Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 226 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 19

Chapter 226 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 19
Xin Wujiang's marriage is no longer just a matter of their own family, but has affected the situation in the entire capital.

It can't be too casual, and the purpose can't be too obvious, otherwise it will fall into the shoes of others, and then it will push people away.

So letting him be the Princess Shang will definitely fail, and the son-in-law will not be able to take power. When the time comes, let the dignified general stay at home and eat soft food. This is not a reward, it is an enmity, it is a humiliation!

But the emperor was already restless, and Xin Wujiang seemed to be a thorn in his heart.

The national teacher pondered for a moment, and suddenly remembered what Lan Shuang had said.

If he wanted to take revenge, Xin Wujiang was indeed a good choice. He had the confidence to control the military power.

But he... didn't want to usurp the throne.

"Is it not good for the national teacher to keep silent?" the emperor asked again.

The national teacher raised his eyes, looked at the emperor, shook his head slightly, and said pretending to be profound: "Your Majesty actually already has the answer in his heart, doesn't he? If he and the princess have an heir, it will be of royal blood."

The emperor was shocked when he heard the words, "That's right! Why did I forget!"

He stood up abruptly, "No, no, this marriage will not work."

The national teacher lowered his eyes silently, waiting for him to go crazy.

The emperor walked around the palace twice, frowning, "I still have to think about it carefully, I can't marry a noble girl, and the family status can't be too poor..."

"Your Majesty, this matter is not urgent. Now that the border is stable, Xin Wujiang has no excuse to go back. As long as he is still in the capital and under your nose, he will be fine. The important thing right now is—"

The national teacher stood up and said softly: "Prince Chu."

The emperor paused, his expression condensed slightly: "Prince Prince? Isn't the prince doing well now?"

"It seems so, but the other princes are not fuel-efficient lamps. The ministers secretly supervise according to His Majesty's order. Including the prince, they are all ready to move. Your Majesty is getting older, but they are in good health. They are already like this. If His Majesty is sick What should I do?"

"Really?" The emperor frowned, "Is there any evidence?"

The national teacher had already made preparations. Hearing the emperor's question, he immediately took out a booklet from his large sleeve pocket: "Your Majesty, please read—"

The emperor opened it after taking it, and quickly browsed it. His face became darker the more he looked at it, and finally the veins burst out, and he directly threw the folder on the ground.


The national teacher knelt down unhurriedly, "Your Majesty calm down."

"Ho--ho--" the emperor panted out of anger, feeling that he was going to be out of breath, he beat his chest hard, staggered back to sit on the dragon chair, his eyes went black for a while.

"They...they really hope that I will die early to make room for them!"

One by one, they form gangs and gangs, secretly meet with ministers, and even embezzle and accept bribes to amass wealth. The most hateful thing is that there are people recruiting soldiers in private!

What is this for?Rebel? !

After the emperor shouted and coughed violently, the national teacher said again: "Your Majesty, calm down, you have to take care of your health. These are all secretly investigated by the ministers, and there is no evidence. It is inevitable that there are mistakes and omissions. What if you have wronged your highnesses? "

"Injustice? I... I—uh!"

Before he could catch his breath, the old emperor passed out.

The national teacher squinted his eyes, but he didn't panic at all.

He stood up with a sneer on his lips, and he was dizzy, it was useless.

He stepped forward to feel the emperor's breath, and after feeling the pulse, he was sure that he was fainted, and there was no clue, so he went to the incense burner and extinguished the incense inside. It was all burned up.

Then pick up new spices and light them, and the smell in the hall is the same as before.

After doing all this, he ran out "panicked" and asked the eunuch to teach the imperial physician.

In an instant, the palace was in chaos.


After the queen came, the prince also came. A group of people crowded in the bedroom, and there was nothing about the national teacher. The queen asked the national teacher the ins and outs of the matter. The national teacher hid the matter of Zhezi and kept silent, saying that he would wait for His Majesty to wake up. You will know.

The queen hated his appearance, but she didn't dare to do anything to him, so she waved him away and sent him out to guard.

The national teacher was happy and quiet, he stood in the courtyard, a court lady quietly stood beside the national teacher when no one was paying attention, the national teacher glanced at him from the corner of his eye, and knowing something was up, he took the initiative to go to the hiding place.


The palace maid lowered her head and said, "My lord, a letter came from the prayer platform, saying that the saint had fainted and was carried back by General Xin."


The national teacher's breath sank: "Why did you faint?"

Maid: "The poison queen's body is already weak, and... the menstrual event came again, the cold poison entered the body, the pain was so painful that she fainted, and now she takes the medicine and sleeps, and there is no serious problem."

The national teacher pursed his lips tightly, his temples twitched.

He raised his hand and pressed it, his heart was in a mess.

Seeing that he was in a bad mood, the palace lady didn't dare to say much, and waited quietly. After a long time, the national teacher said in a hoarse voice: "Forget it, let her cultivate herself at the blessing table during this time. When I have time, I will go and see him." she."


The national teacher waved his hand, wanting the maid to leave, but he thought of something, and after hesitating for a moment, he said, "Go ask someone to check the fifth prince's recent movements."



"Xueqing, go and check Lanshuang, everything is fine and small, give me as much as you find out."

Xin Wujiang came down from the back mountain, got on his horse and gave orders.

Xue Qing was on the horse next to him, and asked in puzzlement: "Why did the general want to investigate her all of a sudden? Is she really plotting against the general?"

Xin Wujiang's hand holding the rein slightly exerted force, his eyes were inexplicable, he was plotting something wrong, but...it might be that kind of wrongdoing.

"Just check it out, hurry up." Xin Wujiang threw down these words, clamped his horse's belly, and rode away.


Why is it getting weirder?

When Xin Wujiang went home, he was blocked by Xin Wubian again. This guy was leaning against the screen wall and didn't know what he was muttering. He didn't even notice that Xin Wujiang approached.

"Xin Boundless."

Xin Wujiang's quiet and cold voice sounded from behind him, and Xin Wujiang was so frightened that he jumped up on the spot.

"Oh——" Xin Wubian's heart was beating wildly in fright, he covered his heart, and looked at Xin Wujiang tearfully, "Brother, what are you doing, why are you scaring me?"

Xin Wujiang: "..."

"I walked so loudly, didn't you hear me?"

Xin Boundless: "Huh?"

He touched his head in a daze, and said guiltily, "I didn't hear that."

"Why are you standing here? There are guard dogs in our house."

Xin Boundless: "..."

"I'm not a dog!"

He stomped his feet angrily, and the big black dog tied beside him also barked, "Wow!"

Xin Wujiang couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled, his younger brother was a little silly, but sometimes he was quite cute.

Xin Wubian looked at him resentfully, and said unwillingly, "I'm waiting for you, right? Something happened in the palace."

"Huh?" Xin Wujiang narrowed his eyes.

Xin Wubian whispered: "The emperor has fainted!"

 Yesterday, I had a very long and painful day.

  There was a power outage at 5:[-] in the morning, the electric blanket was cold, I woke up from the cold, and then I raced against time to write crazy code words while the computer was still on power. At around [-] o'clock in the evening, a call came and the light came on, and after [-] minutes, the light went off.

  Another 5 minutes later, the light came on again. I got up and turned on the electric blanket to heat up hot water. After 3 minutes, the light went out again...

  After 10 minutes, the light came on again. I didn’t move this time. I sat for 5 minutes to confirm that it was a real call. It was already 08:30, and I finally had my first hot meal today. People really can't live without electricity!

(End of this chapter)

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