Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 236 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 29

Chapter 236 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 29
The fifth prince fell into a panic all of a sudden, his hands and feet were cold.

Seeing that he was not in the right state, his confidant immediately asked: "What's wrong, Your Highness? Is there something wrong?"

The Fifth Prince squeezed the letter tightly, crumpled it into a ball after a while, slammed it on the table and stood up.

"What a saint, what a national teacher, she is quite capable, I still underestimated them before."

His voice was cold and sinister, and his confidant couldn't help shivering.

"How to say?"

The fifth prince threw out the letter in his hand, and his confidant hurriedly picked it up and looked at it, his face changed drastically: "How...how could this be? Could it be that we have revealed a flaw here?"

Then he denied it himself: "No, it's impossible. We have been very careful in doing things for so many years, and it is impossible to leave any clues. Could it be that someone leaked the secret?"

Thinking of this, he also panicked, with so many eyeliners and so many people, if anyone leaked the secret, it would be really difficult to find out, and since it could be leaked to the national teacher, he might not be able to tell others.

Fear flooded the two people in the room instantly.

Silence spread, and the two stood for a long time without speaking.

The moment the lanterns exploded, the Fifth Prince suddenly blinked and came back to his senses, "Letter to me."

The confidant smoothed out the letter paper and handed it to him, and he put it on the table and read it several times, his expression changed from frightened to calm.

"If the national teacher finds out, it is impossible for the saint to come forward. He should look for me. He married the saint to me just to supervise me. If he knows more useful news now, how can I tell you?" Will you give someone a fake hand?"

The fifth prince figured out the key points, and his confidant also said: "Yes, then this letter is just the meaning of the saint?"

The Fifth Prince nodded: "But how did she know?"

He squinted his eyes, thought for a long time, but couldn't understand it, and finally said to his confidant: "I will meet her in two days."


The national teacher and Xin Wujiang were very busy these two days, one was busy preparing the dowry, the other was busy preparing the dowry, so Lan Shuang took advantage of this time to meet the fifth prince.

The fifth prince went to the restaurant first, and after explaining his purpose to Xiao Er, Xiao Er led him to the private room that Lan Shuang had reserved in advance.

After he sat down, Xiao Er served him some refreshments, the fifth prince waved him to leave, and sat in the room by himself for a while.

About half an hour later, Lan Shuang arrived. As soon as she opened the door and came in, she smiled when she saw the fifth prince: "Your Highness came down so early, I almost thought I was late."

"The beauty has an appointment, so I dare not be late."

The fifth prince was wearing regular clothes, and his long hair was tied up with a jade crown. He looked warm and elegant, and it was easy to make people feel good about him.

Lan Shuang closed the door, came over and sat down opposite him, "I have explained to His Highness the purpose of my visit in the letter before, do you have any questions, Your Highness?"

She was so straightforward, but the words that the fifth prince had prepared before were invalidated and useless.

He paused, looking at Lan Shuang's eyes gradually became more subtle, "I really don't know what the saintess means, please ask the saintess to explain more clearly."

Lan Shuang smiled: "Since His Highness is here, sincerity can be seen, then I won't go around in circles."

She said with a serious face: "Has the national teacher approached His Highness, and wanted to use my marriage as a bond to join hands with His Highness to support His Highness to ascend the throne?"

The Fifth Prince squinted his eyes: "So what, what if not?"

"Your Highness will not know what the national teacher is up to, so your highness is pushing the boat along the way. With the help of the national teacher's power, you can get twice the result with half the effort. When you ascend the throne in the future, you can get rid of him while the national teacher is defenseless. In this way, you can get rid of him." Rest easy, am I right?"

Lan Shuang stared straight at the Fifth Prince.

Xin Wujiang sat on the roof and listened to the conversation between the two with a stern look.

The fifth prince squeezed the teacup in his hand, and looked at Lan Shuang with completely cold eyes, "Who told you? How can I, a prince with no power and no power, compete with the national teacher?"

"No power or power?" Lan Shuang smiled: "Your Highness, when a person has no flaws at all, it is the biggest flaw. You can hide it from everyone, but you can't hide it from me."

"Why?" When the Fifth Prince asked this question, he was faintly intent on killing.

Lan Shuang pretended not to know, and said unhurriedly: "Because I'm not in the game, so I can see it clearly. Does Your Highness know why the national teacher accepted me as a righteous daughter?"

The fifth prince was stunned for a moment, he really hadn't thought about this question.

888 looked at the expression of the fifth prince, and silently lighted the wax for him. Okay, Lan Da Huyou is online again, and this time I don't know what story he made up.

Lan Shuang stood up and paced the room, "I'm different from other people since I was a child, and I have a special intuition about people's fate. The national teacher took a fancy to my ability and accepted me as a righteous daughter to cultivate in secret."

The Fifth Prince frowned: "Really?"

"I am proficient in all kinds of mathematics and can calculate. If your highness doesn't believe me, how about I do the math for you? If not, you can deal with me casually. If it is correct—"

"How are you doing?" The fifth prince was obviously not as easy to fool as the prince, so he laughed playfully.

Lan Shuang was not annoyed, she stood still by the window, looked back and smiled: "If you are right, you will naturally come to me."

The Fifth Prince laughed, not knowing whether he was laughing at her innocence or at himself.

"Then you do the math, I'm listening."

Lan Shuang closed her eyes in front of him, and began to pinch her fingers. If she didn't look at her face, she looked like a fortune-teller on the street.

After pinching for a while, she opened her eyes and said, "An accident happened to a distant relative of the prince's mother's family. He will definitely be stabbed to the capital within three days. Your Highness can lead out many people by following this line of investigation."

The fifth prince stroked his palms and smiled: "Is this counting as calculation?"

Lan Shuang shook her head: "Your Highness, don't worry, we haven't finished yet."

She pinched again with another hand, then frowned and said: "Your Highness will suffer bloodshed in three days, don't go out."

The Fifth Prince raised his eyebrows: "Is this the end?"

Lan Shuang: "If your Highness doesn't believe it, you will find out when the time comes."

The fifth prince got up and left. He thought he would gain something from this visit, but in the end it was all pretending and playing tricks, which was boring.

Lan Shuang didn't stop him, and watched him sit down again after going out, and called the waiter to order some dishes, and waited for Xin Wujiang to come in to eat together.

Xin Wujiang closed the door and looked at her probingly: "Is what you said true?"

Lan Shuang smiled, poured him a glass of wine, and asked leisurely, "You believe me."

Xin Wujiang sat down, watched her put the wine in front of him, shook his head and said, "I don't think you'd be so stupid as to dig a hole for yourself."

Lan Shuang smiled: "Of course it's true, if you don't believe me, let's wait and see."

"We'll wait and see." Xin Wujiang raised his glass and drank with her.

He didn't feel much at that time, until three days later, someone impeached the prince for conniving at his subordinates for corruption, oppressing the people and causing death. At the same time, the fifth prince went out to run a horse and fell off the horse. There was a scratch on the stone, and a big hole was broken.

It just happened to fulfill Lan Shuang's "blood disaster", saying that the bleeding was just bleeding, and she didn't break her leg.

(End of this chapter)

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