Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 224 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 17

Chapter 224 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 17
She coughed lightly, her cheeks flushed sickly, she stroked her forehead, and said with a smile: "I woke up later."

Lanye: "..."

He stared at Lan Shuang heavily, as if he was trying to tell the truth from what she said.

Lan Shuang also looked at him with complicated eyes, "My lord, don't let hatred blind your eyes and play with fire and burn yourself."

"What did you say?!"

These words suddenly touched Lan Ye's Ni Lin, his face changed instantly, his eyes were dark and prey, and the invisible aura was fully opened, Yueying was startled: "My lord!"

"Get out!" Lan Ye yelled without looking back, Yue Ying looked at Lan Shuang uneasy, and persuaded again and again: "Miss is still very weak now, my lord, don't get dizzy, what do you do?" Something to regret."

Lan Shuang couldn't help but want to give Yueying a thumbs up when she heard the words, boy, you are a real warrior!
"Get out—" Lanye couldn't listen, and raised his hand to throw Yueying away.

Although this palm was merciful, Yueying was completely defenseless, and his martial arts were not as good as him, "Pfft——"

He backed up a few steps and hit the table and knelt down, unable to hold back a mouthful of blood.

"Yueying, you go out, there is no need to persuade you anymore." Lan Shuang couldn't bear it.

Yue Ying frowned, wiped the blood from the corner of her lips with the back of her hand, gave Lan Shuang a pitiful look, got up and walked out.

As soon as the door was closed, Lan Ye approached step by step, Lan Shuang just leaned against the head of the bed weakly and looked at him.

The next moment, Lan Ye's hand suddenly grabbed Lan Shuang's neck, with such strength that Lan Shuang blushed instantly.

Ke Lanshuang didn't resist, and complained to 888 in a bitter way: "What kind of neck-choking buff did I add in this life?"

Why do both of them love to pinch me so much?

888 helpless: "Host, your life is gone, so don't think about these trivial things?"

Lan Shuang chuckled, "Really?"

She didn't resist or speak, her dark eyes gradually filled with mist, but even so, she didn't take her eyes off Lan Ye for a moment.

Lan Ye was silent for a moment, the veins on his forehead rose and fell, and finally he let go of his hand suddenly, and threw Lan Shuang to the side of the bed. Fortunately, the quilt was soft and thick, and it didn't hurt to fall.

Lan Shuang lay down on the quilt and coughed heartbreakingly.

Lan Ye asked hoarsely, "What do you know?"

Lan Shuang didn't turn her head back, "I don't know anything, it's just your guilty conscience."

"You say it again?!" The anger tended to revive again. From the outsiders' point of view, Lan Shuang was looking for her own death.

Ke Lanshuang wanted to add fuel to the flames, she turned her face and sneered: "I have lived with you for more than ten years, what do you think you can hide from me? Have I ever betrayed you? Playing stupid for so many years , what do you think it is for?"

Lan Ye's fingertips trembled, and his heart seemed to be pinched, "You..."

Lan Shuang lowered her eyes: "Even if you don't like to hear it, I still want to say these words. Whether you believe it or not, my dream is true, and what I say is true. If you insist on supporting the fifth prince, I will wait for you It is beyond redemption.”

Lan Ye got up and looked at her sullenly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Lan Shuang lay back down slowly, pulled the quilt back, closed her eyes, and laid it down: "It's getting late, sir, please go back."

Lan Ye turned around and left. When he reached the door, Lan Shuang said in a deep voice, "Tomorrow I will move to the praying platform for self-examination. Let's all calm down."

Lan Ye paused slightly, "As you wish."

After the sound of his footsteps disappeared outside the door, Lan Shuang opened her eyes and pressed her heart. There was still a bit of the original owner's emotion, which made her a little uncomfortable.

Lan Shuang couldn't help sighing: "You can't warm a person like this, and he won't listen to other people's persuasion. He has to hit the south wall before he regrets it. If that's the case, let's wait and see, I promise you will keep him. If you die, you will definitely not break your promise, don't worry."

As soon as the words fell, the depression in my heart dissipated a lot.

Lan Shuang let out a long sigh, finally able to sleep peacefully.

Before going to bed, 888 notified: "Dear host, the hostess' resentment value will be reduced by ten, good night~"


When Lan Shuang woke up again, it was bright outside, and no one called her. She stretched her waist, but she still felt pain everywhere, from the cracks in her bones.

"Can you find out what kind of poison this is?"

Lan Shuang sat on the edge of the bed in a daze.

888: "It's more complicated. It's self-made by the national teacher. It takes a lot of time to test it. Why don't you exchange it for a detoxification pill?"

Lan Shuang thought about how many points she didn't have, and shook her head: "Forget it, sooner or later I will get out of the national teacher's set."

888: "The host's points are still enough, do you really not consider it?"

Lan Shuang resolutely refused: "No."

"Okay." 888 was rather regretful.

She got up and called the maid, who helped her pack her things, packed two boxes, and sent people to move them to the carriage. After breakfast, Lan Shuang asked, "Is the national teacher there?"

The maid shook her head: "Your Excellency has entered the palace early in the morning and has not yet returned home."

"Well, go tell the butler, I'm leaving."



The praying platform is in the east of the city, and the place is a bit out of the way. There are no people living nearby, and it is very quiet. It is only opened every year during the spring and autumn festivals, and it is used for offering sacrifices and praying for blessings.

Normally, Lan Shuang, as a saint, should live here, but now His Majesty thinks that the national teacher has no children and sympathizes with his loneliness, so he often allows Lan Shuang to return to the national teacher's mansion.

Lan Shuang will not be forced to return to the prayer table, but Lan Shuang can go back at any time.

The praying platform is cleaned every day, and it is very clean. Lan Shuang can move in directly. Her room is spacious and bright, with elegant decorations. It is no different from the National Teacher’s Mansion, except that there are not as many eyeliners as the National Teacher’s Mansion, and the guards are only guarding outside. , dare not walk around in the backyard casually.

The maid thought that Lan Shuang moved out because of a quarrel with the national teacher, and she must be in a bad mood. After putting down her things, she was about to comfort Lan Shuang, when she saw Lan Shuang go to the yard to pick flowers with a smile on her face.


Why does something seem wrong?

Lan Shuang picked some wild flowers back and put them in a bottle, and couldn't stop walking outside for a moment. The backyard was connected to the back mountain, and there was a large maple forest on the mountain. At first glance, the maple forest was like fire, which was really gratifying.

She stood there watching for a while, and suddenly realized, she talked to the guards, and went up the mountain.

The back mountain here is a low mountain, where people hunt regularly, there are no wild animals in it, it is very safe, and the mountain road is very smooth, so the guards let her play by herself at ease.

It can't be a good living person rolling down the steps, right?

Lan Shuang walked up the bluestone slab and found a Linglong Pavilion halfway up the mountain. She was in poor health and was weak after illness, so she wanted to go in and rest her feet.

As a result, as soon as he turned the corner, he saw someone standing in the pavilion with his back to her, looking at something.

The sound of Lan Shuang stepping on the fallen leaves also reached the man's ears, he turned his head and was taken aback, "Is it you?"

 Turn the corner and meet love (bushi)

(End of this chapter)

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