Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 250 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 43

Chapter 250 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 43
The two hugged each other in silence for a moment, then Xin Wujiang asked the most crucial question: "Did the national teacher tell you this?"

He felt that with the temperament of the national teacher, it was unlikely that he would confess to Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang paused for a moment, then withdrew from Xin Wujiang's arms, looked up at him: "Xin Wujiang."

"Well, I'm here." Xin Wujiang watched her calmly, and saw Lan Shuang suddenly tilted her head with a bright smile, "Do you believe me when I say I'm not a saint?"

Xin Wujiang's eyes froze: "What do you mean by not being a saint?"

Lan Shuang gathered the quilt and sat opposite him and said, "It's literally, I'm not the original saint. These secrets are known to me after I got the memory of the saint."

Xin Wujiang was a little dazed, "Why?"

"The original saint actually died a long time ago. In her previous life, she listened to the national teacher's words and married the fifth prince. In the end, she blocked the sword for the national teacher and died twice. The fragrance disappeared. God thought her death was too unjust, so he sent a I came to rewrite her fate in this life, so I started to rebel against him and married you."

"You can understand that although I use the shell of a saint, my soul is different."

After Lan Shuang finished speaking, she observed Xin Wujiang's reaction. Xin Wujiang looked at her blankly for a while, then suddenly asked an irrelevant question: "Then will you leave? Her fate has changed, you are leaving ?"

Lan Shuang was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled a little, "No, you and I will live forever, and we won't leave casually."

"That's good."

Xin Wujiang opened his arms and took Lan Shuang into his arms again, kissed her earlobe and said, "I don't care who it was before, as long as it's you now."

"From now on, there will only be you. You are my wife, Lan Shuang, and you are no longer a saint."

"Others, it doesn't matter, and it doesn't matter."

Xin Wujiang doesn't say any tiresome love words, but in Lan Shuang's ears, these are far more beautiful than love words.

"Thank you, Xin Wujiang."

Lan Shuang sat up on her knees, bowed her head around Xin Wujiang's neck and kissed his lips.


Xin Wujiang was very busy the next day. He was busy patrolling and protecting the stability of the imperial city. The old emperor had just died and the new emperor had just ascended the throne. Didn't say a few words.

Soon it was time to return to the door on the third day, but the National Teacher's Mansion was raided and there was no way to go back. Lan Shuang was talking with the old general at home, and Xin Wubian came in from outside screaming.


The old general was so frightened that his hands trembled and he almost knocked over the teacup. He glared at him angrily, "Can such a big man be mature and stable? He was surprised and thought something was wrong."

Xin Wubian walked in quickly, and said embarrassingly, "I'm not in a hurry."

"What happened?" Lan Shuang looked at him curiously.

"Actually, it's nothing wrong." Xin Wubian walked over and handed her the things in his hand: "Here, I don't know who sent it, but I want to give it to you by name, and say it's for you to detoxify."

The old general's face changed: "What detoxification? Who sent it? Didn't you see anyone?"

As he spoke, he looked at Lan Shuang again: "Shuang'er, why don't we touch this thing and let the imperial doctor take a look?"

Lan Shuang's expression was a little subtle, she reached out her hand to Xin Boundless: "Show me."

"Oh, good." Xin Wubian handed her the things obediently. This is a rosewood box. This box alone is very expensive, obviously not something that ordinary people can afford.

The old general glared at Xin Wubian, then turned to look at Lan Shuang, saw a faint smile on her lips, and asked speculatively, "Shuang'er knows who sent it?"

Lan Shuang nodded without hesitation: "Yes, it should be left to me by the national teacher."


The old general and Xin Wubian said in unison.

Lan Shuang opened the box, and there was a porcelain vase and a letter inside.

She picked up the porcelain bottle, opened it and smelled it, and then poured out five round dark red pills.

She poured the pills back, picked up the letter and opened it again.

"The antidote, one pill a month, it can be cured in May, and you should be fine in the early summer of next year. I can't justify what happened before, I did it, I made a mistake, it's over, I don't ask for your forgiveness, I'm gone, If there is a destiny, see you in the rivers and lakes - Yuye."

"Yuye?" Lan Shuang suddenly realized, this is Lanye's previous surname, right?
This time, he really wanted to start a new life.

Looking at the porcelain vase in her hand, Lan Shuang said in her heart: This time, the grievances and grievances are really settled. If there is a destiny, I will see you again.

However, don't meet again, she and the national teacher have nothing to say.

She put the letter back into the box, closed the lid and said to the old general: "Father, this is the antidote sent by the national teacher. He used a poison to control me before to ensure my loyalty. This time he Think about it, give me the antidote, and we will have nothing to do in the future."

The old general nodded when he heard the words, and said to her gently and kindly: "In fact, we have known about this for a long time."

Xin Wubian: "Ah? When did you know, why didn't I know?"

The old general paused for a moment, then continued without any truth: "Both Wujiang and I know about it."

Xin Boundless: "..."

Got it, I might really not be biological.

"I know you're a good boy, Wujiang won't misjudge someone, since he believes you like you, our family will treat you just the same, you don't have to worry."

Lan Shuang looked at the old general, and suddenly remembered that when she was the daughter of the Lan family in the last life, Lan's father was so tolerant to her.

Momentarily moved, she said to the old general: "Thank you for your understanding, I will not let you down."

The old general nodded: "Since there is an antidote, go and eat it quickly, and let people prepare anything you need."

"Okay, then I'll go first."

Lan Shuang reckoned the days, and the next time the poison was not far away, she really had to take the antidote in advance.

She got up to leave, Xin Wubian looked at her back and sighed: "Sister-in-law is so beautiful, no wonder my elder brother insists on marrying her, and I will have a wife who is as good-looking as sister-in-law in the future."

Hearing this, the old general sneered shamelessly.

Xin Wubian: "??? Dad, what do you mean?"

The old general walked up to him, gave him a sideways glance, and said with a sneer, "You? It would be nice if someone wanted it, so what do you expect? Even if you marry Dong Shi back, I have to burn incense and worship my ancestors, thank them for their blessings."

Xin Boundless: "..."

After a moment of silence, he burst into tears with a "wow".


After Xin Wujiang came back, he found out about the antidote sent by the national teacher, and immediately went back to the bedroom. He saw Lan Shuang lying motionless on the bed, his face was still a little pale, and he panicked immediately: "Shuangshuang?"

He stretched out his hand to check Lan Shuang's breath, felt his pulse again, and he was relieved to make sure that Lan Shuang was fine.

"Hmm...you're back?" Lan Shuang slowly opened her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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