Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 237 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 30

Chapter 237 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 30
After knowing that Lan Shuang met the fifth prince, the national teacher came to the blessing platform again and asked her what she wanted to do.

Lan Shuang said that she was helping him, but the national teacher didn't believe it, and warned her not to interfere in these matters.

Lan Shuang no longer has the desire to talk to him. For a person who is determined to die, it is useless for you to tell the sky, tell the flowers, and applaud Nuwa for you.

If he wants to hit the south wall, let him hit it, and if he hits it to death, he will fall down, and if he doesn't hit it to death, he will know that he regrets it.

So the two parted ways again.

The national teacher checked in every possible way whether there was any change in the fifth prince that day, but found nothing.

Lan Shuang didn't care either, she had no influence here, and she couldn't hide anything from the national teacher, so she didn't try to hide it from him at first, just to let him see clearly whether she was doing it for his own good or not.

After the fifth prince was injured, he rested in the mansion for a few days, and went out as soon as he could move, and went to visit Lan Shuang in person at the praying platform.

Of course he didn't come here. It's a shame to be limping. He was carried here, and after getting off the sedan chair, he was changed into a wheelchair.

At that time, Lan Shuang was looking at the dowry list from Xin Wujiang with the maids, and the maids gasped in amazement, "Could it be that the general evacuated the general's mansion? Why are there so many?"

Lan Shuang was also shocked. Even if she was a general for generations, the accumulated rewards and treasures were nothing more than that.

"By the way, here's another one. It is said that General Xin saved it himself, and it will be used as a dowry for the saint."

The maid took out another red booklet, and Lan Shuang took it over and looked at it, only to feel that her eyes were full of gold stars, and all the things floating past were money.

"It's probably accumulated from his battles."

When a general fights a war or negotiates a peace, the loser will always send some things. Generally, the emperor doesn't want these things, or just turn a blind eye and let the general keep them. After all, they are always struggling at the gate of hell when they fight. This kind of property is nothing. .

It's just that Xin Wujiang didn't expect that all these things that Xin Wujiang saved would be used as a dowry for himself.

Lan Shuang thought of that man's always cold face and puzzled look, so she couldn't help but want to laugh.

In fact, she still loves people secretly, it's just that Tsundere doesn't want to say it.

After a few glances, she closed the booklet and asked the maid to put it away.

All the things were sent to the National Teacher's Mansion, and she was going to marry from the National Teacher's Mansion after all, so these were just for her to watch.


"Saint, the Fifth Highness is here—"

Just as Lan Shuang stood up and wanted to ask about her dowry, a maid hurried in from outside.

"His Highness Fifth?"

"Why is he here?"

Several maids muttered in confusion, but Lan Shuang showed a clear smile on her face, "Please come in."



The fifth prince was pushed in and stopped outside. Lan Shuang and him sat in the room separated by a glazed screen, and said softly: "No one has come to the prayer platform for a long time, but your highness's sudden arrival has made this place full of life. It's bright."

It's better to speak than to sing.

The fifth prince smiled faintly, "Won't the saint come out and meet me?"

Lan Shuang smiled: "Forgive me, Your Highness, my daughter-in-law is already engaged. To avoid suspicion, it is not good to meet Your Highness."

The fifth prince was silent for a moment, then waved his hands and said, "Go out and wait."


The guards and maids retreated one after another, and there were only two of them left in the room, so the door was not closed, it was left wide open, so that no one was afraid of eavesdropping.

"I heard that His Highness fell from his horse a few days ago, and my daughter was quite worried. How is Your Highness?"

Lan Shuang held the teacup and gently flicked the foam on the cup with the lid.

The fifth prince stroked his fingers, lowered his eyes and said: "It's okay, it's just a few flesh wounds, not a muscle injury."

"That's good." After Lan Shuang said this sentence, there was no more to say.

The fifth prince wanted to let her speak first, and then act accordingly, but Lan Shuang was more calm than him. Now that he has something to ask of her, he is not easy to put on airs.

He pursed his lips, and asked compromisingly: "The saintess calculated that I had a bloody disaster last time, and it really came true. It can be seen that the saintess has some skills."

Lan Shuang nodded her side face, "So your Highness is here today, is he planning to join forces with me?"

The fifth prince smiled: "The premise of joining forces is to be honest with each other. I don't understand why the saintess should go over the national teacher and join hands with me. With the saintess' ability, it is not difficult to help the national teacher with something, right?"

"A person's fate is determined by God. If you act against the sky, you will not end well. The national teacher has been kind to me in nurturing me. I can't bear him to go astray, but I can't stop him, so I can only rely on His Highness's help. "

The fifth prince squinted his eyes: "How do you say?"

Lan Shuang looked at him through the screen, but she could only see a vague shadow, but she knew that the fifth prince was also looking at her.

"I can pinch and count. It's not difficult to help His Highness enthroned. I hope His Highness will remember my sincerity and keep the national teacher alive."

"That's all?"

The Fifth Prince was surprised.

"That's all." Lan Shuang said firmly: "The other highnesses can do whatever they want, as long as the national teacher is alive."

"Don't you ask for something for yourself?" The fifth prince could hardly believe that Lan Shuang would be so selfless.

After hesitating for a moment, he said again: "Aren't you afraid that I will tear down bridges? You have such abilities, and even married Wujiang, do you think I won't be afraid of you?"

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows. These five princes are indeed the last ones to ascend the throne. It is considered sincere to be able to ask this question so frankly.

She stood up and said, "It's the stupidest thing to block people's hearts. If you fear us, even if we are not together, you are equally afraid. If you trust us, it will be useless for others to say. Therefore, how to do it is up to you, and we are not together." Not with us."

"What kind of temperament is the general, His Highness should know better than anyone else, as for me..."

Lan Shuang smiled: "I am married and my husband."

The fifth prince was silent for a long time, and finally said in relief: "Okay, since that's the case, I will trust you once, what should I do next?"

After the covenant was concluded, Lan Shuang was in a great mood, and immediately told the fifth prince about the next plan. The more the fifth prince heard, the more he felt that this person was unusual, and he had thought so thoroughly.

As everyone knows, Lan Shuang is the one holding the script.


"Your Highness, do you really believe the Holy Maiden's words? What if—" the confidant pushed the fifth prince out with some worry.

The fifth prince shook his head: "We turned the horse farm upside down and checked carefully. Those horses were not tampered with. Everything is normal. It was not planned by her in advance, so I would rather believe it than nothing. "

The confidant also thought about it, "Your Highness still has to keep a hand, just in case."

The fifth prince nodded: "Naturally."

After returning to the mansion, the fifth prince immediately checked the prince's account according to the clues given by Lan Shuang, and found out a lot of loopholes. I bought a book for the prince.

When the emperor saw it, he was so angry that he almost passed out, called the prince to the bedroom, and scolded him bloody.

Of course, the national teacher will not let go of such a good opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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