Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 228 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 21

Chapter 228 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 21
This night, Xin Wujiang sat by the bed for a long time, and even gave Lan Shuang some real energy. When Lan Shuang's hands and feet warmed up, he put her hands back under the quilt with a look of disgust, and tucked her in again. Well quilted, put down the bed curtain, and made sure there was nothing wrong, then went back the same way and left through the rear window.


When Lan Shuang woke up the next day, she was a little dazed. She sat on the bedside and asked, "Little Baba, did Xin Wujiang come here last night?"

888: "Huh? Host, are you up?"

"No, I'm a little conscious, in a daze, and I feel that someone is sitting next to the bed and holding my hand. His hand is very hot."

Lan Shuang looked at her hands and said with a smile, "So it's him?"

888 nodded: "Yes, he came in through the window yesterday and sat by the bed for a while, but I don't know what he was thinking about."

"No matter what you think, it's enough if you can come." Lan Shuang stretched her waist, "This means that the iceberg has begun to melt, and if you continue to work hard, you will soon succeed."

888: "Come on!"

Lan Shuang was in a good mood that day, ate and drank medicine on time, and her body felt much better than the first day, at least it was no longer cold.

At night, she went to bed early and slept until midnight when she felt someone sitting beside her bed. To be honest, if she didn't know who was coming, it would be really scary.

This time, Xin Wujiang also sat by the bed for a while, staring at Lan Shuang's sleeping face from time to time. At first, Lan Shuang wanted to see what he was going to do. Couldn't stand it any longer, and went straight to sleep.


This situation has been maintained for three days.

On the third day, Xin Wujiang sat by the bed for a while. Before he left, he tucked Lan Shuang's quilt as usual, but Lan Shuang grabbed his wrist. He didn't use much strength, just held it weakly, and his voice was muffled. Unclear, with a sleepy softness, "You have been watching for three days, have you seen anything?"

Xin Wujiang was not too surprised by this, he looked down at his hand being held, and said in a deep voice, "I can see it."

"Huh?" Lan Shuang turned to look at him.

Seeing him half bent, Lan Shuang moved into the bed, patted the empty space and said, "Sit down and talk."

Xin Wujiang frowned: "It's not right."

It is already out of line for him to visit the boudoir at night, and he is completely shameless if he is still sitting on the girl's bed.

Even if no one saw it, he couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart.

Lan Shuang could probably guess what he was thinking, she shrank back into the quilt with a smile, without forcing, "You are a gentleman."

Xin Wujiang didn't take it seriously, these two words had nothing to do with him.

"So, General, what do you mean by staring at me sleeping every night? It's scary."

Xin Wujiang straightened up, and gently broke away from her hand, "I'm thinking about what you said before."

"After thinking about it for so long, is there a result?"

Lan Shuang's voice was muffled, but she was still not fully awake.

Xin Wujiang heard itchy ears, he coughed lightly and said, "Yes."

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows, "All ears."

"I promise."

As soon as the four words came out, the bedroom suddenly became quiet.

Lan Shuang looked at him unexpectedly, and Xin Wujiang's expression became a little more relaxed. It turns out that it's not that difficult to say these four words.

"I agree to your conditions. On a good day, I will let my father bring a matchmaker to come to propose marriage."

Xin Wujiang calmly seemed to be talking about his unlucky brother, "But what you said, you'd better do it."

Lan Shuang wanted to sit up when she heard the words, but as soon as she got up, Xin Wujiang frowned and pressed her shoulder: "Lie down, I don't know what's wrong with my body, so I'm still tossing about."

Lan Shuang: "Oh, you are so fierce."

Xin Wujiang: "..."

"Why did you suddenly figure it out?" Lan Shuang was still very curious, because in her opinion, Xin Wujiang had always been indifferent when facing her, and she didn't feel too much emotional fluctuation, and even avoided it.

It was really strange that he suddenly changed his mind and agreed to marry him.

But after a while, she figured it out: "Is it because the emperor fainted that made you aware of the crisis?"

Xin Wujiang's thin lips parted slightly, and he wanted to explain that it wasn't quite so, but he felt it was unnecessary, so why did he say so much?
"It's also very good, so I can settle down early, and I can feel at ease."

Lan Shuang said as if talking to herself: "However, the national teacher's pass may be a bit difficult, and his mind will not change easily."

"I have my own way. Take good care of your body and don't stay sick all the time."

After Xin Wujiang finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Lan Shuang didn't keep him either, she just smiled and said, "Then I'll wait for you, fiancé."

Xin Wujiang paused, almost tripped by himself, staggered, turned around and gave her a bad look: "Don't bark."

Lan Shuang pulled the quilt to cover half of her face, and smiled softly.

Xin Wujiang left in embarrassment, and Lan Shuang clearly saw his red earlobes under the bright moonlight.

It's really fun to tease the cold-faced general. He's obviously serious on the surface, but he's shy when touched, and blush when he's teased. It's so fun.

Lan Shuang seemed to be able to think about the days after marriage.

Such a character is actually quite good.

She fell asleep with beautiful expectations on her pillow, but she didn't know that some people tossed and turned, and opened their eyes until dawn.


The national teacher has been soaking in the study for the past few days, rarely going out, all the news is passed on by his confidantes, the emperor in the palace is still not well, he has been lying in bed, and the government affairs are handled by the crown prince with him, he is almost too busy Time to eat.

But this was within his expectation, and he didn't feel tired at all.

In other words, people who have been overwhelmed by hatred can't feel anything but hate.

The national teacher took off his mask, rubbed the center of his brows, and looked at the small characters on the secret letter, feeling dazed for a while.

"Boom boom boom——"

The sudden knock on the door sounded in Jing Ye, and the strings of the national teacher were tense for a moment, "Come in—"

"Squeaky", his confidant Yue Han pushed the door open, the national teacher frowned and asked coldly, "Is there something wrong in the palace?"

"No, the person sent to investigate the Fifth Prince sent a message back."

"Bring it to me to see."

The national teacher immediately sat up straight.

Yue Han gave him the secret letter, and said softly: "The fifth prince seems to be unrestrained and unrestrained, and he is a leader among the dandies, but he is extremely clean and self-sufficient. There are many beauties in the house, but he has never touched him. I can't find anything else wrong, all his property on the surface is fine, and the accounting is very beautiful."

The national teacher looked at what was written in the secret letter and listened to Yuehan's report, falling into deep thought.

From these things alone, it is true that nothing can be seen, but nothing can be seen, which just explains the problem.

A dandy prince who only knows how to spend time, drink, eat, drink and have fun, there is nothing wrong with his account?And there is no bribery or anything like that, the tail is swept away, and nothing can be found.

He didn't notice it before, and it was because Lan Shuang mentioned it repeatedly that he made up his mind to investigate it. Could it be that he had been mistaken all this time?

 Knock knock bowl, tickets come!
(End of this chapter)

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