Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 223 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 16

Chapter 223 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 16
Lan Shuang stood in the yard, although the weather was still a bit hot during the day, but at night, it was cool after all, she was wearing thin clothes, and after standing for a while, her whole body was blown through, very cold.

888 looked at Lan Shuang distressedly, "The national teacher is really not a thing, everyone says he is moody, but he is too volatile? He used to be a treasure, but now he just doesn't listen to him, and he treats you like this !"

"Practice..." Lan Shuang didn't take it seriously, "He's just a poor man who is obsessed with ghosts."

"What's so pitiful about him?" 888 retorted in disapproval: "You said you didn't want to be that slutty girl, and she's always pushing you like this, and he doesn't treat you as a human being at all, right?"

Lan Shuang smiled: "Because I was the pawn he spent the most time cultivating, and I was reluctant to lose it, so I didn't have to feel uncomfortable, so I was entangled in every possible way, and didn't dare to really do anything to me, even..."

In her mind, she quickly recalled all the things in the study before, and a bit of ridicule flashed in her eyes: "This person has been deeply in love, but he doesn't know it. The person who is blinded by hatred, he can't see the kindness of the people around him." When you arrive, you only bluff and want to hold on to it when you are about to lose it."

888: "Ah... I don't really understand."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand. If you understand it, it makes people uncomfortable. Gentleness used to be like a knife, and the soul disappears and the fragrance is broken, but you are lonely~"

Lan Shuang sighed, and then stared at the lantern under the eaves in a daze.

Across the door, Lan Ye was sitting behind the desk, staring at the secret letter on the table, seemingly reading it, but in fact, his mind was not in the right place, and his eyes were dazed.

He has raised Lan Shuang for more than ten years. During those ten years, she has always been very sensible, never crying or making trouble. be proud of.

Originally, he thought that he was good enough to her, even if she had to deal with several princes, it was just to complete the plan, but in fact, he had already thought about her final destination.

Helping the fifth prince ascend the throne, she is a queen, although she has no feelings, but at least she has herself, her position is stable, she doesn't need to look at anyone, she will be rich and prosperous all her life, and she will enjoy it endlessly. The child she gives birth to will be the next one. Emperor, what's wrong?
How many women dream of this, why is she so resistant?
Lan Ye didn't understand, he tried to ask clearly, but Lan Shuang seemed to be a different person.

They don't listen to him, don't accept his arrangements, and even collude with Xin Wujiang without authorization.

This gave him a bad feeling.

He didn't know why, and he didn't know where this feeling came from, but it just made him uneasy, so he punished Lan Shuang for the first time.

There is a gust of cold wind outside the door, she needs to be cold, just in case...

Lan Ye felt palpitations.

However, it didn't take long before he heard an exclamation from outside: "Saint!"

Lan Ye's heart stopped for a moment, before his brain could react, he had already rushed out.

The moment he opened the door, he saw Lan Shuang falling in the north wind like a fallen leaf.


The moonlight was thin and cool, the stars were sparse, and scattered light scattered all over the ground. Lan Shuang suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood without warning, and fell straight down.

Lan Ye's eyes widened suddenly, and he flew over to catch Lan Shuang before she was about to hit the ground.


Lan Shuang wanted to say something, but her eyes went dark, and a sharp pain suddenly hit her, making her completely faint.

Lan Ye hurriedly checked her pulse, and found that the poison in her body had exploded ahead of schedule, so she immediately got up and ran back to her bedroom with her in her arms.

"Moon Shadow—get the antidote! Go!"

Yue Ying was waiting at the door, she didn't talk nonsense when she heard this sound, she went away with a little luck, and when she came back after a while, Lan Ye had already put Lan Shuang on the bed.

"Here, my lord."

Yue Ying handed him the bottle, and he took it and immediately opened it and poured out a dark red pill, helped Lan Shuang up, pinched her chin, "Shuang'er, open your mouth."

Lan Shuang gritted her teeth and refused to open it.

Her consciousness shrank in her body, speechless.

I didn't expect the poison to come out so suddenly. She was standing still, but suddenly fell down, and was about to speak, when she fainted, she was really aggrieved.

And the most important thing is - this poisonous hook really hurts!The piercing pain!
She doesn't want to regain consciousness at all now, so she can hide for a while, otherwise it will hurt so much that she wants to hit the pillar.

But Lanye has been nagging in her ear, nagging, it's annoying to death, so what are you doing?At this moment, I started to act panic again. If you didn't poison at the beginning, wouldn't this shit happen?

Lan Shuang really wanted to open her eyes and scold him, tell him to shut up!
888: "The host is calm, how about I help you relieve the pain?"

Lan Shuang: "Okay...forget it."

She thought for a while and said: "He will definitely not cure me of this poison in a while. I'm going to have a falling out with him. There will be more poisonings in the future. I can't come to you every time. Bear with it. Renren might be able to practice it."

Hiding all the time is not an option, she is afraid that Lanye will come up with some extreme method to feed herself medicine, she refuses!
So she returned to her body consciously, raised her hand with difficulty to hold Lan Ye's wrist, and said in a trembling voice, "My lord..."

Seeing that she woke up, Lan Ye was overjoyed, and sad when she heard her call him lord.

Sad and happy, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

It turned out that she said that the separation between father and daughter was not a joke, but the truth.

The blue veins on Lan Ye's forehead popped up, and he endured and endured before saying in a deep voice, "I'm here."

The long eyelashes trembled, and a little smile appeared on Lan Shuang's white face, which was almost transparent. She opened her eyes reluctantly, and just looked at him like this: "Have you lost your popularity?"

Lan Ye stagnated: "Take the medicine first."

He stretched out his hand to feed, but Lan Shuang looked away, her hands were shaking as if she had a convulsion, she just took the pill and stuffed it into her mouth.

Lan Ye pursed her lips tightly, her heart burning like fire.

Even Yueying frowned and glanced at Lanye.

"Cough cough cough-"

After swallowing the pill, Lan Shuang choked uncomfortably and beat herself hard.

Yueying immediately poured a bowl of water for her: "Miss, drink some water."

"Thank you." Lan Shuang smiled weakly, sat up, took the bowl and took two sips.

"Take her pulse, why did she get poisoned early?"

Lanye stepped aside and let Yueying come over, Yueying nodded, "Miss—"

Lan Shuang won't make trouble with her own body, so she stretched out her hand and said to Lan Ye: "Father, since you have lost your anger, I hope you can listen to some words. The fifth prince is not as simple as it seems on the surface. You If you don't believe me, send someone to investigate, if you seek skin from a tiger, you will end up as a rabbit and a dog in the end."

"How do you know?" Lan Ye didn't believe it, nor did he say he didn't believe it.

"Dream." Lan Shuang said with a smile.

Lanye: "..."

"In my dream, I was married to the fifth prince. Although he was the main wife, he was never favored. On the surface, he was a dude, but secretly colluded with the ministers. With your support, he ascended the throne and became emperor. .”

Lan Ye's eyes narrowed: "What happened next?"

Lan Shuang withdrew her gaze, looked down at the ground, and said in an erratic voice, "Later..."

(End of this chapter)

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