Chapter 254
A man named Ah Xiao was picking up a delicate cup to drink, when he was shaken by the transparent liquid and almost spilled, he suddenly became angry, his brows were furrowed, his peach eyes narrowed, It looked extremely dangerous.

Those who are familiar with him know that this is a harbinger of anger, but unfortunately everyone's attention was attracted by the previous words at this time, and they did not notice his abnormality.

"Don't you look familiar? Lan Shuang, don't you know her? She was the most popular actress back then." The wavy beauty in a tube top black sequin skirt smiled and raised her legs.

"Lan Shuang?"

Someone next to him echoed: "I have a little impression that it was really popular back then. Although the acting skills are as smelly as the old lady's foot wrap, but that face is definitely one of the best."

"Yes, yes, yes! I remembered it too!" The boy who spoke at the beginning clapped his hands, and excitedly pushed Gu Xiao next to him: "Ah Xiao, I remember that she had an affair with that nephew of yours back then, Flying all over the sky, it turned out that your nephew got married, and she became a mistress, and was chased and scolded all day long on the Internet, and she just quit the circle after being scolded, why did she come out again?"

"Huo Youzhi, you'd better get your claws off Lao Tzu, otherwise the destination of this glass of wine is your hair."

Gu Xiao smiled darkly.

Huo Youzhi glanced at his face, and immediately shrank back, "Oh."

"I know a few people at that table. The one who was splashed with wine is a small boss. He has a lot of money. He is very lustful. He often goes to the circle to find beautiful women. He will change a new batch every half a month. There are also little stars who have no skills. A lot of them took the initiative to stick to him."

The beauty in the short skirt smiled, "The one next to me who keeps apologizing is probably Lan Shuang's manager? She is coming back and wants to take a shortcut?"

"That's right, hey - Mr. Sun is also up, did he go to look for Lan Shuang?"

"Tsk, good cabbage is about to be beaten by pigs."

Huo Youzhi shook his head regretfully.

Gu Xiao was very annoyed when he heard what they said to each other, but he also became a little curious. He looked up, and saw Lan Shuang looked over as if aware of it. I saw him immediately.

At that moment, Gu Xiao couldn't tell what he was feeling, so he suddenly got up and followed.

Huo Youzhi turned his head and shouted at the top of his voice, "Hey, Ah Xiao, where are you going?"

Gu Xiao said without looking back: "Smoking."


After entering the toilet, Lan Shuang stood by the sink and closed her eyes to calmly accept the memory of the original owner.

The original owner was a girl from a reasonably well-to-do family, no different from most people in this world, if I had to say yes, it would be that this skin was not bad, it combined all the advantages of her parents, and she was very beautiful.

Or eye-catching.

There is never a shortage of beauties in this world, whether they are born with makeup, or those who have undergone plastic surgery, there are many, many.

But the beauty is recognizable, and the beauty can be remembered at a glance, that is another level of beauty.

Fortunately and unfortunately, the original owner was such a person.

Relying on this face, she was discovered by scouts because of a blown-out photo, successfully entered the entertainment circle, and was favored by a big company and focused on training her.

At the beginning, she was asked to debut as an idol. After gaining a wave of fans, she started to become an actor. Because of her outstanding stage performance, she has a good fan base and a large traffic flow. Acting brings its own audience.

After filming a few idol dramas, she immediately rose from the female third and the second female to the first-line traffic big flower.

Her career is in full swing, the topic is extremely hot, and it can be said that she has a bright future. However, at this moment, it was revealed that she was involved in the marriage of actor Gu Ting, which was the news of a third party.

The hot search exploded immediately, and Gu Ting was also popular. Relying on his outstanding face and acting skills, he sat on the position of actor at a young age. There are many fans and they are extremely crazy. As soon as the news came out, Gu Ting did not clarify. This angered the fans, and they focused their firepower on the original owner, outputting crazily.

Passers-by and Heizi were also clenching their teeth. The original owner couldn't argue with anything, and no one believed the clarification. Just as the heat was about to pass, Gu Ting's hidden wife suddenly went online and posted a recording. It was her and the original owner. In the conversation, the original owner admitted that he and Gu Ting were together.

As soon as the recording came out, the original owner's charges were completely confirmed, and the whole network vilified and attacked. The original owner found Gu Ting, but Gu Ting didn't care. He only gave her a sum of money and told her to shut up, otherwise she would disappear.

The original owner was cornered and almost committed suicide.

The company also terminated the contract with Gu Ting at the behest of her.

The original owner felt that the sky was about to fall, but bad luck was looking for the poor. Not long after the original owner quit the circle, her father was diagnosed with a rare disease that required a lot of money for treatment. She gave her the money that Gu Ting gave her. It was not enough to use it all up, and my mother also fell down. After coming and going, all the savings in the family were spent.

But they still failed to keep their parents. They passed away one after another, leaving only the original owner and her 14-year-old sister to depend on each other. In the last month, the mother simply gave up the treatment and left the money to the two daughters.

Even so, her younger sister Lan Xue spent a lot of money in junior high school, and the original owner had no choice but to plan to come back, but no big company was willing to take her, so she had to find a small company, and was persuaded by her agent to go to the big boss.

But just after his comeback, the original owner was targeted by Gu Ting's younger sister, Gu Han, and was framed several times by robbing resources. His sister got into a car accident, depression relapsed, and finally defeated the original owner. The original owner ended his life in the bathtub at home.


"It's really bad luck looking for the poor." Lan Shuang pinched her eyebrows, what's the matter?

888 pressed the corners of his eyes with a small handkerchief and said, "It's really pitiful. The most hateful thing is that the original owner in this novel is a tool to promote the bloody love between the hero and the heroine. It's not that the hero has no meaning for her. After she died, the male lead found out that there was a trick behind her, but he found out about the female lead, it turned out that it was Gu Han who planned to frame her..."

Lan Shuang: "...It's really a big pot of blood, so after the death of the original owner, the conflict between the male and female protagonists intensified?"

"That's right, the hero and heroine went through nine-nine-eight-one abuse, and finally achieved a positive result. They also brought their younger sister to visit the original owner's grave and adopted Lan Xue."

Lan Shuang: "..."

Nima, who is disgusting?
Doesn't this make the original owner die in peace?
"Who wrote this bullshit plot? Who? Did the original owner dig her family's grave?"

Lan Shuang became angry just thinking about it.

888: "The author has too many vests to pick up... Oh, this is not the point, the point is the original owner's wish~"


"The original owner hopes to take revenge on the family, raise his sister well, prevent her from being hurt again, and win the crown of actress by the way, so as to realize her dream."

Lan Shuang's brows stretched, "Very good, he has a backbone, I like this kind of wish, don't worry, I will definitely fulfill it."

(End of this chapter)

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