Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 231 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 24

Chapter 231 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 24
Xin Wujiang gently inserted the hairpin into Lanshuang's satin-like bun, his hands trembling a little, afraid of pulling her hair, "Does it hurt?"

he asked in a low voice, looking very nervous.

Lan Shuang wanted to laugh even more, this great general would not shake his hands when holding a knife on the battlefield, but now he is afraid to insert a hairpin for himself, it can be seen that he is really afraid.

From this, it can be seen that he really pities her and cares about her.

The iceberg has almost melted.

Lan Shuang couldn't help thinking.

"It doesn't hurt, is it inserted?" She raised her hand to touch it, but she happened to touch Xin Wujiang's hand that hadn't had time to take it back. Sorry, I didn't mean to."

Lan Shuang let go of his hand, stroked the hairpin and smiled: "It's okay, it's inserted very well."

Hearing what she said, Xin Wujiang felt relieved. It was the first time he observed the sober Lan Shuang so closely. He had to admit that she was really beautiful, more beautiful than all the women he had ever seen combined. And it always gave him an indescribable sense of familiarity, which made him always soft-hearted when facing her.

Is this life?
Xin Wujiang thought to himself.

"General, do you want to come in and sit down? Have a cup of tea before leaving. I'm sweating just looking at you."

Xin Wujiang rode his horse and galloped all the way out of the National Teacher's Mansion, and he was sweating all over.

He didn't pay attention to it just now, but now that Lan Shuang clicked it, he felt hot, but he hesitated for a moment and shook his head: "Forget it, we haven't formally signed the marriage contract yet, I don't want to go to your room in broad daylight, let's go .”

He glanced at the box in Lanshuang's hand and the hairpin on his head, hesitated for a moment and said, "The hairpin is very pretty."

Lan Shuang was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help laughing after seeing him walk away, "It's so awkward, can't you just praise me for being good-looking?"

She took the empty box and walked into the house. After entering the house, she took a look at the bronze mirror. It was indeed very beautiful. The hairpin itself was very elegant, and it was not obtrusive after adding a little gold, but it looked more expensive.

Lan Shuang looked left and right in the mirror, 888 tsk-tsk said: "Host, I can tell, you really like this hairpin."

Lan Shuang chuckled, but did not deny it.

How could you not like something given by your sweetheart?
After watching Lan Shuang for a while, she pulled out the hairpin, put it back into the brocade box, closed the lid, and put it away carefully.

"After the marriage is settled, the big rock in my heart can finally fall to the ground."

Lan Shuang quickly went through the next plan in her mind. She had done everything she could, and there should be no more accidents in her marriage with Xin Wujiang. The next most important thing was to save the life of the national teacher.

If you want to do this, you must deal with the Fifth Prince.

She would definitely arouse suspicion if she approached the Fifth Prince rashly, but she could let Xin Wujiang deliver a message for herself after the engagement was made.

Thinking of this, she immediately got up and took out a pen and paper to write a letter. After it was dry, she put it in an envelope and hid it beside her bed, waiting for Xin Wujiang to hand it to him next time.


General Xin enjoys everything he does, especially when he marries a wife.

After finalizing with the national teacher, he immediately went to find Lan Shuang, and immediately ran home non-stop after agreeing with Lan Shuang.

At this time, Old General Xin was standing on the porch, worrying about the bird.

The emperor's health has not been getting better, and he doesn't know how long he can last. If he doesn't hurry up and get married, the marriage will have to be delayed again when the country mourns, and he doesn't know what will happen.

At this moment, Xin Wubian returned from wandering around from nowhere, full of makeup, the old general turned his face away in disgust after seeing him.

"I don't ask you to be as motivated as your elder brother, stay at home honestly, and support your bad reputation so that you can find a marriage for you in the future. Your reputation of going out to play cats and dogs all day long will be ruined." , which girl can marry you? Huh?"

Xin Wubian stood aside obediently being scolded, and couldn't help but retort: ​​"Then it's over if you don't want a girl? It's not impossible to raise a son-in-law."

"What did you say?!" The old general's words were out of tune.

Xin Wujiang, who walked in, listened to the words that he was so alive, and his sharp eyes immediately pierced Xin Wubian's body.

"I think you're just too full to eat. You'll be hungry for the next two days."

"Don't, brother, I just said that casually, you can't treat me like this, I'm your own brother, you starved me to death, who will take care of you in the future?
Xin Wujiang: "..."

The old general went straight up and kicked Xin Wubian, kicking him off the steps.

"Go away, I'm upset when I see you."

Xin Wubian patted his footprints with a smile, and walked to Xin Wujiang's side.

Then he found something, he circled Xin Wujiang twice in amazement, stretched his neck, like a big goose at the entrance of the village.

"Brother, why are you laughing? You actually laughed! My God, is the sun coming out from the west? Or is the rooster laying eggs?"

Xin Wujiang looked at him helplessly, then walked up to the old general and saluted him, "Father, the three-day period has passed, I've figured it out."

The old general immediately regained his spirits, "Tell me, which girl is it? The girl agrees?"

Xin Wujiang said, "It's the Holy Maiden Lanshuang of the National Teacher's Mansion."

"Ah?" The old general and Xin Wubian shouted at the same time.

Then the father and son looked at each other, and turned to look at Xin Wujiang in disbelief, wondering whether they were dreaming or that Xin Wujiang hadn't woken up yet.

Xin Wujiang said it again solemnly: "My son wants to marry Lan Shuang, the Holy Maiden of the National Teacher's Mansion."

"No, although I don't object to you marrying her, isn't her status a bit special? It's so good, why did you suddenly think about it? You didn't know each other before."

The old general was puzzled.

Xin Wujiang explained: "Lan Shuang's status is indeed a bit special, but it is not without advantages. At least the national teacher has won the trust of His Majesty. If I marry the adopted daughter of the National Teacher, it is equivalent to placing a piece of your majesty in the mansion." His Majesty is sure to be happy to see the result."

"That's true." According to this statement, there are indeed few people who are more suitable than Lan Shuang.

The old general scratched his hair, "Then do you like her?"

He took Xin Wujiang's hand and said earnestly: "We don't have to be so complacent. Marriage is not a child's play. Your wife will live with you for the rest of your life. You must not be so hasty. After you marry her, you will be responsible for her." , to trust her, cherish her, and protect her. If you have no feelings for her, how can you take on these responsibilities? If she doesn't love you, what will your children do in the future?"

"Yeah, brother, we're not in such a hurry, we can choose another one." Xin Wubian didn't agree very much, "How can the daughter taught by the old goblin of the national teacher be any better?"

 Brother, be careful you get beaten
(End of this chapter)

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