Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 247 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 40

Chapter 247 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 40
The prince was dumbfounded: "Father, my son, did you..."

"shut up!"

The emperor's face was flushed with anger, and his veins were bulging. He grabbed the things on the bed and threw them at the prince. He also grabbed the medicine bowl by the bed and threw it at the prince.



The medicine bowl hit the prince's forehead, and it turned red immediately, and the queen exclaimed: "Prince!"

She ran over to support the prince, but touched a hand of blood, and the prince rolled his eyes and passed out.

"Your Majesty, the crown prince is your own flesh and blood. If he hadn't been instigated by a traitor, how could he be in such a state? But you don't believe his excuses, but listen to the traitor's one-sided words. You are really sick and confused!"

The queen was also driven into a hurry, she couldn't speak out of her head, and she was so responsible to the emperor.

The emperor passed by just now, his body was already very weak, and his face was even uglier than at the beginning. He waved his hands angrily: "I pass on the order, the prince below commits crimes, the crime of killing the king and father is unforgivable, and the rule of the prince will be abolished." Here, a glass of poisoned wine, the empress bestows a white silk...three feet...cough cough cough—"

He coughed violently, and soon spit out a mouthful of blood.

The imperial physician advised: "Your Majesty, don't get angry, your body can't hold it anymore."

The emperor gritted his teeth, "Let... let... three..."

The Fifth Prince's eyes narrowed, his death was imminent, he was thinking about other sons, if that is the case, then don't blame him for being cruel.

Thinking of him taking a step forward, blocking everyone's sight, he said eagerly: "Father, stop talking, take a good rest, and you will definitely get better."

He helped the emperor to fall down, twisted the silver needle in his hand, and stuck it in the back of the emperor's head. The emperor's eyes suddenly widened.

The fifth prince stopped immediately and exclaimed: "Father——"

The imperial physician stepped forward to check, then knelt down straight, "The emperor is dead——"

"Your majesty?" The queen was stunned, and before she had time to digest the news of her own death, the emperor was gone.

The commander of the Habayashi Army stepped forward immediately. From this point of view, the emperor was really gone.

The people in the hall were in chaos, crying loudly.

The national teacher watched coldly, not even shedding a drop of false tears, but waited until the fifth prince was almost crying, and then said: "Your Majesty left an oral order to the fifth prince, please mourn the fifth prince, and you need to preside over the overall situation at this time. "

"No, I don't believe it, you're the same breed, you—uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

The guard stepped forward and covered the queen's mouth, the fifth prince stood up and said coldly: "Drag them down and execute them immediately."

His cold eyes fell on the commander of the Imperial Forest Army. The commander shuddered, and quickly asked his men to drag the queen and the prince out. Now, he understands that this is a bureau, and he is just a member of the bureau, one as a witness people.

A chill spread from the bottom of his heart, he looked fearfully at the fifth prince and then at the national teacher, even though he understood, the overall situation was settled and he had no choice.

He turned around and knelt down facing the fifth prince: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live——"

The Fifth Prince curled his lips into a chuckle, "Go down."


The commander left with the people, the fifth prince waved his guards and the imperial physician to go out, leaving only him and the national teacher in the hall.

The national teacher's eyes moved slightly, looking at the emperor who was dying on the bed, he sneered, "Your Majesty, you really know how to hide your strength and bide your time, I feel ashamed."

This was said to the Fifth Prince.

The fifth prince didn't take it seriously: "For each other, the national teacher is also hidden very deeply."

The national teacher was silent for a moment, and he stopped pretending. At this point, the revenge has been avenged, and Lan Shuang is married. The man can protect her, and he seems to have nothing to do, and suddenly loses his energy.

He slowly took off the mask on his face, revealing that young and handsome face.

The Fifth Prince looked at him in astonishment: "You...you are so young?"

He thought that the national teacher should be quite old, but judging by his appearance, he is only in his 20s?

Because he hasn't seen the sun for a long time, the national teacher's face is sickly pale.

His overly delicate facial features made him look a bit feminine, but his eyes were cold and deep.

"Now you should kill me?" The national teacher didn't intend to answer the fifth prince, the world is so big, he has nowhere to go, only death is his final destination.

He threw down his mask, with an attitude of being caught with nothing.

His eyes were dull and dull, as if he had lost interest in everything.

The fifth prince stared at him for a few moments, "I don't want to know about your past, what happened today, let's stop here, in the future, you should be more sensible, find a place to live, and don't come out to make trouble again."

The national teacher was stunned: "Aren't you going to kill me?"

The fifth prince shook his head, looked at him with pity and mockery: "I promised Lan Shuang, no matter what, I would save your life, she did what she promised me, and I promised her, naturally I can't break my promise."

"Shuang'er?" The national teacher was taken aback, "Why...why did she save me?"

"When did you guys get together?"

"Ask Lan Shuang yourself about this. There is still trouble today. You should make plans early when you go back."

The fifth prince called the palace servants to dress and freshen the emperor.

The national teacher left in a daze, and I don't know how many people hurried past him, saluting and greeting him, but he didn't hear him, but he walked faster and faster, and when he reached the gate of the palace, he almost ran back to the carriage all the way: "immediately Go home!"


The carriage was galloping on the street. Fortunately, there were not many pedestrians on the road at this time, otherwise something would have to happen.

After returning to the National Teacher's Mansion without any danger, the carriage didn't even stop, and the National Teacher jumped off from above, scaring the coachman: "Sir, please slow down—"

But the national teacher didn't stop at all, he ran all the way to the room where Lan Shuang lived before he got married, and when he opened the door, he froze, everything here was exactly the same as before Lan Shuang got married.

Lanshuang took almost nothing.

The national teacher's heartbeat and breathing are very fast, his ears are buzzing for a moment, and he doesn't even know what day or night it is.

But soon his attention was attracted by a mahogany box on the table.

He walked over and touched it lightly. The box was quite old, slightly darker in color, and there was no lock on it, or the lock had been taken off.

He hesitated for a moment, and panicked inexplicably, always feeling that he would lose something after opening the box.

But the curiosity about Lan Shuang still prevailed, the national teacher opened the lid with trembling hands, and there was a box full of letters inside?

The national teacher sat down, and the top letter wrote: Yifu Qi.

He took it out and saw that it was indeed Lan Shuang's writing. He opened the envelope and took out the letter paper, pursed his lips and opened it.

"When you read this letter, everything should be settled and the revenge will be avenged. Have you ever felt happy for a moment?"

"I don't think so. Hatred will only corrode people's minds. Even if you kill the enemy with your own hands, it can't make up for the previous wounds, just like Lan Shuang will never come back."

Seeing this, the national teacher felt a severe pain in his heart, as if he was tightly squeezed by an invisible big hand, and it was difficult to even breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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