Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 246 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 39

Chapter 246 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 39
The crown prince squeezed the pill and stuffed it into the emperor's mouth for a while, the emperor suddenly jumped up from the bed with a big gasp, the crown prince: "Ah—"

He was so frightened that he backed up again and again, and accidentally bumped into the ottoman, and with a push, the emperor's boots were pulled off by him, and fell into his arms impartially.

Prince: "..."

He hugged his boots in a daze, and asked in a trembling voice: "Father? Are you awake?!"

The emperor was still panting quickly after sitting up, like a toad on the verge of death, his bloodshot eyes looked particularly terrifying, coupled with that bruised face, he looked like a ghost crawling out of hell to seek his life.

The prince unconsciously hugged the boots in his arms tightly, as if holding a life-saving straw.

The queen covered her mouth in fear, looked at the emperor in a daze, and asked in a low voice, "Why is this happening? Your Majesty?"

The emperor turned his head and stared at them. Just as he was about to speak, his expression changed, and he spurted out a mouthful of black blood, spraying all over the crown prince's body.

Prince: "..."



The door of the palace was suddenly kicked open from the outside, the prince looked over in shock, the cold wind howled in from outside the door, blowing away the chaotic smell of incense and medicine in the hall, the cold and murderous air rushed towards the face, the prince's heart skipped a beat A beat.

Heavy snow fell outside the eaves, and the palace lanterns under the corridor shook. The eerie shadows were elongated and twisted one after another, forming an ominous trace.

headed by...

The prince's eyes were about to split open, and he shouted in a hoarse voice, "Fifth? What do you want to do?"

The fifth prince's complexion was as cold as a snow-capped mountain. He had changed from his previous dandy appearance.

The queen was worried, but she still stood up and put on the queen's airs and asked, "Your Highness, without the order from my palace and your majesty, who would allow you to trespass into your majesty's bedroom?"

Her eyes swept across the dark group of guards behind him, and she said in a bad tone, "You still have so many guards with you, what is your intention? Are you forcing the palace to rebel? Your Majesty hasn't gone yet, so you can't wait?"

A big black pot was pressed down, and the fifth prince smiled, "Who is it that can't wait? The Empress knows it well."

As he spoke, he waved his hand and said in a cold voice: "Come on! Take down the prince and the queen. They intend to murder the emperor. Their intentions are to be punished, and they will be put in the prison first."

"Do you dare?!" The queen immediately stood in front of the prince, and raised her voice: "I am the queen of the middle palace. She is the mother of a country, who dares to touch my palace and the prince?!"

However, her voice was very imposing, but it was useless. The fifth prince brought the guards from his own house, and only listened to the fifth prince's words.

They rushed in to arrest the prince and queen, the prince shouted loudly: "Presumptuous! Come—come! Where's the Imperial Forest Army?"

"Your Highness Fifth—what are you doing?"

The commander of the imperial forest army who rushed over after receiving the news looked at the scene in disbelief, and clenched the knife in his hand.

The fifth prince glanced at him: "The prince and the empress intend to murder His Majesty and poison His Majesty."

As he spoke, he gave the imperial physician behind him a look, and the imperial physician immediately rushed to the side of the dragon couch, "Your Majesty, spit quickly—"

The imperial doctor didn't know what the emperor smelled. The emperor's face turned green, and he lay on the bedside and vomited, "Uh-uh!"

The black blood was mixed with a pile of food residues, and the soup dripped all over the floor. It was sour, bitter, smelly and mixed with the smell of blood. It was baked by the heat and filled the entire hall. No one who smelled it unconsciously felt sick.

The commander of the Imperial Forest Army immediately looked suspiciously at the crown prince and the queen. The queen knew that this matter could not be concealed. The fifth prince had come prepared, and the most urgent thing to do was to get rid of the relationship and get the two of them out.

In a blink of an eye, the queen immediately looked at the prince, and slapped him across the face. The prince staggered and fell to the ground, the boots in his arms fell out. He looked at the queen blankly: "Mother..."

The queen asked sharply: "Prince, didn't you say that the national teacher gave you an elixir that can bring back human flesh and bones? How could this be?"

The queen gave him a wink, and the prince was clever at this time, and he immediately slapped himself again: "It's all my fault, I believed in the villain of the national teacher! I really thought he was only for the good of the father, so I took him. The medicine given, who knows that he...he wants to frame Erchen!"

The queen gritted her teeth: "Did you hear that? The prince was deceived by the national teacher. The medicine was given by the national teacher. It is obvious that the national teacher colluded with others to deliberately frame the prince."

Speaking of this, the queen immediately looked at the fifth prince: "The fifth prince came down in such a timely manner, but he got the news in advance? Could it be you who colluded with the national teacher?"

The more she thought about it, the more she felt it was possible, and she became more confident when she questioned her.

The commander of the imperial forest army was stunned again. Looking at this and then that, he felt that no one seemed like a good person.

The imperial doctor gave the emperor antidote pills, and let the emperor hang his breath. The fifth prince ignored the queen's questioning and just walked to the bedside. The queen rushed forward to push the fifth prince away, but was stopped by the fifth prince's guards.

"My son came late to rescue me, please forgive my father."

The fifth prince picked a clean place and knelt down.

The emperor breathed heavily and sat tremblingly on the head of the bed with the support of the imperial physician. His voice was hoarse and weak, and he couldn't hear it unless he listened carefully, "Good boy..."

The queen was taken aback, what's going on?

What does the emperor's tone mean?
Just when the atmosphere in the hall was at its peak, people came outside again.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for being late to rescue you."

As soon as the national teacher's voice sounded, the hearts of the queen and the prince "thumped".

At this time, the sky was already bright, and when it fell on the national teacher, it seemed to have coated him with a light layer of gold, making him look like a banished immortal.

He walked in alone, looked around with his eyes under the mask, and finally smiled, "Empress Empress and Your Highness the Crown Prince, what are you doing?"

"You you you you—you still have the face? The medicine you gave Gu almost killed the emperor, the national teacher, you have such a vicious mind! Do you have evil intentions?!"

The prince pre-empted the attack, pointing at the national teacher as soon as he rolled his eyes and questioned him.

The national teacher gave him a sympathetic look: "His Royal Highness, you still want to slander me even now? When His Majesty dies, you will put the crime on my head, kill two birds with one stone and save two serious troubles, and you can sit back and relax. Bar?"

The prince was startled, "What nonsense are you talking about? Gu—"

"Niezi! Bastard! Something that is not as good as a pig or a dog!" The emperor didn't know if it was a flashback, or if he was simply pissed off, his voice suddenly became louder, pointing at the prince and scolding: "The national teacher is loyal to me, he I didn't believe you when I said you had a different heart, I always felt that you were my own flesh and blood, but I didn't expect you to be so vicious!"

 Emperor: A big injustice who was fooled by the national teacher and sold it for others
(End of this chapter)

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