Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 251 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 44

Chapter 251 The Holy Maiden Is Running Away from the Shura Field Again Today 44
Xin Wujiang hugged her with lingering fear: "Have you taken the antidote?"

When Lan Shuang heard his question, she knew that he had heard about the national teacher, and nodded: "Well, it is indeed an antidote, although the process of detoxification is a bit painful, but after vomiting the black blood, I feel a lot lighter. "

Xin Wujiang frowned, "It hurts?"

"Well, I can still bear it." Lan Shuang didn't say how much pain it was, but she had survived it anyway.

Kexin Wujiang knew Lan Shuang's temperament, he hugged her tightly and stroked her hair in silence for a while, and said, "Next time you detoxify, I will accompany you."

Lan Shuang smiled: "Okay."

"There are five antidotes in total, I took one, and four more can be completely cured."

"It will take so long?" Xin Wujiang was a little dissatisfied, "Do you have to bear this kind of pain four more times?"

Lan Shuang smiled, pinched his face and said, "Eating so much at once, my body can't hold it."

Xin Wujiang: "..."

This is true.

He hugged Lan Shuang, and rubbed his chin against her head, "Okay, when the poison is gone, it will be the handover of spring and summer next year, and I will take you to the horse race to put the lanterns on."

Lan Shuang leaned on his shoulder, "Are we leaving Kyoto?"

"Well, you can't stay in a place of right and wrong for a long time. If you make great achievements, the trust of the emperor cannot be used for a lifetime."

Xin Wujiang hugged Lan Shuang into his arms and surrounded him, shaking gently, he said: "The business here is over, I will hand over half of the military power, and take you back to your hometown to settle down. When the country needs me, I am duty-bound, the country doesn't need me anymore, I will grow flowers at home with you, and go for a run outside the city, okay?"

"Okay, that's exactly what I mean." Lan Shuang touched his face as a reward and said, "As long as I'm with you, anywhere is fine."

Seeing her smiling like a flower, Xin Wujiang bowed his head and exchanged a tender and lingering kiss with her.


One night at the beginning of April next year, the poison on Lan Shuang's body was completely detoxified. She felt as if she had been fished out of the water. After bathing, she put on clean clothes and lay in Xin Wujiang's arms for a while before recovering. Gained strength.

Xin Wujiang took her pulse and felt that the pulse had stabilized. He smiled after a long absence, "The poison has been cured, and the national teacher still has a conscience."

Lan Shuang stretched her waist, felt the relaxed body, and was in a great mood, "Is there any activity outside today? I saw a lot of lanterns hanging outside yesterday."

"Do you want to go out and see?"

Xin Wujiang understood Lan Shuang's meaning immediately, sat up and handed the coat to Lan Shuang: "It's still early, we can still catch up."

Lan Shuang immediately sat up and put on her clothes and shoes, casually pulled up her hair and fixed it with the peach blossom praise, took Xin Wujiang's hand and said, "Shall we go to put on the lamp?"

"it is good."

Xin Wujiang took Lan Shuang out without anyone following him. Both of them dressed very low-key and walked slowly along the street without taking a carriage.

Today is the Flower God Festival in Greater China. The streets and alleys are filled with flowers and lanterns of various colors. Men and women wear flowers on their heads and come out to watch lanterns and dragon and lion dances.

Walking to a small stall, the mother-in-law who sells flowers smiled and said: "My husband, can you buy a flower crown for my wife? Wear a flower crown to meet the flower god. My wife is so beautiful. Maybe she will be chosen by the flower god and make it in the future." Where are the gods?"

Hearing this, Xin Wujiang glanced at Lan Shuang beside her. Under the illumination of the warm yellow light, her side face looked mysteriously gentle, and one couldn't take their eyes off just by looking at it.

Seeing the two staring at each other, the mother-in-law couldn't help clapping her hands: "What a man and woman, what a match made in heaven!"

Xin Wujiang looked at the flower crowns on the stand, and finally chose a peach blossom one, "This one."

The mother-in-law immediately picked it up and handed it to him: "Master has good eyesight, madam wears this light and elegant dress, and won't overwhelm the host."

Xin Wujiang smiled slightly, took out a piece of silver and handed it to her: "You don't need to look for it."

The mother-in-law smiled from ear to ear, and kept saying blessings.

Lan Shuang looked at the corolla, lowered her head slightly, Xin Wujiang carefully put it on for her, stepped back to look at it, his eyes were full of tenderness: "It's very beautiful."

Lan Shuang reached out and touched the edge of the corolla, and felt the fragrance of flowers in one hand. Passers-by who came and went couldn't help but look back at the couple.

"There is a lantern seller in front, let's go and have a look."

Xin Wujiang took Lan Shuang's hand and was about to leave, but Lan Shuang suddenly said, "Wait."

She turned around and picked up an unknown red flower from her mother-in-law's stall, looked at Xin Wujiang for a moment, and put it next to his hair crown.

Xin Wujiang: "..."

He stroked his hair with a strange expression and said, "I wear red flowers?"

Lan Shuang smiled: "This way everyone will know that you are in charge."

After finishing speaking, she took Xin Wujiang's arm and said with a smile, "You can go this time."

Xin Wujiang was pulled forward by her, silent for a while, the corners of his mouth still curled up honestly.

It's hers, as long as she likes it.

The common people bought Kongming lanterns and put them by the river. Countless Kongming lanterns rose with the wind, leaving bright silhouettes on the river.

Lan Shuang looked at it for a while, and then took Xin Wujiang to buy two, "One for you and one for me, write down your wishes before releasing them."

Xin Wujiang looked at the pen in his hand, hesitated for a while: "Who did you write it for?"

Lan Shuang glanced at him: "Of course it's for the gods, since the heart is sincere."

Xin Wujiang raised his eyebrows, "Then what wish do you want to make?"

Lan Shuang said: "If I don't tell you, it won't work if I tell you."

She turned around with a pen and wrote on the lampshade: Life and death are inseparable, safe and smooth.

Xin Wujiang stood for a while, and wrote a line: May Shuangshuang be safe and happy.

The two picked a secluded place by the river and put up a lamp. Seeing the Kongming lantern rising higher and higher, Xin Wujiang suddenly felt that maybe the gods could really see it.

Just as he was in a daze, Lan Shuang suddenly turned her head and pecked him on the side of the cheek, "General, our wish will definitely come true."

Xin Wujiang raised his hand and hugged her tightly: "You say you can, you can."


"Because—" Xin Wujiang piously kissed Lan Shuang on the forehead, "You are my god."

After the words fell, the fireworks exploded not far away, and the beautiful light fell on Lan Shuang's eyes. At this moment, she seemed to have really become a god.

Only Xin Wujiang's voice remained in her ears.

At the same time, 888 in the space said happily: "Congratulations to the host, the female partner's resentment value has been cleared, the mission has been successfully completed, and the female partner left you a message before her reincarnation~ She wishes you happiness."

Lan Shuang kissed Xin Wujiang's lips, eyebrows and eyes curved: "I will."


Later, Xin Wujiang voluntarily handed over half of his military power to the emperor. The emperor tried to persuade him to stay when he heard that he wanted to leave, but Xin Wujiang was determined to go, so the emperor let him go. Xin Wujiang and Lan Shuang brought the old general and Xin Wubian I went back to my hometown and lived a stable life.

Perhaps it was God's favor, and Da Da Kingdom was thriving under the emperor's rule, but there was no more major war, and Xin Wujiang lived a lifetime with Lan Shuang in peace and stability.


And Xin Wubian also married his sweetheart. She was a pungent girl, but she was a very nice person. The two of them kept each other for three years, fulfilling the old general's wish of having a grandson.

The text is finished.

 Alright, another small world is over, today there are [-] extra episodes, more updates have been added!

(End of this chapter)

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