Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 234 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 27

Chapter 234 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 27
Lan Shuang pretended to be sleeping very skillfully, her breath was long, her face was rosy, and she seemed to be making a date with Zhou.

Xin Wujiang looked at her with downcast eyes, his gaze was devoid of lust, and he traced Lan Shuang's eyebrows, eyes, roots, and lips little by little.

In the end, it stayed on the bright red lips for a long time.

Lan Shuang: "..."

What does it mean to stare at someone's lips when no one is around?
The point is, do you just watch?

She wanted to press her own head!

Forget it, hold back, the human design cannot collapse.

Xin Wujiang's gaze seemed to have substance, until Lan Shuang felt that he was about to be looked down upon, and he finally opened his mouth.

"Originally, I bought some chestnuts for you, but you pretended to be asleep. It's cold, so throw it away."

As Lan Shuang was talking, she heard a rustle of oiled paper bags.

This prodigal son won't really want to throw it away, will he?Or catch me?

Lan Shuang endured it.

As a result, the wicked wind blew over, bringing the aroma of roasted chestnuts in candied sugar to her face, and she hadn't had lunch yet.


Nothing is more honest than the body.

Hearing this sound, Lan Shuang wanted to ascend to heaven immediately, Xin Wujiang was stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

Seeing Lan Shuang's face turning red uncontrollably, Xin Wujiang was in a good mood. He sighed, opened the oil paper bag a little more, picked up a chestnut and put it under Lan Shuang's nose, shaking it, "Just now It’s quite sweet when it comes out of the pot, but it’s a pity, let’s throw it away.”

He speaks like he sings in an opera, jumping from verse to verse.

Lan Shuang gritted her teeth silently, and then felt a gust of wind blowing around her, as if Xin Wujiang raised his arm to throw something.

The desire for delicious food still made her bow to the evil forces. She precisely grasped Xin Wujiang's wrist, gritted her teeth and said, "It's shameful to waste."

Xin Wujiang raised his eyebrows: "Stop pretending?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

She looked at Xin Wujiang resentfully, and seeing his playful face, she deeply felt that she had underestimated him.

"give me."

She spread her palms, Xin Wujiang closed the paper bag with a smile, and then hid the bag behind her back under Lan Shuang's eager gaze.

Lan Shuang: "?"

You learned badly, General!

Xin Wujiang put on a straight face, and asked seriously, "Why are you pretending to be asleep?"

Lan Shuang blinked: "Isn't it just to tease you?"

"Just kidding, what if it's not me? It's dangerous for you, you know?"

Xin Wujiang's preaching tone made Lan Shuang a little confused: "What's the danger?"

"What if other men come? What if they have evil intentions..."

The more he talked, the darker Xin Wujiang's face became, and he seemed to be able to imagine the scene, even looking at Lan Shuang with fierce eyes.

Lan Shuang: "...stop!"

She raised her hand to stop Xin Wujiang's runaway thoughts, "I pretended to be asleep because I recognized your footsteps, so I wanted to tease you. If it was someone else, I would pretend to be asleep when I was sick."

Xin Wujiang was taken aback, "Can you recognize my footsteps?"

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows, "Otherwise."

She stood up while talking, pretending to press her forehead with one hand, and hanging her hand at her side. At the time when Xin Wujiang was dazzled, she suddenly rushed over. Xin Wujiang thought she was going to fall, so he quickly hugged her with both hands, Lan Shuang took the opportunity to snatch the fried chestnuts from him.

Xin Wujiang: "..."

Lan Shuang raised the oiled paper bag and shook it at him, while still pressing Xin Wujiang's wrist with the other hand, she smiled brightly, and Hong Feng made her bright eyes and teeth even more perfect, "Did you be fooled by me?"

The two were very close because of their posture, Lan Shuang was half leaning in his arms, her long hair fluttered in the wind, brushing across his fingertips, Xin Wujiang felt a slight coolness on his fingertips, and the itchiness ran down his fingertips has spread to the heart.

The "culprit" is still ignorant.

The faint fragrance of her body surrounded him and encouraged him.

Xin Wujiang's eyes darkened, and when Lan Shuang was about to back away, he grabbed her wrist.

Lan Shuang was puzzled: "Why? Didn't you buy it for me? You want to take it back?"

Xin Wujiang smiled lightly, "I'll give it to you if I tell you, don't lie."

"Then you are..."

"Let go first."

As Xin Wujiang said, he took the oil paper bag and put it on the stone table beside him.

Lan Shuang looked at the candied chestnuts reluctantly, and the next moment, Xin Wujiang pinched her chin and twisted her back, "Look at me."


"I also ate fried chestnuts with sugar just now."

Xin Wujiang suddenly said this, and Lan Shuang was even more confused: "So?"

"Try it."

He lowered his head and leaned forward, and gently kissed Lan Shuang's lips. Just sticking to her lips like this made him feel a sense of trembling that he hadn't seen for a long time.

Lan Shuang didn't expect this guy to suddenly become reckless, and was taken aback.

Then Xin Wujiang straightened up and frowned, Lan Shuang: "What's wrong?"




The next moment, Lan Shuang was hugged by Xin Wujiang, leaning her against a pillar beside him, "Hold me tight."

Lan Shuang hugged his neck obediently, and looped her legs around his waist very skillfully.

Xin Wujiang gave a low laugh, then squeezed Lan Shuang's chin, and kissed him ferociously.

As expected of a general, Lan Shuang felt that he was a little bit overwhelmed, and always felt that something was wrong with him now.

It doesn't look like he came to see her, but rather like he's overturned the jar of jealousy and wants to make up for it.

"Distracted?" Xin Wujiang asked in a hoarse voice, biting her lower lip.

Lan Shuang: "No... I... Ugh!"

Without finishing her sentence, the victorious general began to inspect his territory inch by inch.

Lan Shuang completely surrendered.


When Xin Wujiang carried her to the bench and sat down, Lan Shuang had no strength left, and her lips were hot and numb.

Xin Wujiang sat at the stone table and began to peel the chestnuts slowly.

Lan Shuang questioned him weakly with squinted eyes: "Is it agreed that you can't go beyond the distance if you don't have a name or a distinction?"

Xin Wujiang calmly said, "Now that you are famous, His Majesty will personally bestow the marriage."

Lan Shuang: "What about following the rules? Unmarried couples can't meet casually."

Xin Wujiang: "No one saw it."

Lan Shuang: "You still kiss me, isn't it a little too presumptuous, I haven't married you yet?"

Xin Wujiang sneaked a glance at her in his busy schedule: "You kissed me too, I'm paying back."

Lan Shuang: "..."

You are so good, you have reasons and evidences, and you can't refute them.

Lan Shuang stared at Xin Wujiang quietly.

Xin Wujiang let her watch without moving, well, he did kiss a little bit harder, but isn't this inexperienced?It will be fine later.

After peeling the last chestnut, he pulled the empty shell aside, packed the chestnut kernels in an oil paper bag and walked to Lan Shuang, "Eat it."

Lan Shuang looked at the bag full of chestnut kernels, smelled the fragrance, and instantly forgave Xin Wujiang.

"I'm tired, you feed me."

Lan Shuang leaned limply on the railing, her red lips parted slightly.

Xin Wujiang was silent for a moment, then squeezed one and stuffed it into her mouth.

Seeing Lan Shuang narrowing his eyes with a smile, Xin Wujiang looked at the chestnut kernels in his hand, and suddenly realized the joy of feeding.

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(End of this chapter)

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