Chapter 255
Lan Shuang wrote down these three wishes, moved her neck, and then turned to look at the big mirror in front of the sink. At this time, there were not many people in the toilet, so she looked up at her face.

Foxy eyes, distant mountain eyebrows, high nose bridge, moderately thick lips, it looks good to kiss with lipstick.

Smiling lightly, she looks very charming, and the corners of her lips are pulled down, making her look cold.

Lan Shuang looked around for a moment, then nodded, "It's a very plastic face."

She straightened up and planned to wash her hands and go out, but when she reached the door, she was blocked by people. If she turned to the left, the person would go left, and if she turned to the right, the person would go right.

This bathroom is divided into left and right sides, with men and women occupying one side, but the sink is shared, and she is standing here in a dilemma.

Looking at the red wine stains on the person who came, Lan Shuang knew who this person was.

"What is Mr. Sun doing?" Lan Shuang raised her eyes and looked at him expressionlessly.

Mr. Sun rubbed his hands, closed the door with his backhand, and approached step by step, with greedy light in his eyes, and looked at Lan Shuang's face with salivation: "What do you think? Baby, did you spill the wine on me on purpose? For now? Your method is a bit high."

He smiled and stretched out his hand to touch Lan Shuang's face, but Lan Shuang turned her head to avoid it, "President Sun, you misunderstood, I didn't mean that."

"There's no one here, so why don't you pretend? If you didn't mean that, how could you let the manager come to me? Baby, proper reserve is fun, too reserved is not knowing good and bad."

Mr. Sun's tone was already a little threatening.

Lan Shuang continued to back away, and at the same time took out her mobile phone and said, "Mr. Sun, I think you misunderstood. I didn't ask the manager to find you. He did it secretly. I only found out when I came here. I'm sorry for giving you the wrong information." guide."

"What do you mean? You don't want to?" Mr. Sun's voice suddenly rose, and he grabbed Lan Shuang's hand with the strength of alcohol, "I advise you not to be shameless, you think you are Is it red?"

As he spoke, he laughed again, leaned closer and wanted to kiss Lan Shuang with his big mouth, "Baby, let me kiss you, dear, as long as you are obedient, I will treat you well, and I will definitely help you with the resources you want Done."

Seeing that she was forced into a corner, Lan Shuang smiled: "Kiss? Are you done?"

Seeing her smile, Mr. Sun's eyes lit up, "Yes, as long as you serve me obediently, I will definitely make you famous!"

Lan Shuang put her mobile phone on the sink beside her, moved her wrist, and then, under Mr. Sun's obsessed eyes, gently touched Mr. Sun's shoulder with her hand, and slowly slid it onto his tie.

Mr. Sun narrowed his intoxicated eyes.

When Gu Xiao opened the door and came in, he saw this scene: the beauty in the tight black suspender skirt was pulling down the greasy man's tie, smiling and flirting.

Gu Xiao's eyes turned cold, he closed the door in disgust, turned around and wanted to leave.

Really unlucky.

However, as soon as he turned around, a man's scream of killing a pig sounded like a pig: "Ahhhhhhhhhhh—"

But there was only one sound, and then the man's mouth was blocked by something, muffled.

"Make me famous? Just rely on you? Auntie, I will make you famous right now!"

A cold and hostile voice sounded, followed by a rustling sound.

Gu Xiao was taken aback, is this a fight?

He hesitated for a moment, then turned his head and pushed the door open a crack, thinking that if he couldn't open it again, the scene inside subverted his understanding.

Lan Shuang grabbed Mr. Sun's tie with one hand and stuffed it into his mouth, grabbed his collar with the other hand and threw him against the opposite wall, stepping on his instep with her black high-heeled shoes, "Sweet!" What about Mr. Sun? Are you comfortable with me serving you?"

She had a smile on her lips, but her eyes were fierce, and she clenched her other hand into a fist, and punched him in the stomach.

"You fucking bitch, how dare you hit me?!"

Mr. Sun was stunned by the beating at first and didn't realize it. Now he recovered from the pain and grabbed Lan Shuang's hand and wanted to cut her hand back to teach her a lesson, but Lan Shuang's body was very soft. He circled around in a strange posture, then flicked his feet, took off his high heels, and kicked Mr. Sun in the face with his feet, which made Mr. Sun feel like vomiting.

"Uh-cough-cough cough-"

Lan Shuang grabbed his hair, lifted him up, rolled over and then kicked him, kicking him so that he slid far away on the smooth tile floor.

"You have harmed many little girls with this trick, right? If you say it's your wish, I'm afraid you have used a lot of tricks."

Mr. Sun still wanted to get up, but Lan Shuang stepped on his foot from behind, and he couldn't move.

"You pretend to be a dog in front of people, but you are collecting money behind your back. Your account books are not clean. Where did all the money go? Eat, drink, prostitute, gamble, you take it all, right?"

Lan Shuang bent slightly, "Huh? Talk."

Mr. Sun was beaten by her so that his whole body hurts everywhere. Now that he was stepped on by her, it was as if he had carried a mountain on his back.

He begged for mercy with a bitter face: "I was wrong, I was wrong, I was really wrong, grandma, let me get up, I am indeed not clean, but I really didn't smoke - it's just that some girls are dishonest, I used some means……"

"Little girl? How young?"

Lan Shuang narrowed her eyes.


"is it?"

Lan Shuang narrowed her eyes, and suddenly untied his tie, wrapped it around him from the front, strangled his neck and forced him to look up, "You can think about it later."

Mr. Sun's face changed drastically, and he was so frightened that he trembled all over, "Ten and sixteen!"

Lan Shuang sneered, "Hehe, you are really bold."

She loosened her tie, threw him on the ground, turned around and walked back to the sink, picked up her mobile phone, took a few photos of him, saved the previous recording, and then walked back with her shoes on.

"I advise you not to think about revenge on me. I recorded our conversation just now, and it is synced by the cloud. Even if the phone is lost and broken, I can still get the backup."

Gritting his teeth, he was thinking about how to take revenge on Lan Shuang after going out: "..."

Witnessing everything, Gu Xiao watched with relish: "..."

He chuckled, without making a sound, and leaned back against the wall with arms folded to watch the good show.

I thought it was also a pheasant who was bent on climbing high branches, but looking at it now, it is still quite powerful.

His nephew...

Thinking of Gu Ting, Gu Xiao's eyes were slightly subtle.

Lan Shuang gave Mr. Sun a look at the phone, then patted his slack face and said, "Go away, don't let me see you again, or I will see you once and hit you once~"

Mr. Sun immediately got up: "I don't dare anymore, I really don't dare anymore, you can delete the recording, I will give you whatever money you want!"

He was really scared, but Ke Lanshuang just pointed to the door and said, "Get lost—"

Mr. Sun gritted his teeth: "I—"

"I keep a life-saving thing. Mr. Sun doesn't have any evil intentions, so naturally I won't release the recording."

Lan Shuang smiled and added the next sentence in her heart: No wonder!This kind of dog who bullies men and women by unscrupulous means, prison is his final destination.

 The male protagonist in this world is a little bit of a beating~ really only a little bit (sticking index finger and thumb)

(End of this chapter)

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