Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 232 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 25

Chapter 232 The Holy Maiden Is Escaping from the Shura Field Again Today 25 (four more)
This family doesn't like the national teacher very much. After all, they are loyal ministers of the general family. How can they like the national teacher who uses flattery to get to the top?

The old general has seen a lot, he speaks tactfully, and his emotions are restrained. Xin Wubian is different. There is an old man on the top and a brother on the bottom. It seems that he often beats him, but in fact he spoils him, so he always speaks so bluntly, with joy, anger, sorrow and joy. Never bothered to hide.

"I've met that saint a few times, she's really pretty, but she can't be eaten for food, marry a wife and a virtuous person." Xin Wubian patted Xin Wujiang on the shoulder pretending to be old-fashioned.

Xin Wujiang: "..."

He raised his hand in disgust and pulled his hand down, "Shut up, that's your future sister-in-law."

Xin Wubian twitched his lips: "The horoscope has not been written yet."

"It will be there soon." Xin Wujiang turned his head and said to the old general: "Father, I have been in contact with Lan Shuang a few times. She is not the same as the national teacher. You will know when you see someone. She... is very good." .”

Xin Wujiang paused, thinking that it was rare in his life to be ignorant of his conscience, and it was all because of Lan Shuang.

The old general looked at his son, who was taller and mightier than himself, and thought of all the hardships he had endured on the battlefield all these years, thinking that the burden on his shoulders was getting heavier and heavier for himself and his family.

Finally, he let out a long sigh: "If you have made up your mind, then marry her. Daddy will bring her in a big sedan chair. How you live in the future is up to you young couple. Since you recognize her, then she is our Xin family. We will treat her like our own daughter and sister, and we will not make her regret entering my Xin family."

"Thank you, Dad." Xin Wujiang was about to kneel down, but the old general hurriedly supported him, "No need to do that, you and Wu Bian are both my sons, your mother died young, I raised you, I have no other ideas, just I hope you are safe and happy."

Xin Wujiang looked at the old general with a moved face, and the old general smiled kindly, "But I'm afraid the test of the national teacher will be difficult, right?"

Xin Wujiang smiled lightly: "I've already talked with the national teacher, as long as Lan Shuang is willing, that's all. Now that Lan Shuang has accepted the token, this marriage is considered a success."

"Okay, then I will go to the palace tomorrow and ask His Majesty to give you a marriage."

"Thank you father."

"Go and call the butler, and let him settle the accounts later to see how the dowry will be paid."

"Okay." Xin Wujiang turned to look for the butler, and Xin Wubian followed behind him.

"Brother, do you really want to marry Lan Shuang?"

"Can you take me with you next time you go to see sister-in-law? I'm also curious if sister-in-law is really so good that she can make you fall in love?"

"Brother, how much dowry do you want?"

Xin Wujiang was nipped in by him, so he changed his mind temporarily, and said to Xin Wubian: "The elder sister-in-law is like a mother, and there will be another person who can take care of you in this family in the future. If you think about it better, don't you have to?" Do you want to have a good relationship with your sister-in-law first?"

Xin Wubian was taken aback, and then clapped his hands suddenly: "Yeah! Why didn't I think of this? There is no hostess at home. When my sister-in-law comes, the power of housekeeping must be given to her. If she doesn't like me, then I am not Haven't had a good time?"

Thinking about it this way, Xin Wubian simply felt that the future was bleak.

"Brother, what should I do?"

With a mournful face, he asked Xin Wujiang for help, and Xin Wujiang hooked his fingers.

He immediately listened to him, and heard Xin Wujiang whisper: "You help prepare your sister-in-law's betrothal gift, make a list, and when it's done, your sister-in-law is happy, and she will definitely treat you well in the future."

"Really?" Xin Wubian raised hope again.

Xin Wujiang stopped talking and just looked at him like this, but Xin Wujiang felt that it made sense.

"Okay, this matter is on me, brother, don't worry, I must be more attentive than marrying my wife!"

After saying that, Xin Wubian ran to the cashier.

Immediately, Xin Wujiang's ears were quiet, he heaved a sigh of relief, turned around and went back to his room.

There are still many good things in his private treasury, pick and choose as a bride price for Lan Shuang, he doesn't need it anyway.

On this day, the General's Mansion was extremely busy, but everyone's face was full of joy.

Early in the morning of the second day, the old general changed into his court uniform and paid a very formal visit to the emperor.

The emperor knew that he was still a little dazed when he asked for an audience, but when the old general finished speaking about his visit, he was completely dazed.

"You mean, that child in Wujiang has taken a fancy to the saint?"

The emperor felt much better today, and was sitting leaning against the head of the bed. Hearing this, he immediately turned to look at the national teacher next to the bed, "You also know about this?"

"Yes, the little general came to visit yesterday and mentioned this matter. I thought that the man and woman are a good match, so I agreed to let them come to ask His Majesty for instructions and let His Majesty decide."

The national teacher walked up to the old general, lifted the hem of his robe and knelt down.

The old general said: "Your Majesty, the holy girl was raised by the national teacher. She is well-educated, reasonable, and understanding. She is really a good match. Therefore, I have the audacity to come to see Your Majesty, and ask Your Majesty to give the dog a marriage."

As soon as he kowtowed, the emperor looked at the national teacher, and the national teacher cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, please complete it."

Then he kowtowed down.

The emperor leaned on the bed and thought for a while. The national teacher is on his side, and Lan Shuang is the adopted daughter of the national teacher. He must put the national teacher first in everything. When the time comes, he can just look at Xin Wujiang ?
Moreover, Lan Shuang doesn't have any power, like the national teacher, she relies on his favor to maintain her glory. Without him, they are nothing, so they will never betray themselves.

Thinking of this, the emperor suddenly became enlightened, and the dark clouds that had been hovering in his heart dissipated.

He immediately laughed out loud, clapped his hands and said, "Before, I was thinking that Wujiang was not too young to start a family, but looking at the capital, there are very few suitable noble girls. My head hurts thinking about it, and I don't know what to choose." The girl can be matched with Wujiang, but Wujiang did not expect to find it by himself."

He said with emotion: "Since the husband is affectionate, the concubine is interested, and I am also happy to be an adult, I have approved this marriage. Come and draw up the decree—"

"Yes!" The eunuch immediately went to fetch a pen and paper, the emperor got out of bed and drew up the imperial decree by himself, and put down the final touch.

"Sir, thank Your Majesty Long En!"


The emperor also rewarded some things by the way, and sent them to the general's mansion and the blessing platform along with the imperial decree.

Soon the news that Xin Wujiang was going to marry Lan Shuang spread all over the capital like he had grown legs, and the prince was in a bad mood after receiving the news.

"What? Xin Wujiang wants to marry Lan Shuang? Or is the marriage bestowed by the emperor?"

The prince slapped the table: "How unreasonable!"

On the other hand, the fifth prince also had the same reaction. On the one hand, he was furious at the national teacher's reneging on his promise, but on the other hand, he felt incredible.

"Xin Wujiang actually fell in love with Lan Shuang? The national teacher also agreed, what do you mean? Are they going to join forces?"

Thinking of this possibility, he couldn't sit still, and immediately sent someone to send a message to Xin Wujiang, inviting him to meet at Tianxiang Restaurant in three days.

(End of this chapter)

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