Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 244 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 37

Chapter 244 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 37
At the end of the couple's worship, the old general said to Xin Wujiang with a smile: "Go, send Shuang'er back, and sit with her for a while. Let your younger brother take care of the guests in front. The daughter-in-law has just arrived. I'm afraid it will be uneasy, you, husband, please comfort me."

"Yes, Dad."

Xin Wujiang gave up the red silk and walked directly holding Lan Shuang's hand, "Be careful, there are pillars over here, follow me closely."

He whispered softly, and the other hand was vaguely around Lan Shuang's shoulder, without actually touching it. This posture can protect Lan Shuang's outside very well, and can also separate people from her. Intimate and measured.

Lan Shuang felt it, and once again sighed in her heart for Xin Wujiang's carefulness.

The guests looked at this pair of Bi people and couldn't help admiring, "The general is such a loving wife."

"But it's somewhat against the rules, isn't it?"

"You care so much? The young couple is newly married, and the rules are for people to see. They don't care, so what are you talking about? It's annoying for no reason."

The guests whispered, Xin Wujiang pretended not to hear, and escorted Lan Shuang all the way to the new house. The doors and windows of the new house were pasted with the word "Happy", and when he opened the door, there were red silk hanging everywhere. Looking around, there was a sea of ​​red.

The dragon and phoenix candles burn quietly, illuminating the bright and warm room.

On the table were some wine and some food, Xin Wujiang glanced at it, helped Lan Shuang to sit by the bed, Xi Po and maids followed, stood at the door, looked at the couple with a smile.

Xin Wujiang took off Lan Shuang's red hijab first, and Lan Shuang gently put down the acacia fan and looked up at him, smiling sweetly.

Xin Wujiang suddenly felt his heart warm up, and he stared at Lan Shuang intently for a long time.

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows, "Does it look good?"

Xin Wujiang nodded seriously: "It looks good."

Xi Po covered her lips and reminded: "General, madam, it's time to set up the tent. General please sit on the left side, madam sit on the right side."

Xin Wujiang doesn't like being manipulated the most, and his patience is average, but today is his big wedding, these etiquettes are indispensable, so he obediently obeyed them.

He sat down on Lan Shuang's left side and held Lan Shuang's hand. Xi Po took a look, but she didn't object, she just said: "General's wife is so loving, it's really enviable."

She turned to look at the maids, and the four maids came forward holding gold trays, which were filled with grain beans, fragrant fruits, money and fragrant flowers.

Xi Po grabbed a little in each hand, and then threw it towards the four corners of the bed curtain. The maids behind smiled and read the congratulations, and the bridal chamber was full of excitement.

"Scattering the tent, it's like a goddess descending to Wufeng, surrounded by Xianlang coming to the phoenix tent, and the red clouds lift up one after another."

"To the west of the tent, there are brocade belts and tassels hanging from the four corners. When you uncover it, you can see Heng'e's face, so that you can break a branch with Xianlang."

"Scattering the tent to the south, it's good to be in love and have fun, and the cool moon is so windy and the house is cool, and the pair of ribbons are worn by Yi Nan."

"Spread the tent to the north, relish a little color between the eyebrows, the hibiscus tent warms up the spring night, Yue'e is happy to meet the guests of the toad palace. (1)"

Xi Po took the lead to finish reading, and then she smiled and scattered all the things in her hand.

Lan Shuang listened with a smile, and found it quite interesting, these customs were not the same as those in her first life.

Xin Wujiang turned his head to look at her, his eyes were different from the past, with a soft smile, he no longer resisted getting close to her.

Lan Shuang thought, maybe the iceberg has completely melted?
Seeing that the two of them started to entangle their eyes again, Xi Po felt that she couldn't bear it any longer, and wanted to finish the process quickly so as to leave so as not to be an eyesore here, "The next step is to tie the bun."

These maidservants retreated, and another group stepped forward, the front one was holding a red tray, on which were a jade comb, gold scissors wrapped with a red string, and a purse.

She picked up the jade comb and said to the two: "Please general and madam untie the lock of hair that was left earlier."

When dressing up, they specially left a strand of long hair just to use it in a bun at this time.

Lan Shuang removed a strand of hair from behind her ear, and Xin Wujiang did the same, one left and one right just right.

Xi Po stepped forward and picked up the two locks of hair and combed them together with a jade comb, and said with a smile: "Two hairs are husband and wife, and there is no doubt about their love."

After combing, they are intertwined and braided into one strand, tied with red string, and then cut with golden scissors.

Xi Po put the strands of hair into a purse, sealed it, and hung it on the bedside, "Now you can drink Hebei wine."

As soon as she clapped her hands, a festively dressed little doll came up, and the maid was beside him holding a tray, on which were two gold cups side by side, tied with five-colored silk at the base.

Lan Shuang looked at the little baby gently, and the little baby picked up a cup and handed it to Xin Wujiang, and said crisply, "One for the new son-in-law."

Xin Wujiang took it, and the boy picked up another one and handed it to Lan Shuang: "One is for the bride."

Lan Shuang took it, and exchanged a glance with Xin Wujiang, looking at the colored silk connected under the wine cup, she felt a subtle feeling in her heart.

It's as if they're really connected.

Xi Po said: "On an auspicious occasion, the husband and wife drink a cup of wine together and tie the knot for a happy marriage."

Lan Shuang and Xin Wujiang intertwined their arms, sticking very close, watching each other's eyes and filling the cup.

"Cup toss—"

Xi Po yelled, Lan Shuang and Xin Wujiang threw the wine glasses under the bed, and the wine glasses raised and closed, this was a ceremony.

"Okay, ok, it's time to make a bridal chamber." Xi Po led the maids back, and just as the door opened, a group of people crowded outside.

"We want to see the bride!"

"I want to see too!"

"Big brother-"

Xin Wubian was the happiest, running at the front, followed by the princes and a group of good guests.

Xin Wujiang was about to talk to Lan Shuang when he was interrupted by these people.

Xin Wubian, who is not afraid of death, stretched his neck in, "Where is the bride? No, I should be called sister-in-law, sister-in-law, I am Wubian—"

Xin Wujiang: "..."

Lan Shuang couldn't help laughing, and whispered in Xin Wujiang's ear, "Your brother is so cute."

Xin Wujiang: "..."

The veins on his forehead were throbbing, and he slowly clenched his hands.

"You wait here for me."

Xin Wujiang stood up suddenly, his murderous aura was about to overflow, Lan Shuang silently lit a thick wax for his younger brother.

However, when Xin Wujiang walked halfway, he suddenly turned back, and Lan Shuang was puzzled: "Take tools? Isn't that bad?"

Xin Wujiang: "..."

What if his wife and brother are not normal?
Holding his breath, he walked to the bed and picked up Lan Shuang's acacia fan and stuffed it into her hand: "Take it."

Lan Shuang: "?"

But soon she realized that she was letting herself cover her face?

The properties of vinegar essence are fully exposed.

She smiled and raised her fan, "Actually, sooner or later...uh."

Before she finished speaking, her eyes suddenly turned red.

Lan Shuang: "?"

Xin Wujiang watched her put the hijab on, and then he was relieved, his brows relaxed, "Wait for me."

The moment he turned around, his face darkened, and he strode towards the door.

The group of people in Xin Wubian trembled slightly, Xin Wubian touched his nose embarrassingly and called out: "Brother..."

Xin Wujiang looked around for a week, and if there was any real sight, it was as if mountains were pressing down, and everyone who was still smiling was immediately silent.

- off topic -

(1) The congratulatory speech here is quoted from "Women's Marriage and Family in Ancient China". Why is it written here instead of in the author's words? The main reason is that some software does not capture the author's words, so it is written in vain.

And I am writing for free, and you don’t need to pay for it, so there is no such thing as the word count, so I write it here, and I will write it here in the future.

Of course, it’s not just making up the numbers, the number of words is already 2000+ before writing the off-topic.

In this chapter, I have written a lot of wedding etiquette. Actually, I can write it down in one stroke. It’s not hydrology. It’s mainly because I read this chapter and found it very interesting. I wrote it here to share with you. It’s good to learn something by accident, isn’t it? ?

These etiquettes, such as spreading the tent, closing the bun, closing the bun, and building a new house are different in each dynasty and even in each place. There are many differences in customs, and the order is not the same. In some places, the bun is combined first and then the bun. I wrote it according to my own understanding, so I don’t need to be true.

What the child said was also a quote. In the early days of Hejiu wine, he drank three cups, and then it became one cup. The bun is also called hair knotting. The way of each dynasty is not the same. In the early days, it was sitting on a horse, and the parents tied hair for their daughters. Later, it developed into a married couple's hair, which also existed in the Qing Dynasty, but it was the husband who combed the wife's hair, and then put it in a bun and wore a crown.

In the early days, it was called a bun, not a hair knot, and it was changed to a hair knot later, and the reasons for it will not be repeated.

Writing these is also to remind everyone that if an author does not say which dynasty to apply, don’t be too serious about the details, just look at it casually, because many things are different in every dynasty, and even every place and every class are different. It's different, and don't say that others are wrong just because there is a discrepancy with your own memory. Check it first and then say it. If you are sure it is wrong, you can point it out.

Okay, I will write and write casually, and everyone can take a look at it, okay~
 By the way, ask for a ticket (つд)
(End of this chapter)

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