher sneered: "Kneel."

"it is good."

Lan Shuang knelt down with her skirt in her hands, her back was straight, but she didn't seem to be humbled. She slightly raised her chin and looked at the national teacher, "Is the foster father satisfied?"

The national teacher was stabbed with neither soft nor hard, not only dissatisfied, but also indescribably awkward.

"What did you do today?"

"Drink tea." Lan Shuang replied the same way, "I just sat in the teahouse for a while, and the maids can testify. If the adoptive father doesn't believe me, he can call them to confront him. Anyway, they are all yours and won't protect me. "

"Really?" The national teacher chuckled and leaned forward slightly, "But I heard that Xin Wujiang also went out."

Lan Shuang's heart tightened, but her face didn't show anything, "What does he have to do with me when he goes out?"

"What's with you?"

The national teacher slowly leaned back on the back of the chair, smiled for a moment with his lips drawn, and then withdrew his smile, swept all the things on the table to the ground with a flick of his sleeve.

The inkstone rolled over, and the ink stained the corners of the clothes, leaving a large ink stain on Lan Shuang's hem.

The smile froze on her lips, and she looked at the national teacher indifferently.

The national teacher stood up abruptly, pointed at her and asked, "You didn't go to see the prince that day, did you go to see Xin Wujiang? The people who left the table with you that day, except for the prince, were the fifth prince and Xin Wujiang. Not the fifth prince, so - you went to see Xin Wujiang, right? It's the same today."

Lan Shuang didn't expect that the national teacher's hands and eyes were so open that he even dared to watch Xin Wujiang, not to mention that everyone's every move in Juyuan was in his eyes.

What's more, he didn't expect that he was so perceptive, and she was so careful that he guessed that she was indistinguishable.

It's no wonder that the person who almost sat on the throne in the previous life has unfathomable scheming. To deal with him, you can't just pretend to be stupid, you have to be direct.

Lan Shuang thought for a moment, then smiled relaxedly: "Is it because I'm looking for Xin Wujiang that the adoptive father asked the teacher today?"

The national teacher didn't speak, just looked at her coldly.

Lan Shuang didn't care either, she tilted her head and asked: "My adoptive father asked me to seduce the crown prince and the fifth prince, isn't it just to use their hands to stir up troubles?"

Regardless of the teacher's reaction, Lan Shuang stood up again holding the hem of her skirt, and the place where the ink was splashed just now was smudged in a large area, which looked like a splashed ink painting.

She smiled and said: "But the prince is fatuous and lustful, cowardly and incompetent but self-willed. He is not useful at all, and the fifth prince...he is the most chic among all the princes. He seems to be idle and gets along well with the dudes in Beijing." , but doesn’t foster father think that such a person is more terrifying?”

"So you thought Xin Wujiang could be useful, so you approached him without authorization?" The national teacher narrowed his eyes, with a dangerous look on his face.

"That's right, General Xin holds a large army and has made great achievements in battle. He is a piece of cake that everyone wants to grab. Why don't we act first? No matter what the foster father wants to do, someone must be able to do it."

Lan Shuang was persuasive and persuasive, but the national teacher didn't like this. He stared at Lan Shuang for a moment, then suddenly asked an irrelevant question: "You just fancy his military power?"

"Otherwise?" Lan Shuang asked back.

The national teacher was silent, and after a long time, he gently stroked his sleeve, "I don't need disobedient chess pieces, who I choose, I have my own considerations, it's not your turn to make decisions for me, get out, in the Standing in the yard, when you figure it out, come in again."

Lan Shuang smiled lightly: "Okay."

 Today's update is late, because I was addicted to reading novels yesterday and forgot to set the timer, I am guilty!

(End of this chapter)

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