Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 253 The World 6 Has Kindness, You Don’t Like Me 1

Chapter 253 The World Six Has Kindness, You Don’t Like Me 1
"Host, have you had enough vacation?" 888 looked at Lan Shuang, who was paralyzed in the space, and asked kindly.

Lan Shuang stretched her waist, and raised her hands half-deadly: "It's almost done, this life is really worry-free, except for poor health, there is really nothing bad about it, I like it."

"No, you are a model worker of the management bureau! You can't be so depraved! Get up and defend your status as king of rolls to the death!"

888 got two small flags from somewhere, and waved them vigorously.

Lan Shuang: "..."

She sat up and leaned against the wall, bent one leg, and asked amusedly, "Did you go to some chicken blood university for training during this time? Why are you so active?"

"Ah? Host, did you ask the question the wrong way? Obviously you were more active than me before." 888 put down the flag and asked curiously: "By the way, why did you work so hard before?"

He called up the system panel, which recorded Lan Shuang's past mission records.

What is fast wearing to save the son of luck.

Fast time travel to save the heroine.

Fast travel to correct world data...

It can be said that she is a humanoid fast-traveling machine that has been traveling between worlds without stopping, and has almost no vacations, so she became a senior tasker at a young age.

What's even more puzzling to 888 is that Lan Shuang used to have no feelings for her. When she was doing a mission, she was just doing the mission. After completing the mission, she ran away immediately, and never had any emotional entanglements with anyone.

Many male protagonists, male protagonists and even female protagonists in the world can't forget her, but it's a pity that she didn't even look at her.

This time, he has been in love every lifetime, and even has the idea of ​​passive sabotage, which is simply a miracle!

Lan Shuang was silent for a while, raised her head and said with a smile: "Why else, save enough money to redeem myself and retire early. After completing this task, I can almost apply for retirement."


888: "That's it????"

"Otherwise?" Lan Shuang was very puzzled by his expression: "Isn't the purpose of going to work to earn enough money to retire early? I'm just an ordinary social animal."


You are afraid that you have misunderstood the four words "plain and unremarkable". The ordinary and unremarkable can shoot, and the gun can hit a hundred shots.

Ordinary people can draw and design.

Ordinary people will manage companies and countries.

Do you think it is reasonable for mediocre people to be able to draw with the generals?

His expression was too easy to understand, and Lan Shuang spread her hands: "I am someone who has corrected the world data. You don't know how dangerous it is, and you walk on the verge of death almost every day. It's not surprising that you have some skills."


888 was silent for a moment, accepted the explanation, and then laughed: "Then the host should also be able to act?"

Lan Shuang: "Huh?"

"The next world is a parallel world in entertainment novels (the world of novels, the setting is outrageous, don't take it seriously). As for your identity, you are an ordinary [-]th-line beauty. How you counterattack is up to you. Come host!"

As he spoke, he activated the teleportation array and pushed Lan Shuang in.

Lan Shuang: "..."

At the last second swallowed by the darkness, Lan Shuang turned around with a smile and raised a straight and beautiful middle finger to 888.



After experiencing a series of familiar dizziness and powerlessness, Lan Shuang numbly accepted the memory of the original owner of this world, but before she could take a closer look, someone around her suddenly pushed her and pushed her into another room full of alcohol smell. embrace.

"Why are you still standing there? Toast!"

The man's hand immediately rubbed down from her shoulder irregularly.

She was not given time to accept the memory at all. Seeing that the content of the Eighteen Forbidden City was about to be staged, Lan Shuang immediately opened her eyes, grabbed the man's salty pig's paw, and smiled slightly: "What are you doing?"

The man was taken aback for a moment, as if his soul had been taken away by her glance.

Lan Shuang ignored him, but quickly looked around the situation.

Misty and changing colored lights sprinkled from the top of the head, ambiguous and lingering music streamed from the speakers, and some men and women in fashionable and even revealing clothes swayed to the beat in the center of the dance floor.

From time to time, they stick together, attracting whistles and cheers of unknown meaning.

The bartender at the bar is a young man with handsome men and beautiful women, chatting and flirting with customers.

And she herself...

Sitting among a group of people, the left and right are "male".

Lan Shuang: "..."

What a weird start?The [-]th-line beauty is accompanying her for a drink?

Isn't it so bloody?
888 popped up: "It's so bloody, the host, your current body is an out-and-out beauty, of course, it's still clean, you can rest assured about that."

Lan Shuang breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, "That's good, I'm afraid that I will have a marriage partner in a blink of an eye."

"But it might be a little later."

888 added the next sentence unhurriedly.

Lan Shuang: "..."

"You know what? I knew a guy before."

888 asked curiously, "What happened next?"

"Later——" Lan Shuang said quietly: "Later, half of what he said was hacked to death."

888: "!"

You threaten the system!
Lan Shuang stopped arguing with him, and the people around her saw that she was not moving, and said in a bad tone: "Mr. Sun has been waiting here for a long time, but you are moving? You are so good looking, why is your brain so dull? Hurry up! "

Said that the person behind her stuffed a bottle of red wine into her hand.

Lan Shuang turned around and took a look. Behind her was a middle-aged man with triangular eyes. He looked very shrewd. Seeing her looking at him, she said impatiently, "What are you looking at? Down!"

Lan Shuang took note of this man's appearance and said nothing. She turned back and looked at the man who touched her at the beginning. Seeing that he was frowning, she seemed a little unhappy. She picked up a goblet and poured the wine into it: "Sun Boss, please—”

Mr. Sun saw that her eyes were moving, and she was full of charm under the dim and ambiguous light, so he couldn't help swallowing, "Hahahaha——Okay, how can you not drink the wine toasted by the beauty?"

He stretched out his hand to pick it up, and when he was about to pick it up, Lan Shuang's hand suddenly loosened, and the wine glass fell straight down like this, and by coincidence, it splashed on Mr. Sun's pants and on Lan Shuang's body. Nothing at all.


Mr. Sun immediately stood up angrily.

Lan Shuang hurriedly put down the wine bottle: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

She was so anxious that she cried out. Mr. Sun wanted to get angry at first, but seeing her pitiful appearance, he couldn't say anything serious.

"Clumsy, no wonder she is so good-looking but has never been popular."

Lan Shuang lowered her head: "I... I might be a little drunk, I'm going to get some air and I'll be right back."

As he spoke, he didn't care what the reaction of these people was, he got up and walked towards the bathroom.

The people at the other table looked up inadvertently, and narrowed their eyes suddenly.

He quickly elbowed the people around him: "Hey—Ah Xiao, that girl over there looks familiar, she looks real."

- off topic -

This life is still a novel world (dog-blood novel), with many logical loopholes, please take a casual look and don’t substitute reality, bow down!

And everything mentioned in it is purely fictitious and has no prototype, don't substitute it into the entertainment circle, it doesn't matter, I don't chase stars, neither men nor women.

Variety shows are also made up by me, just watch the fun, eh~
(End of this chapter)

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