Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 240 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 33

Chapter 240 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 33
The maids directly lowered their heads, not daring to look at them, and not daring to take a breath, the national teacher's anger was already on fire, if he stared at him when he was out of breath, he would die.

Only Lan Shuang and Xin Wujiang could do whatever they wanted, and they didn't shy away from it at all.

The national teacher stood up angrily, with a knife in his voice: "General Xin, it's getting late, it's too shameful for you to stay in Shuang'er's boudoir all this time, please come back, someone, see a visitor out--"

Xin Wujiang turned his head and wanted to say something, but Lan Shuang held his hand, blinked and said, "Go, I still have something to talk to my lord."

Xin Wujiang narrowed his eyes, then withdrew his hand, pulled up the quilt for Lan Shuang and said, "Okay, I'll come to see you another day."

After finishing speaking, he went out without even looking at the national teacher, as if the national teacher was not a person.

The national teacher held back his anger, and had to hold back his breath and said, "Everyone go out."


The maids ran away as soon as they went out as if they were pardoned.

The room fell silent, the candles on the candlesticks were burning quietly, Lan Shuang leaned back to the head of the bed, lowered her eyes and asked, "My lord pushed everyone away, what do you want to say?"

Hearing her cold tone, the national teacher clenched his fists tightly, "Is there only this kind of alienation and politeness between you and me now?"

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows to look at him in surprise, such a vivid expression made her pale face, which was tortured by the poisonous hair, come alive.

"Otherwise? What else do I have to do to my lord? Isn't my father-daughter relationship with your lord broken long ago?"

The national teacher choked, and was so stunned that he couldn't speak.

"If it's all right, and your lord refuses to detoxify me, please ask your lord to go back."

Lan Shuang issued the order to evict the guest, and was about to get back under the covers and lie down.

The national teacher closed his eyes, calmed down for a moment and said in a deep voice: "There is something to do, since you said that the relationship between our father and daughter has been broken, and we are just the relationship between the master and the pawn, then I will ask you to do something, you have to listen. "

"So what does master want me to do?" Lan Shuang looked at him indifferently.

The national teacher said in a deep voice: "I want you to keep an eye on Xin Wujiang after you get married. If there is any change, you must tell me immediately."

"You let me be your eyeliner to monitor Xin Wujiang?"

Lan Shuang slightly raised the volume, and Xin Wujiang, who was hiding at the back window, heard it clearly, and his face immediately sank.

The national teacher is really a wicked person.

At this time, the national teacher was in a turbulent mood and suffered internal injuries, and his internal energy was not as strong as Xin Wujiang's, so he didn't notice Xin Wujiang hiding in the back window.

"Yes, Xin Wujiang is a huge variable. If he takes refuge in anyone, it will be very dangerous for me. Therefore, you must watch him. If you do well, I will give you the final antidote. "

The national teacher regained his composure and negotiated terms with Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang was silent for a moment, then smiled softly, the smile was as light as the moon in the water, and it would shatter with a light poke.

"Give me the last antidote, and you won't be afraid that I will betray you?" Lan Shuang stared into the eyes of the national teacher.

The national teacher looked at her without dodging, and said firmly, "You won't."


"Because..." The national teacher paused, "You are not that kind of person."

The expression on Lan Shuang's face gradually became ironic, and she was determined to drive her to a dead end, yet she could still say such disgusting words.

"After you give me the antidote, you won't threaten me again? I have nothing to do with you at all?" Lan Shuang asked softly.

The national teacher thought for a while, then nodded slowly: "Yes, after the matter is completed, I will give you freedom."

Xin Wujiang who was outside the window clenched his fists unconsciously, and his heart also raised. Lan Shuang... Will she agree?

If you agree...

Xin Wujiang inexplicably felt a little tight in his chest. Lan Shuang asked herself to wait here. There must be some reason for her. She knew that she was here, but she still said these things because she thought she would believe her?
He stared at the small window with dim eyes.

If he pretended to agree first, then he should cooperate with the outside world to fool the national teacher in the future, and it would not be impossible to get the antidote first.

In this way, he can still accept it, nothing is more important than her life.

However, after a while, Lan Shuang finally spoke, but her answer stunned the two men inside and outside.

"I don't agree." She refused very simply, without dragging her feet, but she was so firm that the national teacher couldn't understand it. He suspected that he had heard it wrong, so he couldn't help but ask again, and even got closer, " What did you say?"

"I said—" Lan Shuang looked into his eyes and repeated: "I don't agree."


The national teacher became more and more puzzled, with a confused look on his face: "Are you worried about being discovered? No, Xin Wujiang seems to like you very much, and he won't doubt you easily."

"Is he wrong for trusting me? Why should I gamble with his trust? It's dirty."

Lan Shuang said with a blank face, watching the national teacher purse her lips tightly.

The national teacher stared at her, with complex emotions in his eyes, "So you fell in love with him?"


Lan Shuang admitted without hesitation, "I admire him and respect him, so I don't want to do those things to hurt him again. I won't help you monitor him. As for the antidote..."

She spread her hands, and said nonchalantly: "It's a day to live, but if I die, I will never be coerced by you again."


The national teacher was really angry this time. He stepped forward and grabbed Lan Shuang's chin, approached fiercely and said, "Are you crazy? You can give up your life for the sake of a man? How can I treat you badly?"

Lan Shuang was not afraid, she just looked at him like this, her eyes were clear, reflecting the embarrassment of the national teacher at this time, the national teacher's heart tightened suddenly.

"Maybe you're crazy?"

"Good, good, good!"

The national teacher said hello three times in a row, then shook off Lan Shuang, and looked down at her: "Since this is your choice, I won't care about it anymore. When you marry from the national teacher's mansion, you and I will completely cut off our ties. In the future, I will not let you go."

Lan Shuang smiled: "Okay."

The national teacher gritted his teeth, turned around and walked away with anger.

Xin Wujiang, who was hiding in the dark, heard the footsteps of the national teacher gradually receding, until he could no longer hear them, then he climbed in through the window.

Lan Shuang lay down, covered with a quilt, uncontrollably red eye circles, tears rolling down, this is the original owner's reaction, not hers, in fact, she has no feeling for the national teacher at all, this kind of unclear person, She wouldn't like it, she just wanted to give him a supercilious look.

But the original owner's obsession is still there. After all, she really loved the national teacher, so it's not surprising that she would have such a reaction when she broke up. Lan Shuang understands it very well.

888: "Host, the female partner's resentment value has been reduced by [-]~"

Lan Shuang was stunned for a while, "It's still reduced? I thought there would be no change."

888 hesitated and said: "Maybe it's similar to scraping the bone to cure poison? Abandon the old love, completely cut off the thoughts, and the resentment will disappear along with the past?"

 Babies must keep their eyes open when looking for a partner. The dog men (except the male lead) in this article are all negative teaching materials. The original female supporting role is also a love brain, so refuse it×

(End of this chapter)

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