Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 245 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 38

Chapter 245 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 38
After a moment of silence, everyone took a step back in unison, highlighting Xin Wubian.

Xin Boundless: "..."

I thank you.

Xin Wujiang's death gaze fell on Xin Wubian, and Xin Wubian immediately felt his whole body tighten.

"Brother, I just came to see it, nothing else."

Xin Wubian defended in a low voice, Xin Wujiang sneered, raised his hand and pointed at the direction they came from, and said a word with full of air and sound: "Get lost——"

Everyone ran away, and they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Xin Boundless: "..."

He smiled embarrassingly, and ran along while scolding the group of people, "Brother, I wish you and your sister-in-law a happy life together for a hundred years, an early birth of a precious son, and a lifetime of love——"

After everyone ran away, Xin Wujiang turned and went back to the room. After the door closed, he saw Lan Shuang raised her hijab and looked at him, smiling golden tassels followed.

Xin Wujiang looked at her helplessly, "Is it funny?"

Lan Shuang joked: "People in the world say that General Xin is ruthless and can stop children from crying. I didn't really believe it before, but now I think it seems that what he said is true. It's really scary."

Xin Wujiang walked back, looked down at the exquisite and gorgeous phoenix crown on Lan Shuang's head, stretched out his hand and gently pulled the golden mask, "Then are you afraid?"

Lan Shuang looked up at him, "What do you think?"

Xin Wujiang was silent for a while and then smiled, "That's right, you still dare to jump on me, obviously you are not afraid."

After finishing speaking, he still felt that it was not enough, so he added four more words: "Bold and bold."

Lan Shuang laughed again, feeling her head was heavy, she leaned forward and leaned on Xin Wujiang's waist, Xin Wujiang raised her eyebrows: "Tired?"

"Well, a little heavy."

Xin Wujiang reached out to remove the phoenix crown for her, "Don't move."

Lan Shuang leaned obediently, and waited for Xin Wujiang to remove the phoenix crown before she moved her neck, "Tsk, I suddenly feel alive again."

"Hungry? Eat something first."

Xin Wujiang put the things aside, took Lan Shuang's hand and led her to the table and sat down.

The food was already prepared on the table, and it was still warm and ready to eat.

Lan Shuang touched her stomach, she didn't eat much all day, she ate some snacks on the sedan chair to make a cushion, she was really hungry now.

The two started to eat slowly, without talking, and the room was quiet for a while, only the sound of burning candles could be heard.

When Xin Wujiang was full, he found that Lan Shuang was already drowsy with his head propped up.

He put down the chopsticks involuntarily, but by coincidence, the lantern flickered and swayed, Lan Shuang opened his eyes in a daze, and looked at Xin Wujiang: "Uh... finished eating? Are you going to sleep?" ?”

"Since you are sleepy, go to bed first."

Xin Wujiang picked up the tea and rinsed his mouth, got up and looked at Lan Shuang, Lan Shuang remembered that he hadn't rinsed his mouth, so he also picked up the teacup.

After rinsing her mouth, she regained consciousness. She wiped her lips with a handkerchief, and lazily opened her arms, "Hold me."

Xin Wujiang was taken aback for a moment, then walked over to pick him up, Lan Shuang nestled in his arms and looked at him, leaned in and pecked him on the chin, "A moment in spring is worth a thousand gold, how can I sleep first?"

Xin Wujiang was taken aback by her bold and straightforward words, then his eyes darkened, "Don't seduce me."

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows: "Then I fell asleep?"

Xin Wujiang chuckled, went to the bed, grabbed the quilt and shook it, spilled all the things on the ground, and after making sure it was clean, he threw Lan Shuang on the bed.

As soon as Lan Shuang stopped on the side of the bed, Xin Wujiang pressed her over.

In the dark and narrow space, ambiguous and silent crawled all over the bed.

Neither of the two moved first, their eyes met, they just looked at each other like this, and couldn't help laughing when they looked at each other.

I don't know what I'm laughing at, I just feel very happy.

After laughing enough, the delicate kisses fell.

When she was in a state of confusion, Lan Shuang heard Xin Wujiang say: "I will treat you well, ma'am."

Lan Shuang's response was to hug his waist and stick to him tightly, the heartbeats of the two clamored to each other through the skin.

In the red gauze tent, mandarin ducks are quilted, and they sleep together in the same bed for the spring night.


The two people here are sweet and sweet, and the old general over there drinks for a while and goes to rest, leaving Xin Wubian there alone to deal with the guests.

In the end, everyone had fun and left. Xin Wubian lay unconscious on the table and was carried back by the servant.

The guests were a little happy and went home to sleep, but some of them couldn't sleep all night.

After sending Lan Shuang away, the National Teacher's Mansion quickly calmed down, and the National Teacher stood alone at the door of the study room. Outside, a heavy snow fell, and the sky and the earth were instantly whitened.

Boundless and cold, just like the mood of the national teacher at the moment.

He gave the medicine to the prince's people just now, and if nothing unexpected happens, news of the emperor's sudden death will come from the palace tomorrow.

He was waiting for that moment.

Yue Han and Yue Ying stood aside, silently accompanying him.

At the dawn of the sky, the national teacher finally moved.

Without turning his head, he said, "Prepare the car and enter the palace."


The sound of firecrackers outside stopped, the empress waited on the emperor to sleep, and squinted on the couch outside for a while, but before she slept for a while, a palace official came to report that the crown prince had come down.

The queen immediately lost her sleepiness, got dressed and went out.

The palace man held an umbrella for the prince, and the prince strode up the steps neatly dressed against the heavy snow.

Looking at him in the prince's python robe, the queen's eyes were dim.

"Empress, is Emperor Father awake?" the prince asked in a low voice after saluting the empress.

The queen shook her head: "Come in and say."

The prince nodded, and said to the followers behind him: "You are all on guard outside, and you are not allowed to enter."


The queen and the prince entered the sleeping hall, the emperor was sleeping deeply, but I don't know if it was because of his serious illness, breathing was light and heavy at times, it sounded very laborious.

The prince went to the dragon couch and lifted the bed curtain to take a look. The emperor had already lost his figure in just a few days, his cheeks were sunken, his seal was black, and he looked like his days were numbered.

He was startled, turned his head to look at the queen, and asked under his breath, "Why is it like this?"

The queen sighed: "It's been like this for a long time. I have been suppressing people to come and see me, so I kept it secret, but it was almost impossible to hide it. He himself knew it was not good, so he started to make a will. When I found out, I burned it." gone."

"Tsk, the will has already begun."

Seeing the empress's uneasy expression, the prince knew that the edict might be against him, and his wavering heart became firm again.

"Apart from that, is there a will?"

"I'm not sure." The queen said worriedly: "Some ministers have repeatedly asked to see me, and I can't just keep them away from the door. I just let them visit through the curtain, but...did you do anything during this period? I'm behind the screen. Can't really see."

A cold light flashed in the prince's eyes: "Since that's the case, it's better to die."

He took out a pill from his sleeve, pinched the emperor's mouth and was about to stuff it in.

The queen hesitated to speak, thinking about her own glory and wealth, she went with the prince.

(End of this chapter)

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