Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 241 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 34

Chapter 241 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 34
When he said this, Lan Shuang understood, probably she was heartbroken, and when she saw it, the resentment disappeared naturally, and the tears were just a little pain in the process of "scraping the bone".

However, this scene happened to be seen by Xin Wujiang who walked in.

Xin Wujiang's hand that lifted the curtain paused, and his tone was inexplicable: "Crying?"

Lan Shuang: "...Huh?"

She turned her head to look at Xin Wujiang, her eyes were dim with tears, and because her face was too pale, the redness at the corners of her eyes and the tip of her nose was particularly obvious.

It looks so pitiful.

Xin Wujiang's breath was heavy, and the atmosphere in the room became strange.

Lan Shuang: "Little Baba, why do I suddenly feel guilty about being caught in bed?"

888 looked at Xin Wujiang, who was tall and strong, and his voice was quiet: "I don't know, I suspect that the next screen is not suitable for children, so I will turn on the black screen mode first, and you wish for luck, goodbye!"

Then he unilaterally cut off contact with Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang: "..."

It's really shameless, anyway, they have traveled through several worlds together, why did they leave her alone at a critical moment? !

Before she could do anything, Xin Wujiang strode over, sat down by the bed, and stretched out his hand.

Lan Shuang dodged back reflexively, Xin Wujiang's eyes darkened again: "Are you afraid of me?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

This damn reaction, why hide!

She held Xin Wujiang's hand weakly and said, "No."

Xin Wujiang snorted inexplicably, but didn't say anything, just held her hand in his palm and rubbed it.

His hand was very hot, while Lan Shuang's was very cold. This holding was really like holding a handful of snow.

Lan Shuang leaned closer to him, carefully observed Xin Wujiang's expression, and saw that he didn't show any signs of anger, so she immediately climbed up the pole, squeezed her fingers through the gaps between them, and then clasped them together. The hands became intertwined fingers.

When Xin Wujiang looked down, she raised her face and smiled sweetly.

Xin Wujiang surrendered immediately, unable to get angry at all.

With a sigh, he sent away his arrogance, lowered his head and touched her face, and asked softly, "You like me that much?"

Lan Shuang curled up beside him again, like a coquettish kitten.

"I thought it was obvious." Lan Shuang said with a smile.

Xin Wujiang's eyes flickered, indeed, it seemed quite obvious, but he always suspected that she had other plans, so he refused to face it squarely.

Now that everything has been uncovered, her love rushes towards her face with enthusiasm and determination.

"But what should you do?" Xin Wujiang's voice became more gentle, "If he keeps refusing to give you the antidote, how long can you live?"

Lan Shuang shook her head: "I don't know, maybe a few months, maybe a few years, but no matter how long, it doesn't matter."

Xin Wujiang looked into her eyes, knowing that she wasn't joking and really didn't care.

"Are you leaving tonight?"

Lan Shuang changed the topic. She didn't want Xin Wujiang to be entangled in this problem. If she really couldn't hold on in the end, she could still exchange for the detoxification pill.

Won't leave him alone.

Xin Wujiang saw that she didn't want to say more, and didn't ask any more, but she had her own plan in mind.

"Don't go."

He stood up and took off his outer clothes, then sat back and took off his shoes, and said to Lan Shuang, "I'll go inside, don't move."


Lan Shuang looked at Xin Wujiang propping herself up and turning over, finally lying on her side, and asked suspiciously.

"It's cold inside."

Lan Shuang felt her heart was poked again.

Xin Wujiang pulled the quilt to cover himself, then leaned over and hugged Lan Shuang, put his big hand on Lan Shuang's belly, holding her hand to warm it.

Lan Shuang shrank into his arms, "You are so hot."

Xin Wujiang whispered: "I have deep internal energy, so I am always hotter than others."

"Why did you agree to stay today?" Lan Shuang closed her eyes.

"You are afraid of the cold."

Xin Wujiang's answers are always so short and will not leave blank to give people ambiguous reverie, but they directly poke people's hearts, making people overwhelmed.

Lan Shuang was silent for a while and wanted to say something, Xin Wujiang leaned over and pecked her earlobe, "Go to sleep."

Lan Shuang smiled lightly, "Yes."

After tossing around like this, she was indeed very tired, and her body was cold inside and out. When she closed her eyes, she felt like she was lying on the top of a snow-capped mountain.

Xin Wujiang noticed her slight trembling, and silently sent true energy into her body. After about a quarter of an hour, Lan Shuang fell into a deep sleep.

Feeling her steady breathing, Xin Wujiang also relaxed.

However, after falling asleep in the middle of the night, Lan Shuang started to tremble slightly again, and kept pushing into Xin Wujiang's arms. Xin Wujiang was woken up, and frowned impatiently. Only when he opened his eyes did he realize that he was in Lan Shuang's bedroom.

The person in his arms couldn't see anything in the outer clothes during the day, but now when he hugged her tightly, he realized that she was so thin, as if he could pinch her if he was stronger.

He was still awake, so he just stared at Lan Shuang for a while, and moved his feet, only to find that the skin on the side of his legs was very cold.

He frowned, sat up and lifted the quilt to look. It was Lan Shuang's feet. She was too cold, so her feet kept sticking to his legs.

No wonder I can't sleep well, how can I sleep when my feet are so cold?
Xin Wujiang sat with his back against the wall, held Lan Shuang's hand to feel her pulse, and the pulse was a little messy, it should be the onset of residual poison.

He pursed his lips tightly, and in his heart scolded the national teacher for sending black smoke to the ancestral grave.

After thinking for a while, he got up and sat at the end of the bed, carefully lifted Lan Shuang's feet, and put them in his arms. He sat cross-legged, and Lan Shuang's feet were resting on his lap. He moved forward and held Her ankles let her soles rest on her waist.

After the zhenqi circulated for a week, his body became hot again, Lan Shuang's brows gradually relaxed, and she fell asleep peacefully.

Xin Wujiang sat quietly like this for half an hour, and felt that Lan Shuang's feet were completely heated up, and his legs were no longer cold, so he turned over and fell down. At this time, the sky outside had already lightened slightly.

He fished the person into his arms and hugged him tightly, closed his eyes, and planned to sleep for as long as he could.


After Lan Shuang woke up, there was no one around her. She stretched out her hand to wipe it, but there was no warmth left. It must have been a long time since she walked.

She drilled her eyes and looked outside the bed curtain. The light was very bright, and it should be almost noon.

"I slept so deeply." Lan Shuang sat up and stretched her neck, "I feel warm in the middle of the night."

888: "Of course it's warm, because Xin Wujiang warmed your feet for an hour."

"Ah?" Lan Shuang paused, "When?"

"In the middle of the night last night, your residual poison flared up, your legs and feet were cold, and you didn't sleep well. Xin Wujiang woke up, sat at the end of the bed, hugged your feet in his arms, warmed you up before lying down and continuing to sleep, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo —What a good man this is!"

Lan Shuang looked at her feet, was stunned for a moment and laughed, "Yeah, it's really hard to find, how lucky am I?"

(End of this chapter)

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