Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 227 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 20

Chapter 227 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 20
"Having fainted? What's going on?" Xin Wujiang's face suddenly became serious.

"Come to the study and talk."

Xin Gushan came out from the corner and waved at his two sons.

Xin Wujiang followed immediately.

After the family of three entered the study, Xin Gushan sat in the main seat, and said straight to the point: "The emperor summoned the national teacher to give a lecture early this morning. You have not been in Beijing for a long time. I don't know. The emperor now especially favors the national teacher. Now the national teacher has become the emperor." No.1 by my side, I can enter the palace without an order, and give sermons to the emperor on time, which is called self-cultivation and self-cultivation.”

"It's the same today, but I don't know what went wrong. The emperor suddenly fainted. The reason is that the national teacher kept silent and refused to tell anyone who asked. When the emperor woke up, the imperial doctor diagnosed that the emperor was overworked and rushed to the heart. .”

Xin Gushan touched his chin when he said this, "I don't think it's that simple. I'm in a hurry. What can make him so angry? The strangest thing is that the emperor didn't do anything."

"Didn't do anything?" Xin Wujiang and Xin Wubian looked at each other strangely.

It must not be a trivial matter that can make the emperor angry, but he didn't do anything, and no one could understand his mind.

"Yes, I didn't do anything, I'm afraid that in the future, Beijing and China will not be peaceful."

Xin Gushan changed the subject, looked at Xin Wujiang, with worried eyes, "Wujiang, father will take the time to watch your marriage in the next few days, if the emperor has an emergency, or there are other variables, our Xin family will take care of you." It’s going to be the target of public criticism.”

Xin Wujiang knew this truth better than anyone else, and it just became more urgent at this time.

He looked at the ground in silence, and suddenly stood up after a while.

"Father, I already have a plan for the marriage, and I will give you an explanation within three days."

Xin Wujiang gave himself three days.

Xin Gushan and Xin Wubian looked at each other, and the father and son stared at Xin Wujiang with wide eyes, as if they had seen a ghost.

Xin Gushan: "Which girl do you like? Are you fooling me?"

Xin Wubian: "Brother, are you okay?"

Xin Wujiang: "..."

Xin Wujiang: "???"

He squinted his eyes suddenly and looked at Xin Wubian. Xin Wubian realized that he had revealed his secrets, and quickly coughed twice to cover it up, "Then what, the youngest son of the Shangshu family of the Ministry of War invited me to drink, I'll go first."

He slipped away immediately with oil on his feet, Xin Wujiang was about to chase him, but was caught by Xin Gushan, "Wait a minute, don't worry about beating him, you can beat him three times a day, and you can also pick him up before supper To warm up, tell Dad first, which girl is it? When did it happen? You are not dealing with Dad and those people, are you?"

Xin Wujiang suddenly felt sorry for his heartless brother.

"No, it's true. I have a good candidate. It's just that it's not convenient to say it now, but father, don't worry, she must be a good girl. I'll tell you when I'm sure."

Seeing Xin Wujiang's serious words, Xin Gushan's doubts dispelled a lot, and he murmured: "You have a good track record, don't worry, dad, if you can really settle down, it's best if you like it, the person you fancy, dad No objection."

"Well, thank you dad." Xin Wujiang finally showed a gentle smile on Bingshan's face, and Xin Gushan smiled and waved his hands, "Go, what should you do?"

Xin Wujiang went back to his yard.

When he was alone, he took out the handkerchief that had been hidden in his arms all the time, opened it and spread it in his palm, on which lay the peach blossom hairpin that had been broken in two.

Perhaps, it is not impossible to promise her.

Xin Wujiang thought about it, and called the maid to give some instructions.


Lan Shuang never had menstrual pain before because she was in good health, but after this visit, it almost cost her half her life.

Stomach pain, back pain, hands and feet are as cold as dead, even if Tang Pozi is put under the bed, it will not recover for a long time.

888 was very distressed: "Host, I have already helped you recuperate your body within the scope of authority, but... the effect seems to be not good. The poison in your body is incomprehensible, and it will never heal."

With the help of the maid, Lan Shuang stood up, holding the medicine bowl to warm her hands, "It's okay, I can hold on."

888: "Really?"

Lan Shuang forced a smile: "Of course."

No wonder!It hurts me to death, okay?
But the points are only so small, and the detoxification pill is so expensive, and she will become a pauper again after exchanging it. She, who loves money like her life, will never accept it!
Seeing her staring at the medicine bowl bitterly and bitterly, the maid persuaded: "Saint, you have to drink the medicine to recover quickly."

Lan Shuang nodded, "You are right."

She blew on it, tested the temperature, and it felt okay, so she drank it all in one gulp, wiped her mouth with a handkerchief after drinking, leaned against the head of the bed listlessly and said, "Go down."

"Yes, if the saintess needs anything, she can call a slave."

Lan Shuang rolled onto the bed and covered herself tightly.

But she still felt cold, that kind of cold came out from the cracks in her bones, it was so cold that her bed was cold.

She tried her best to shrink herself into a ball, wanting to hold Mrs. Tang in her arms.

When the medicine came on, she fell into a drowsy sleep and had some bizarre dreams.

The defense here is not strict, and with Xin Wujiang's martial arts, it's almost like entering a no-man's land. He climbed in through the back window, and when he closed the window, he was still thinking that he was really crazy.

Such things as breaking into a woman's boudoir in the middle of the night can be done.

If someone bumps into him, he really doesn't have to spend time in Kyoto.

But it's already here, so it's too cowardly to just leave.

Xin Wujiang hesitated for a moment with a stinky face, then turned around and walked over to the bed.

Probably because they were afraid of catching cold from the wind, the curtains on the arches were lowered, making it look hazy at first glance.

Xin Wujiang hesitantly opened the curtain and walked in, a faint fragrance of orchids lingered inside.

He gradually relaxed, walked to the side of the bed and raised one side of the bed curtain, and saw Lan Shuang shrunk into a small ball, her head almost getting into the quilt.

Xin Wujiang suffocates for her, isn't he afraid of suffocating himself?
He hung up the bed curtain, sat on the edge of the bed and fished Lan Shuang out of the quilt. Lan Shuang hummed twice, as if she was very dissatisfied, and wanted to go back.

Xin Wujiang: "..."

He couldn't laugh or cry, he felt that Lan Shuang looked like a cat that hadn't woken up.

Lazy and...cute.

Xin Wujiang was taken aback for a moment, he was really in a daze.

Where is it cute?

But when he touched Lan Shuang's hand, he suddenly woke up, "Why is it still so cold?"

He originally wanted to put her hand back under the quilt, but after thinking about it, he still didn't let go and held it with his own hand.

Maybe because he felt his hand was warm, Lan Shuang actually rubbed against his hand.

This little action tickled Xin Wujiang's heart all of a sudden.

He pursed his lips tightly and looked at Lan Shuang with dark eyes.

"do not……"

"What?" Xin Wujiang leaned closer to listen to her sleep.

"Xin Wujiang... don't go..."

Xin Wujiang was startled, almost thought she was awake, but it was obvious that she closed her eyes and didn't make another move for a long time, so she was sure that she was just talking in sleep.

So—she dreamed of herself?
Xin Wujiang looked at the defenseless Lan Shuang who was close at hand, and the wall erected outside Xincheng suddenly collapsed without warning.

 Add more tomorrow, about [-] words?

(End of this chapter)

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