Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 225 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 18

Chapter 225 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 18
"We are really destined." Lan Shuang's eyes lit up suddenly, as if seeing something she loved very much, Xin Wujiang was dazzled by that unguarded joy.

He couldn't help frowning, trying to wake himself up.

"Why are you here?" He turned around and raised his hand to prevent Lan Shuang from approaching.

Lan Shuang stopped, and said with a smile: "I moved to the prayer platform, and I was so depressed that I wanted to relax. I didn't expect to meet you here. Why are you here? Is it because you are unhappy?"

It's fine if she doesn't say anything, but Xin Wujiang's expression becomes subtle when he talks about it.

She was really unhappy, and the culprit was right in front of her eyes, and she didn't even know it.

He lowered his eyes, thinking that seeing is not seeing, "Well, I often come to the back mountain to race horses. Behind this is the racecourse. When I am tired from running, I will come to rest."

"That's it."

Lan Shuang didn't know, after all, the original owner almost didn't go out of the door, and didn't have any relevant memories in this regard.

"How did you think about what I told you that day?" Lan Shuang couldn't stand still, and sat down while leaning on the railing.

Xin Wujiang frowned: "Are you so impatient?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

It sounds like she hates being married.

She was just about to speak, but the wind blew her throat a little itchy, and she couldn't help but want to cough. She took out her handkerchief, covered her mouth, and coughed away.

Soon, the area from the face to the neck was red, but there was no tendency to stop.

Xin Wujiang: "Are you sick?"

Lan Shuang shook her head, finally calmed down, and said in a hoarse voice, "No."

Xin Wujiang hesitated to speak, but finally didn't ask any more questions, "I'm still thinking about it."

"Then hurry up, or I'll marry someone else." Lan Shuang said with a smile, but the smile floated on the surface, coupled with the red maple in the mountains behind, she was inexplicably sad.

Xin Wujiang felt a little uncomfortable.

"If it's okay, I'll go first."

He didn't want to get too entangled with Lan Shuang, so as not to get in the way of her, after all, he looked down on such a courtier as the national teacher, and even with Lan Shuang, he felt a little bit of hatred.

Instinctively, she would feel that she approached him with impure motives. After all, it is not normal for her to choose a son-in-law.

He was about to leave, and Lan Shuang also got up, "Then I'll go back too."

Xin Wujiang ignored it, and walked in front of himself, with Lan Shuang following behind.This is the only way down the mountain, and the two of them must walk together for a while.

After walking for a while, Lan Shuang felt a little dizzy, as if the poison hadn't been completely cured, her feet softened, and suddenly she jumped straight forward.

Xin Wujiang frowned, this man really had an impure mind!
He turned sideways to avoid, but saw Lan Shuang's face was as pale as paper, his heart skipped a beat, and he quickly reached out to grab her, Lan Shuang just leaned against him weakly, "Thank you..."

Xin Wujiang saw her forehead was covered with a layer of sweat, and her body was still shaking slightly, so she couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with you?"

He didn't even notice the concern in his tone.

Lan Shuang pulled her lips, feeling powerless, like falling into an ice cave.

"Can I trouble you to carry me back? I can't walk anymore."

Xin Wujiang didn't speak, he looked at her with sharp eyes for a moment, made sure that she was really not pretending, and pinched her wrist to feel her pulse.

The pulse condition is disordered, the internal force is chaotic, and the body is in a mess.

"You are poisoned."

He frowned carefully, but couldn't see why, maybe it was some rare poison.

"Hmm..." Lan Shuang's consciousness became chaotic, her eyes were blurred, and even Xin Wujiang's words seemed to be separated by a layer, with echoes that could not be heard clearly.

Seeing her like this, Xin Wujiang didn't delay any longer, it was inconvenient to use lightness kung fu behind someone's back, he thought for a while, passed through Lan Shuang's leg with one hand, directly hugged her up, and walked down the mountain.

In the backyard of the prayer platform, the maids were waiting for Lan Shuang to come back, but when they saw Xin Wujiang carrying Lan Shuang into the yard, they were startled, opened their mouths, looked at him in disbelief, and even forgot to salute.

Without squinting, Xin Wujiang walked directly to the bedroom, put him on the bed, and was about to get up, but Lan Shuang grabbed his hand, and the cold Xin Wujiang couldn't help but gasp.

"Why are your hands so cold?"

Lan Shuang looked at him in a daze, weak and wronged: "It's so cold."

Feeling compassionate, Xin Wujiang raised his hand to help her take off her shoes, and pulled the quilt over her, but she was still murmuring that she was cold.

He was a little at a loss.

Just as the maid was poking her head at the door, he said sharply, "Come in—"

The maids all shivered and walked in obediently.

The leader bowed to Xin Wujiang, saw him sitting on the bedside like a mountain, and whispered: "General Xin, I'm afraid it's inappropriate for you to do this."

Xin Wujiang pretended not to hear, and asked her: "Why is she cold all over? She almost fainted and went up the mountain. I passed by and saw her, so I brought her back."

The maid suddenly realized: "Thank you, General, the saint..."

When the words came to her lips, she reluctantly changed her words: "I'm sick."

Xin Wujiang smirked, fooling a ghost?

But he didn't expose it, this poison is so rare, it is afraid that it is related to the National Teacher, involving the National Teacher's Office, this group of people will definitely not tell the truth.

"Then take good care of her and go get some hot water."

"Yes, today is the general's great favor, and the slaves will definitely report it to the Master of the State Teacher."

"No, it's just a matter of raising your hands. Don't let outsiders know about this, so as not to ruin the reputation of your saint."

Xin Wujiang's warning eyes swept over them, and the maids all lowered their heads, "Yes."

Xin Wujiang let go of Lan Shuang's hand, stood up and hesitated for a moment, leaned over to help Lan Shuang tuck up the quilt again, took a deep look at her, and then left.

Lan Shuang closed her eyes, silently enduring the wave after wave of pain in her body.

She's so alive, even if she was poisoned, she also had her period...

The wind and cold happened to be poisonous again, and the menstrual problem came again before the poisonous hair stopped, and all the bad luck came together, and even the iron man couldn't bear it!
Lan Shuang silently greeted the national teacher one hundred and eight times in her heart.

The villain in his heart dug the national teacher's ancestral grave.


The national teacher was preaching Taoism to the emperor in the palace, and when he talked to the climax, he sneezed loudly.


He moved back silently, and asked with concern: "Did the national teacher catch a cold? The autumn cold dew has been heavy recently, so you have to take care of your health."

National Division:"……"

He replied vaguely: "Thank you Your Majesty for your concern, I will take care of you."

"Hey, I feel sleepy these days, I wonder if it's because I'm old..."

The emperor was rambling on, but the national teacher couldn't listen to him, his eyelids started to twitch, and he always felt flustered.

Could it be that something happened to Lan Shuang again?
"National teacher, what do you think? National teacher?"

The emperor's voice brought the national teacher back to reality, and the national teacher's eyelashes drooped slightly, "General Xin is young and promising. It’s also sad for people.”

"That's the reason, I am also worried, or..." The emperor hesitated for a moment and said in a low voice: "I married the ninth princess to him?"

He looked at the national teacher tentatively, it seemed that as long as the national teacher nodded, he would immediately decree to grant a marriage.

The national teacher was silent.

(End of this chapter)

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