Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 233 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 26

Chapter 233 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 26 ([-]th)
Xin Wujiang was also very happy, and immediately went to the restaurant to wait for the fifth prince after agreeing.

After the fifth prince saw him in the private room, he first smiled and exchanged a few words of greeting, asking all kinds of questions but not getting to the point, Xin Wujiang impatiently played riddles, and cut to the chase: "Your Highness is looking for me this time because of Lan Shuang and me. About the engagement?"

He has always been so straightforward, the fifth prince choked for a moment, and then he was relieved, "Since you are so honest, then I won't hide it anymore, I just want to ask, what do you really think? Is it because you don't want to disturb me?" Did you get into the muddy waters of the royal family? Why did you hook up with Lan Shuang?"

Although what he said was true, the truth of his wording made people uncomfortable.

Xin Wujiang frowned, and interrupted the Fifth Prince's words: "Your Highness, Lan Shuang and I are not hooking up. I am very pleased, so I asked my father to ask His Majesty for orders, that's all."

He gave the Fifth Prince a cup and toasted him: "As for how you plan to fight for power and profit, it has nothing to do with me or Lan Shuang. Your Highness can rest assured."

"Really? Ke Lanshuang is the adopted daughter of the national teacher. She and the national teacher are on the same boat. Do you think I can believe it?"

The fifth prince leaned on the back of the chair, looked at the glass of wine, and didn't move.

Xin Wujiang raised his glass and drank it all by himself, put down the cup, and his eyes were sharp: "Then what do you think, Your Highness? I colluded with the national teacher? Is Your Highness insulting me, or my father?"

The fifth prince choked again, and his tone softened, "You know I didn't mean that, why are you doing this without borders? Do you really have a deep love for Lan Shuang? What's so good about her? You are not a person who only looks at faces ?”

This is where the Fifth Prince couldn't figure it out.

Xin Wujiang also knew that a person like him who grew up in the big dye vat of the royal family could not understand pure feelings, and he did not intend to tell him more about his relationship with Lan Shuang.

"I do have a relationship with Lan Shuang. When I first saw her, I decided that she has nothing to do with the national teacher. My Xin family has been a general for generations, guarding the border, shaking all directions, loyal to the emperor and patriotic, and vowed not to be with the courtiers. If I want to seek the court To be a seat in the hall, you can rely on your own ability to go to the battlefield to fight, and you don't need to rely on marriage to win the relationship."

Xin Wujiang's words were sonorous and forceful, and after he finished speaking, he stood up, cupped his fists at the fifth prince and said, "That's all I said, your highness doesn't matter whether you believe it or not."

He turned and left.

The fifth prince looked at his back with deep eyes.

His guard walked in and muttered: "This General Xin is too arrogant, how dare he speak to His Highness like this?"

The Fifth Prince laughed lightly: "You don't understand, Wujiang is such a person."

"His Highness has indulged him too much. After all, he holds real power. If he really colluded with the national teacher..."

The fifth prince raised his hand to interrupt the guard, his eyes were sharp, and he implied a warning: "Don't let me hear such words a second time, the Xin family is full of good generals, and he has the confidence to speak. Since he said that he did not collude with the national teacher, Probably not."

He smiled inexplicably: "So, I'm actually curious about Lan Shuang, what method did she use to capture Xin Wujiang's heart? The same is true of the national teacher, who just casually married the chess piece he carefully cultivated. ?”

He tapped the table with his fingertips, thinking that he should go meet the saint for a while.


After Xin Wujiang walked out of the restaurant, he walked around the street for a while. Small merchants on both sides of the street were setting up stalls and shouting hard. After walking two steps, he suddenly heard someone shouting: "The chestnuts just out of the pot, the chestnuts fried in sugar, are sweet and soft. Nuo, don’t miss it when you pass by!”

Xin Wujiang paused slightly, Xue Qing followed behind: "What's the matter, master?"

Xin Wujiang turned his head to look at the stall selling sugar-fried chestnuts, Xue Qing immediately understood: "Do you want chestnuts, Master?"

Xin Wujiang shook his head, but walked straight towards the stall.


The lady who sold the chestnuts was working hard to stir-fry them, when she saw a tall and handsome man standing in front of the stall, she immediately smiled and said, "Master, do you want to buy sugar-fried chestnuts?"

Xin Wujiang looked at the chestnuts that opened his mouth, full of color and exuding an attractive aroma, and nodded: "Is it delicious?"

The aunt smiled from ear to ear: "Of course it's delicious, if you don't believe me, try it!"

She picked up a chestnut with long chopsticks and put it on a side plate, and handed it to Xin Wujiang. Xin Wujiang took it, stared at the chestnut for a few times, picked it up, peeled the shell, put it in his mouth, and his eyes lighted up slightly.

Well, it's really delicious, she should like it, right?
Xue Qing walked over and looked at his general with a complicated expression. Didn't he like eating these snacks before?

"How is it? Is it delicious?" The aunt looked at Xin Wujiang expectantly.

Xin Wujiang nodded: "Well, give me two catties."

"Huh? Is two catties a bit too much?"

The aunt wondered: "How can I finish eating so much?"

Xin Wujiang raised his eyebrows: "Then eat slowly."

"Okay." The aunt could see that this was a rich and powerful owner. She packed two big packages in an oiled paper bag and handed them to Xin Wujiang. Xin Wujiang took it, heavy and steaming.

"Thank you."

He turned to Xue Qing and said, "Pay."

"Yes." Xue Qing paid at the back, Xin Wujiang held the candied chestnuts in his hand, got on his horse, and walked towards the blessing platform.

As soon as Xue Qing turned her head, the master was gone.


This job is getting worse and worse.


Lan Shuang is in good health today, her menstrual period is about to go, and the sun is shining outside. Before all the red maples on the mountain have fallen, she climbs up to sit in the pavilion again.

The location on the mountainside is neither high nor low, and the pavilion is very well repaired. At a glance, the maple forest is like fire, which is too beautiful to behold.

When you are in a good mood, you feel comfortable, and Lan Shuang's complexion improved visibly with the naked eye.

"Host, you are such a salty fish in this world, are you tired?"

888 noticed that Lan Shuang was a little passive and sabotaged recently, and asked curiously.

Lan Shuang leaned against the railing without any image, with her hands in front of her eyes, and the sunlight was cut into pieces between her fingers. She squinted her eyes and said lazily: "It doesn't count, the main thing is that the first few worlds are too tired. I can finally eat and wait to die in my life, so I will give myself a vacation."

"Struggle, the next life will be sure."


Host, what you said is like a scumbag who eats everything, wipes his ass and leaves.

"Okay, in the next life, I will find you an identity that needs to be struggled for."

Lan Shuang: "..."

You don't have to.

The two of them were quarreling boredly, when suddenly there was a sound of footsteps below.

Lan Shuang was taken aback, who would go up the mountain at this time?She has ordered not to disturb her, could it be——

Taking this into consideration, she leaned against the railing in this position and pretended to be asleep.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and suddenly stopped in front of the pavilion, as if hesitating for a long time, and didn't come in for a long time.

The next moment, the sound of footsteps still sounded, stepping on the fallen leaves, and walking to her step by step.

 The [-]-character explosion is over, please vote for it!

(End of this chapter)

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