Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 229 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 22

Chapter 229 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 22
Yuehan looked at the national teacher hesitantly: "My lord, do you still want to stare at the fifth prince?"

The national teacher pondered for a moment, and waved his hands: "Forget it, just keep one or two people, and the rest will withdraw and look at the other princes."


Yuehan responded and was about to retreat, but the national teacher stopped him again, "Wait..."

Yuehan raised his head to look at him, but saw that the national teacher's expression was a little hard to explain. He was stunned for a while, and then he reacted and said tentatively: "The blessing platform said that the saint's health has improved a lot recently, and her spirit is also good. I guess she will be gone in a few days." All right."

The national teacher pursed his lips: "Understood."

This time it was really all right, so Yuehan withdrew.

When the door was closed and the study room became quiet, the national teacher finally let go of his strength, leaned back and leaned on the back of the chair, his gaze fell on a certain point in the void, and he became dazed.

What should I do next?If the fifth prince is not as simple as it appears on the surface, he may really be seeking skin from a tiger, but he has already sent someone to contact the fifth prince, and the fifth prince also intends to marry Lan Shuang as his wife, so it would be a bit troublesome to directly repent.

Moreover, the fifth prince was the puppet candidate he had determined after observing for so long. If he changed at this time, the fifth prince jumped over the wall in a hurry and ran to the emperor to expose himself.

How to do it?

There is no turning back when you open the bow. Even if you make a mistake, you can only make a mistake now. Otherwise, you can only choose the prince, but although the prince is stupid, he is restless. One takes his own knife.

The national division was completely in trouble.

After 20 years of painstaking efforts, I finally trapped myself in the same place, unable to advance or retreat.


The next day, he went into the palace to visit the emperor with two dark circles under his eyes. The emperor asked a few words with concern, and the national teacher said to the donkey: "Your Majesty's dragon body is ill. I can't eat and sleep. I pray and chant scriptures day and night. , so I looked haggard, but I saw that His Majesty's complexion has improved a lot, so I think it's worth it."

The emperor was quite moved when he heard the words, and he held the hand of the national teacher and said with emotion: "Manchurian civil and military, but you are the only one who treats me sincerely. I hate that they are full of loyalty and patriotism, but they all want to plot against me."

The national teacher lowered his eyes, pulled out his hand without a trace, and tucked up the quilt for the emperor, "It's getting colder and colder, even if the earth dragon is burning, your majesty must be careful."

The emperor didn't notice his dislike, but was even more moved. He talked about a lot of things, and didn't let him go until he lost his energy.

After he left the palace, he was about to get into the carriage, when he saw a person standing beside the carriage, with a tall and tall figure, with a deep and tough outline, and he carried a murderous aura without saying a word.

He frowned, and the man noticed his gaze and immediately looked over, nodded at him, "Master National Teacher."

The national teacher walked over, and his attendant was also standing beside the carriage, with a look of embarrassment on his face. Seeing him, he seemed to have found the backbone, "My lord, General Xin said he has something to ask for you, so he insisted on standing here waiting for you to come out."

The national teacher's eyes fell on Xin Wujiang's face, and Xin Wujiang let him look at him without changing his face, "I do have important matters to discuss with the national teacher, I wonder if the national teacher is free to talk about it?"

"Heh—" the national teacher chuckled: "The general is waiting for me, it doesn't seem like he cares about whether I'm free."

Xin Wujiang raised his eyebrows: "Then I'm free, the national teacher, please—"

With a wave of his hand, he pointed to the carriage next to the General's Mansion.

The attendant of the national teacher stepped forward, "You—"

The national teacher raised his hand: "It's okay, I just happen to have a chat with the general, since I've caught up, let's go."

Attendant: "Then..."

"You go back."



The national teacher and Xin Wujiang sat opposite each other in the carriage, neither of them opened their mouths first, the atmosphere was so solemn that it seemed to freeze.

Xin Wujiang stared at the national teacher's mask for a second, then looked away and took a sip of tea, feeling disgusted in his heart.

The big man hides his head and shows his tail. He doesn't look like a serious person at first glance, and he must have a ghost in his heart.

The national teacher also looked at Xin Wujiang, this face is really good-looking, handsome and tough, no wonder it has captured the hearts of all the noble ladies in the capital.


Xin Wujiang: Lan Shuang would definitely not like this kind of person.

Guoshi: Lan Shuang might like this kind of person, right?

The two of them thought of Lan Shuang at the same time, and Lan Shuang sneezed several times while eating, almost choking herself to death.

Finally she lost her appetite and went out to bask in the sun.

And the two men went straight to the largest restaurant in Kyoto in a carriage, and Xin Wujiang asked for a private room after getting off the carriage.

The drunken man didn't mean to drink, and the two of them didn't come here for dinner. After ordering a few dishes, they dismissed everyone and closed the door to talk about business.

"I don't want to go around in circles with you either. My heart is full of Lan Shuang, and I want to marry her as my wife. I don't know what the national teacher thinks?"

Xin Wujiang picked up the jug and poured the national teacher a glass of wine.

The national teacher narrowed his eyes: "Xinyue Shuang'er? If I remember correctly, you only met once at the prince's birthday banquet, and you fell in love with it? Isn't this too hasty?"

"Doesn't the national teacher know it's love at first sight?" Xin Wujiang filled himself up again, but he didn't drink, just put it on.

The national teacher sneered: "I know but don't believe it, it's just a matter of seeing the color."

"Whether it's love at first sight or love at first sight, as long as the final goal can be achieved, what's the difference?" Xin Wujiang pulled his lips, "You cultivated Lan Shuang to consolidate your power? But you are already a thorn in the eyes of everyone. Once the emperor falls, your life will be difficult, right?"

The national teacher's eyes were slightly cold, and he didn't say anything.

Xin Wujiang continued: "I'm also a thorn in the side of others. If you win over others, it's better to win over me. At least I have military power in my hands. As long as I don't take the initiative to commit crimes, it's not difficult to protect myself."

The national teacher still did not speak.

This time Xin Wujiang didn't speak anymore.

The two fell into a strange silence, the food gradually became cold, and neither of them moved a chopstick.

Xin Wujiang didn't speak, he said everything he should say, it depends on how the national teacher weighs it.

How does the national teacher balance?

He didn't really want to weigh it, because when he saw Xin Wujiang, he felt uneasy, and he couldn't tell which side was uneasy, so he didn't want to agree for a long time.

But no matter how you look at it, Lan Shuang's marriage to him is indeed better than marrying the fifth prince, especially now that the situation with the fifth prince is unclear.

However, if Lan Shuang was to marry Xin Wujiang, he would lack a bargaining chip with the Fifth Prince.

"Marriage is an important matter, not to be trifled with. General Xin is young and promising, I naturally appreciate it very much, but that child Shuang'er has been doted on by me since she was a child, and she has a very violent temper. I have to ask her about this matter."

Xin Wujiang laughed secretly when he heard the words, but he didn't know that Lan Shuang took the initiative to find him, and Lan Shuang had already settled down there.

It is impossible for the national teacher to be completely ignorant, so he is procrastinating.

As for the delay...

Xin Wujiang smiled: "Of course, then I will wait for the good news from the national teacher."

The national teacher smiled, picked up the wine glass and drank it, then got up: "I've drank this glass of wine, I still have something to do, so I won't accompany you any longer, and leave."

(End of this chapter)

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