Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 238 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 31

Chapter 238 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 31
Although the national teacher felt that the fifth prince was a little strange recently, but seeing that the great revenge was avenged, he didn't care about those, and he was only thinking about harming the emperor.

But he didn't forget the business. Before killing the old emperor, he and General Xin set a wedding date in advance, which will be in the middle of next month. The reason is that it will be Chinese New Year after a while, and it will be difficult to get married at that time.

The emperor thought about it and agreed. He could feel that his body was not in good shape. If one day he kicked his legs and closed his eyes, the military power in Xin Wujiang's hands would still be a hidden danger. It would be okay if he got married early and let the national teacher watch over him. it is good.

So the wedding date was fixed like this, no matter what, the national teacher would not let the emperor die before Lan Shuang's wedding.

After the old general left the palace, he talked to the national teacher, and the two parted ways. The national teacher returned to the mansion, looked at the dowry prepared for Lan Shuang, and made sure there was nothing wrong with it, so he sat in front of the case in a daze.

"My lord, the saint's wedding dress is ready, please take a look."

The maids came in with Lan Shuang's wedding dress in their hands, the national teacher squinted his eyes, got up and walked over, Feng Guanxia and the red hijab were all available, all placed on the tray.

The phoenix crown is extremely delicate, inlaid with gold and jade, embellished with pearls, and tassels to cover the face. Just by looking at it, the national teacher can imagine how beautiful Lan Shuang would be wearing it.

He pursed his lips and looked at Xifu. The bright red Xifu was made of the best material. It was smooth and smooth in the hand, faintly glowing with delicate pearls, and it was embroidered with golden phoenix and auspicious clouds.

"How do adults feel?"

The maid looked at him expectantly, the national teacher was silent for a long time, then nodded: "Very good, send it to her."

The maid was puzzled: "Aren't you going to see the saint? The saint has lived in the blessing platform for more than a month."

The national teacher sighed, and wanted to refuse, but thinking that seeing her again might be her big day, he hesitated for a moment, and said, "I'll go later."

"Yes." Although the maid was puzzled, she didn't try to persuade her.


At the end of October, the weather was getting colder and colder, the wind was bleak, and a thick layer of leaves fell on the prayer table every day.

Lan Shuang stood in front of the window, looking at the sky full of dark clouds, her face was indescribably serene.

The maid came over and put a cloak on her, "It's cold, should the saint close the window?"

"It's okay, I'm bored in the room every day, it's very boring, I see it's going to snow tonight, so I'll just wait here."

"Waiting for the snow?" The maid was puzzled.

"Well, of course we have to wait for the first snow this year."

Lan Shuang tightened her cloak and said to the maid, "Go and warm a pot of wine for me."

The maid couldn't help but want to persuade, Lan Shuang glanced over: "Huh?"

The maid swallowed back: "Yes."

With a fluttering sound, jackdaws flew up from the branches outside the courtyard, Lan Shuang blinked, opened the door and walked out.

The cold wind was blowing in the courtyard, and after standing for a while, a little coolness fell on the tip of Lan Shuang's nose.

Lan Shuang let out a short exclamation, then spread out her palm and caught a snowflake, "It's snowing."

As the voice fell, more and more snowflakes fell, one after another, like a big white dream.

Lan Shuang walked down the steps and couldn't help laughing. When she looked up at the snow, the whole world slowed down, as if the white clouds were crushed and sprinkled down, covering the ground in a short while.

She stepped on the snow briskly, like a deer playing in the snow, mischievous and agile, and her laughter spread far away, making people infected and happy.

Xin Wujiang landed on the eaves at some point, and stood with his hands behind his back, looking at her quietly with downcast eyes.

The wind and snow are swaying, and the world is silent. Only these two people form a world by themselves.

"The breeze shakes the trees in the garden, and the thin snow falls under the curtain. The lingering sky is like fog, and the steps are like flowers accumulating... (Wu Jun in "Song of Snow")"

Lan Shuang stood in the atrium with her arms outstretched, reciting poems aloud. The sky and the earth were vast, which made her voice clear.

The maid walked down the corridor with the warm wine in her hand, and said to Lan Shuang, "Saint, the wine—"

Lan Shuang turned around and smiled back, "Here we come!"

In an instant, I don't know who's heartbeat.

Lan Shuang went to the porch to take the jug and cups, smiled and said to the maid, "Retire, I will stay by myself for a while."

"It's better not to drink too much wine, be careful of hurting your body." The maid bowed after a word of persuasion: "Your servant will leave."

The maids all returned to the room, Lan Shuang poured a glass of wine, walked down the corridor, and raised a glass to invite the people on the eaves: "Since you're here, why don't you leave after a drink?"

Xin Wujiang's expressionless face suddenly melted like an iceberg, and a lotus flower just bloomed. He smiled and jumped, landed in the courtyard, took the wine glass from Lan Shuang's hand, "You knew I was there?"

Lan Shuang looked at him with bright eyes and said, "Because I feel you are looking at me."

Xin Wujiang raised his eyebrows, "Really?"

His sight is so obvious?

Lan Shuang seemed to know what he was thinking, and said softly: "You can't hide the look in your eyes when you like someone, it's very hot."

Xin Wujiang was taken aback.

Like it?
Lan Shuang picked up the jug, raised her head and opened her lips, and the transparent wine drew an arc and fell into her mouth, with a bold and bold manner.

Xin Wujiang's eyes darkened slightly, his eyes fell on her, and he raised his hand to drink the wine in his glass.

Lan Shuang straightened up, licked her lips, her eyes seemed to be brighter, there is no moon tonight, because the moon is in her eyes.

"Good wine."

Lan Shuang had just praised, but her face changed suddenly, and Xin Wujiang frowned: "What's wrong?"

Lan Shuang: "I...poof..."

She spat out a mouthful of blood, even though she turned her face away from spraying Xin Wujiang's body, a few drops still fell on the back of his hand.

Looking at the bright red blood beads, Xin Wujiang's whole body turned cold, "Lan Shuang!"

He threw the wine glass to stop Lan Shuang from bringing her into his arms.

Lan Shuang lost her strength, and the wine jug in her hand fell to the ground and shattered into pieces, and the liquor snaked all over the ground.

The national teacher who came in from the outside happened to see this scene, and his face suddenly changed: "Shuang'er!"

Lan Shuang slid down slowly, her face turning pale inch by inch, Xin Wujiang immediately hugged her up, cast a gloomy look at the national teacher, and carried her to the bedroom.

The national teacher had no time to worry about how Xin Wujiang was here in the middle of the night. He looked at Lan Shuang worriedly. After just a short while, Lan Shuang passed out and his face was faintly blue.

This is a symptom of poison!
"how come……"

The national teacher frowned, it's been less than a month since the last poisoning, why did it happen again?

Fortunately, he brought the antidote to him this time, otherwise it would be terrible.

Xin Wujiang quickly walked into the bedroom, put Lan Shuang on the bed, took off her shoes and cloak, and pulled the quilt to cover Lan Shuang. She was very cold, and when he was in his arms, he felt as if he was hugging her. a piece of ice.

"Lan Shuang?"

He called out, and Lan Shuang grabbed his hand in a daze, and murmured, "It's cold... so cold... Xin Wujiang..."

"I'm here, don't be afraid."

Xin Wujiang held her hand and sent true energy into her body, the national teacher said coldly: "Get out of the way."

He took out the porcelain bottle from his arms, poured out an antidote and squeezed Lan Shuang's chin and fed it.

Xin Wujiang's eyes were like knives, "Did you poison her?"

 Today is a day off, one more

(End of this chapter)

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