Chapter 252 Notes of Xin Wujiang's True Fragrance (please read it in conjunction with the text)
On a certain day in a certain year in the country, Xin Wujiang saw Lan Shuang for the first time. (Eat it with the text, the effect is better~)

I rode through the streets and almost bumped into her sedan chair. When she lifted the curtain to look over, I thought she was going to lose her temper and was about to apologize, but she stared at me blankly for a while, oh, it seems to be watching Hit my face.

This face is really confusing, many girls chase me because of this face.

But I don't think it's so pretty, don't they all have two eyes, one nose and one mouth?
Tsk, she still smiled at me?

Hmm... It seems that they are indeed different, they both have two eyes, but hers seem to be very beautiful, and I always feel familiar when I look at them.

It must be an illusion, I don't know her, but when she speaks that familiar tone, it seems that she has known me for a long time?
It's not easy, look again.

Then she let me go first in a good temper. I began to doubt her intentions. After all, I have seen this kind of person a lot.

Later, I found out that she was with the national teacher, and I finally remembered her identity. She should be the adopted daughter of the bewitching national teacher who was raised in a deep boudoir.

Sure enough, he was not a good person. Fortunately, I was not deceived.


I saw her again in the main hall, she was sitting at the end, she looked very quiet and well-behaved, but I always felt that it was not that simple.

Sure enough, as soon as I sat down, she smiled at me again.

Why do you love to laugh so much?

I suspect that she came here this time to hook up with the prince. I don't like a good girl who doesn't know how to love herself and wants to rush to be a concubine.

Forget it, let her warn her.

Tsk, she doesn't seem to mean that?Is it really stupid or pretending to be stupid?

Why should I meddle in such a business?let her go.


She is eavesdropping?How bold!I want to teach her a lesson!
Hey, she knows martial arts?It's quite flexible, and this waist is quite thin... No, what am I thinking? ? ? ?

It's a pity that her hairpin is broken.

!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

What is she kissing me for?How bold!
I... I... I!

The fifth prince is here, forget it, let her go, anyway, I didn't agree to the fifth prince.

The hairpin... Let's pick it up for her, in case she still wants it?If the Fifth Prince saw her, she might get into trouble.

Just do a good deed that day and send the Buddha to the West.

And being forced to tell a lie was annoying.


The more I thought about it, the more strange I felt. I sent someone to follow her to see what she wanted to do, but she never left the mansion, but the prince came.

The prince is really, the princess and concubine are pregnant, and they are still thinking about messing around, what!No wonder the other princes covet that position, virtue is unconvincing.

I don't know if they will reach any agreement?You can't really be with the prince, right?
Willing to fall.


She's finally out, and I'll have to find a chance to test it out.

Her martial arts are really not weak, and she can stop me when I'm not prepared?
Kind of awesome.

Why is she not afraid of me at all?Always laughing, heartless?

Inexplicably, I feel that she trusts me very much, I don't know why.

She actually wants to marry me? ? ?
So after going full circle, is the ultimate goal still me?
It didn't seem very surprising, she was indeed not very warm to the prince, and her eyes were a little cold when she mentioned the national teacher.

Chess pieces... Hearing her say that about herself, I feel a little uncomfortable, damn it.

She was quite transparent, and the conditions she said were realistic and funny, and for a moment I was really moved.

But you still have to think about it, you can't just fall into the trap!

The hairpin was thrown back by her again, why give it to me, I can't wear it, what's the matter with a big man carrying a girl's hairpin on his body all day long?



How did you meet her again?Is it such a coincidence?Or did she find out her whereabouts on purpose?

No, I came on a whim, she couldn't have known in advance, so... Is it really a coincidence?Is this too coincidental?

She sees me smiling all the time, and once said that she looks really good when she smiles, but her complexion is not very good, and she sits down as soon as she speaks, as if she is very weak.

It can't be pretending, right?Bitter tricks?

No, I can't be fooled, I'd better leave quickly.

She rushed over suddenly, she finally couldn't help but make a move, right? !
Tsk, why do you seem to be really dizzy?

This pulse... is poisoned?Her body is really weak, she is sweating profusely, her face is so pale and ugly, it's so pitiful.

Forget it, I can't just leave her here, just send her back.

Her hands are so cold, no wonder she feels cold all the time. It seems that her life is also very difficult, maybe what she said is true.

I'm a little shaken, it's too shameful for a general who fought on the battlefield to guard against a woman all day long.

Go back and check carefully, there is no problem, and it is not impossible to marry back.

Well, it's not that annoying.


The emperor fainted, this is an omen, maybe the forces of all parties are going to attack soon, I can't delay any longer, the marriage must be settled, and my father can't be anxious, anyway, I don't have a sweetheart, Lan Shuang...

Thinking of Lan Shuang, I still feel confused, but I don't seem to repel her very much. Her identity is indeed very beneficial to me.

I told my dad that when this matter is settled, I will tell dad Lan Shuang's identity, and he should not object at that time.

After going back to the room and sitting for a while, I was still uneasy, so forget it, I will go to see her at night.

Lan Shuang fell asleep much more obediently, like a kitten curled up in a ball after being afraid of the cold, lazy and soft, just unwilling to get up.

Gee, what am I thinking?How is she so good?

When sober, it is clearly a fox, the kind that specializes in demagoguery.

Why did she grab my hand again? !

So cold, a little pathetic.

She calls my name in her dreams, telling me not to go, does she really like me?

Forget it, let her pull it, anyway, there will be no loss of meat, and it's not me who was taken advantage of.

I'll just sit down for a while and leave.

She is in such a poor health, and she might not be able to sleep well when she is so cold. I am kind-hearted, please help her warm up.

I just sympathized with her and absolutely didn't think much of it!
Still annoying, why do I feel guilty?

Well, here I am again, she seems to be looking better today.

Hmm, it looks much better.


On the third day, I still came, the habit is terrible, I don’t come to see her now, but she can’t fall asleep, but she sleeps soundly without heart and lungs, sometimes I really want to wake her up, see How would she react.

I was about to leave, but she held my hand again, and I actually... Well, my heart softened, every time she talked to me in that sticky tone, I couldn't move my legs.

It was at this moment that I made up my mind that I would marry her.

There is nothing to hesitate, and there is nothing to be afraid of. Escape is not what a general should have. It is the best policy to face her bravely. Since he thinks she is dangerous, he might as well watch her under his nose, so that he can rest assured.

The only thing is bad, she is always unguarded towards me, even in the middle of the night, alone and widowed, she dares to invite me to sit on the bed, isn't she afraid that I'm a beast?

Or did she trust everyone like that?Facing her like this, who can resist not being moved?

Forget it, I can bear it.

what!She called me fiance, she teased me!
No, I'm so angry, my heartbeat is a little strange, I suspect I'm poisoned!
... Forget it, she just teased me on purpose, I can bear it, and I will take revenge when I get married!With this kind of temperament, you have to train it well.


The mood...not annoying, just a little irritable.


Finally, the national teacher is dealt with, heh, when I can't see it, he is interested in Lan Shuang, he just doesn't know it!

Idiot, I can't give him a chance to react, what if he repents then?
No, I have to find Lan Shuang quickly.

I had someone repair the hairpin with gold, and it can be regarded as a golden marriage, so it is a perfect gift for her engagement.

She also seemed to be very happy, and her smile was sweeter than usual.

Um?sweet?The word is a bit strange, but it seems to be quite appropriate.

She promised me! ! !
What's up with being a little happy?

I want to insert hairpins for her myself, which is really difficult for me. How can I, a big man, do such delicate work?
Forget it, they are both unmarried couples, I will give her this face.

My hands were shaking so badly, I felt like I was poisoned again, but luckily it didn't hurt her, um, she looks so good wearing it.

She asked me to stay for tea, although I really wanted to, but it was not polite, and it was known that it was not good for her. She is my fiancée, and I have to protect her.

Although I still want to stay...

By the way, I have to tell my father, Xin Wubian...

It's okay, his opinion is not important, he has no place to be picky, and he's not his wife.

Dad agreed, this marriage is almost done, what's the matter with getting more and more happy?

Or marrying a daughter-in-law is a happy thing in itself.

Well, my daughter-in-law is very beautiful, and no one else is as beautiful as her.

Think about what to give her?The betrothal gift must not be shabby, and it must not make her feel that it is a loss for her to marry me!



I don't know if she likes fried chestnuts with sugar, but I think I should like it, so I bought some for her.

She knew I was coming and pretended to be asleep on purpose. At first I thought it was not safe for her to do this, but she said it was because she recognized my footsteps. Instead, I was a little happy that she recognized my footsteps, yes Doesn't it mean that she cares about me?
She is really beautiful, the kind of beauty that you will be attracted at first glance and then look more and more beautiful. She will be my wife soon, but it still feels unreal when you think about it.

Her lips are so red, she wants to kiss her, they should be soft, right?

It's really soft, sweet, and obedient. She was a little nervous when I kissed her, but she relaxed quickly. She's really cute.

It turns out that someone really can make people feel their hearts melt.

Intimacy can also be addictive, I should be hopeless.

Forget it, if you can't help it, you can't help it.

She is so light, it feels like holding a kitten in my arms, and when I kiss her, she will make a very attractive breath.

I want to take her home immediately! ! !

calm down.

This is how it feels to feed people, and it's quite interesting.

The atmosphere is so good, she actually asked me to deliver a letter to the Fifth Prince!I'm not happy anymore!The fifth prince's attitude towards her was not that simple, how could...

She is waiting for me, well, forget it, just send it away.

She called me my fiancé——

But I'm still a little upset that I'm getting paid.

Kiss plus one.

Satisfied, I left.


Although the dowry has been sent, I still feel a little uneasy, so I'd better go see her.

It was cloudy early this morning, and unexpectedly it was snowing. She was so afraid of the cold and liked to watch the snow, and wanted to drink, so she really didn't know how to restrain herself.

But... when she was standing in the snow, she felt that the sky and the earth were bright, and there was a vast expanse, with only her bright color.

I feel like I'm getting sicker and sicker.

She found me!
It turned out that it was because of the eyes. Could it be impossible to hide the eyes of liking someone?
It's the first time I've heard of this statement, but let's just trust her.

The first snow falls like flowers, and the beauty invites a drink, who has the heart to refuse?

She is poisoned again!
What kind of poison was that damn national teacher planting?

Even if I can't kill him today, I still have to teach him a lesson.

I want her to see me first when she opens her eyes. Although I'm a little naive, I don't want to lose to the national teacher anywhere, but when I think of her fragile body, she said she is afraid of the cold, so I shrink back. Forget it, let the national teacher let it go this time.

She really cared about me, she was intimate with me in front of the national teacher, the national teacher's face turned green, she really liked me.

I always thought that she used me mostly, using me to get rid of the control of the national teacher, get rid of the prince and the fifth prince, and find a satisfactory place to live. I didn't expect her feelings for me to be true, and she would rather die than suffer. The national teacher threatened to supervise me.

It's not that I didn't think that it was her acting together with the national teacher to deceive me, but if it was true, I would admit it too, it was because I didn't know people clearly.

At this moment, I choose to believe her, because I am really terminally ill.

Tonight, I broke my persistence and chose to stay, because she looks really pitiful, and she can't leave me for a moment.

And she is so afraid of the cold, what will she do if I leave?
I could still warm her up by holding her and send her breath, which was more effective, and she fell asleep after a while, but she still woke up in the middle of the night, her feet were so cold.

I hugged her feet, with mixed feelings. At this moment, I have never realized so clearly that she is a very fragile baby. After I go back, I will find a way to get the antidote. If the national teacher does not give it, I will find a way to find it. miracle doctor.

Go to sleep.


I finally married her! ! !
I couldn't sleep for several days, thinking that there would be more people in the family soon, and thinking that she would be my rightful wife in the future, I felt that a place in my heart was taking root.

On the day of the big wedding, I calmed down instead. Watching her walk out with someone helping her, watching her get into the sedan chair, and looking at her face under the hijab, I felt that what I had been missing all this time was suddenly fulfilled. .

It turned out to be this feeling.

This is my most memorable night.

Of course, it was a bit out of control, there was no way, she really couldn't make people calm when she cried.

Not only am I terminally ill, I'm probably a bit of a freak too.

But, madam is so fragrant! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! !


The lady is also beautiful today!

The lady is also very cute today!


Madam made me something to eat, happy!


Madam is my only obsession and only god in this world.

Every day I love her more than the day before.

until I die.

(Zhenxiang finished memorizing)

A new world will open tomorrow, ask for votes
(End of this chapter)

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