Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 243 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 36

Chapter 243 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 36
After Lan Shuang saluted, she stepped aside, and it's okay for the national teacher not to leave this time. There are so many people watching at the gate, it's hard to talk.

He took a deep look at Lan Shuang and strode up the steps.

The white robe disappeared at the door, and Lan Shuang got up to follow.

After entering the National Teacher's Mansion, he walked around the screen wall and saw the National Teacher standing with his hands behind his back, waiting for Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang turned her face sideways and said to the maid behind her, "Go down, I will go by myself."


The maids left with winks, and Lan Shuang walked behind the national teacher: "My lord is waiting for me?"

The national teacher turned his face to look at her, and walked forward: "Well, you are going to get married in three days, so I will pick you up, and you will go to see your phoenix coronet and dowry later, what is missing, and The butler said, let him add it."

Lan Shuang responded: "Okay, thank you, sir."

Then there was no more text, and the national teacher couldn't help but look at her again.

Obviously, she still loved talking to herself before, but in just a few months, they have become strangers to this point.

The national teacher sighed softly, "That's all, you go back and rest."

After speaking, he wanted to go another way, but this time Lan Shuang stopped him: "My lord, stay here."

The national teacher froze, almost thinking that he was hallucinating, but Lan Shuang called him to stop?

"My lord, in three days, I will completely leave the National Teacher's Mansion. I am grateful for the care of my lord for so many years, but what my lord has done to me has also offset the kindness of so many years."

Lan Shuang didn't care whether he faced her positively or negatively, and said to herself: "But you saved my life back then and didn't let me die in the ice and snow. I always remember that this life, I will give it back to you .”

The national teacher was startled, and turned around, "What do you mean by that?"

Lan Shuang smiled, but did not explain, "In terms of this kindness, I advise you to accept the last sentence as soon as you see it. After you have avenged your revenge, don't involve others, or you will only get retribution on yourself."

The national teacher frowned and wanted to say something more, but Lan Shuang bowed and said, "Your subordinate will leave."

She turned around and left without hesitation. The moment she turned around, a mechanical voice sounded: "Dear host, the hostess' resentment value has been reduced by ten, and there are still sixty points left. Keep up the good work."

Naturally, the national teacher couldn't hear this sound, he felt cold all over his body, cold to the bone.


At night, the prince sent a letter to the national teacher again, asking him when he would do it. The national teacher sat in front of the case for a long time, and wrote: four days later, the poison can be acted upon.

The prince restrained himself and waited for four days.

Three days later, Lan Shuang and Xin Wujiang got married. This was the first big happy event since the beginning of winter, and it was the marriage between the State Teacher's Mansion and the General's Mansion. The scene was unprecedentedly grand.

Red lanterns and red silk satin were hung all the way from the State Teacher's Mansion to the General's Mansion. The common people got up early in the morning and waited to watch the excitement.

Lan Shuang washed and dressed up, put on a wedding dress, a phoenix crown on her head, and a jubilee fan in her hand, and walked towards the front hall amidst admiration.

The national teacher sits on the main seat. He usually only wears white clothes, but today he rarely wears a brocade robe of lake blue. He wears a mask, and he seems to be sitting in a stable state, but his heart is in a state of turmoil.

All kinds of things in the past came one after another, which made him feel a severe headache.

Even his hands trembled slightly, fortunately the wide sleeves covered it, so that no one could see, otherwise everyone would be surprised, it turned out that the national teacher would also be afraid.

"The Holy Maiden arrives—"

Someone yelled, the national teacher's body tightened suddenly, and he immediately looked up.

Lan Shuang, who was dressed in a red wedding dress, walked in with the help of a maid, wearing a delicate phoenix crown on her head, and the beaded and golden curtains swayed slightly as she walked.

Like a ball of fire descending from here, breaking into this vast world, it is so warm and colorful that people can't take their eyes off it.

When she got closer, Lan Shuang handed the fan to the maid, revealing her true face. It was rare for her to wear such a full set of makeup, she looked bright and dignified.

She is completely different from the innocent little girl in the national teacher's impression.

She gently lifted the hem of her skirt and knelt down, "Daughter, bid farewell to foster father, I will not be able to be filial at my knees in the future, foster father cherishes it."

The national teacher's hands hidden in the sleeves were slowly clenched, he closed his eyes, and the corners of his lips moved slightly, as if he wanted to laugh or cry.

"It's been a long time since I heard you call foster father."

The national teacher thought this should be the last time.

Lan Shuang smiled, opened her lips and smiled lightly, her bright eyes and white teeth were very touching, "I left some things for my adoptive father in the room, and my adoptive father can go and have a look when he is free."

The national teacher was silent for a moment, then nodded: "Okay."

Lan Shuang kowtowed to him sincerely, the national teacher took the hijab to cover her, and Lan Shuang got up and left with the acacia fan.

The national teacher followed her to see her off, and when she went out, there was a din of people outside, and the common people were all watching the excitement, but Xin Wujiang was wearing a wedding robe, tall and tall, I don't know if it was because he was about to get married, and he looked different than usual Much gentler.

Many girls were heartbroken.

The national teacher felt uncomfortable seeing him, so he turned his face away, and after bringing Lan Shuang to him, he said in a deep voice: "I will leave my daughter to you, treat her well in the future."

"National teacher, don't worry."

Xin Wujiang held Lan Shuang's hand in front of everyone, led them into the sedan chair, took out a package from his sleeve pocket and put it in Lan Shuang's hand while no one was looking, then put down the sedan chair curtain to cover the With the prying eyes of everyone, he got on his horse.

Lan Shuang lifted her hijab and looked at the oiled paper bag in her hand, which was still warm. She opened it and saw that there were some freshly baked pastries inside, both salty and sweet.

888: "Wow, I've thought of all of this. Whoever said that straight men are careless, the general is too careful!"

Lan Shuang: "...Your words don't seem to praise him at all."


888: "Bah bah bah! The general is not smart at all! I was wrong."

Lan Shuang picked up a piece of pastry and ate it, her eyes squinted, "When you marry someone, you should marry Xin Wujiang."

888 quite agrees with this point, "It's really rare for someone to miss you all the time."

The bearer raised the sedan chair and gave a loud shout.

"Get up the car—"

Xin Wujiang took the lead and walked forward slowly, with soft brows and eyes.

A proud young man in the spring breeze, wearing a red robe to welcome his charming lady.

The maid beside the sedan chair followed, throwing sugar and copper coins on both sides from time to time, followed by a long dragon, from the street to the end of the street, and there was no end in sight, it was really red makeup.

"As expected of the National Teacher's Mansion, even if it is rich, this dowry is comparable to a princess getting married, right?"

"Who says it's not? An unfavored princess probably doesn't have such a big show!"

"The general really knows how to choose. I heard that the saint is as beautiful as a fairy. She is beautiful and rich. It is really enviable."


With the sound of gongs and drums and the deafening sound of firecrackers, the team of whistling and beating circled the city for half a circle, and finally stopped at the General's Mansion.

Compared with the National Teacher's Mansion, the General's Mansion is more lively, with a lot of guests.

At that time, all the dignified officials of the court came, and several princes, including the crown prince, came to congratulate her.

The old general took Xin Wujiang to entertain the guests, and when Xin Wujiang arrived, the guests were all overjoyed.

After dismounting from his horse, he led Lan Shuang to the mansion with red silk, everyone gave way, and the old general sat on the high hall with a happy face.

The princes sat on both sides, watching them come in, with different thoughts.

But no one would make trouble at this time, the worship went smoothly, and the old general was grinning from ear to ear the whole time.

(End of this chapter)

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