Chapter 256
Gu Xiao leaned against the wall and watched Mr. Sun run out like a shit, his face remained unchanged, a cigarette was held between his slender fingers, a little scarlet loomed in the darkness.

Mr. Sun was shocked: "You... When were you here?"

Those words between him and Lan Shuang won't be heard by the person in front of him, right?

He looked at Gu Xiao warily, but Gu Xiao didn't care. He lightly bit the cigarette butt and said vaguely, "You just came here, do you have any objections?"

Mr. Sun: "What's your tone?"

Gu Xiao snorted softly, his mellow voice was a little grainy and hoarse under the influence of the smoke, and the words he said were inexplicably sexy and attractive.

"I don't have a tone. I don't know if you have it or not."


Mr. Sun's beer belly fluctuated slightly, and Gu Xiao looked over with sharp eyes: "I own this bar. If you have any objections, get out—"

After speaking, he lowered his eyes again, took out the cigarette, and lazily blew out a smoke ring.

Mr. Sun was originally angry and wanted to vent his anger on him, but when Gu Xiao mentioned that he opened this bar, he immediately lost his temper.

This bar is newly opened, because the privacy is very good, and the facilities are first-class, and the consumption is also high, so it has been welcomed by the upper class and people with special identities since it opened. All celebrities and big bosses will come here to relax , Even the paparazzi dare not come to squat.

It is said that because the boss behind him has a lot of background, ordinary people can't afford to offend him. Mr. Sun even got someone to meet him, and wanted to meet him, but the guy who got him said that his connections were useless. It's not a circle.

And the person in front of him who couldn't see his face said that he opened the bar...

Mr. Sun immediately slipped away with his tail between his legs, not daring to say a word.

Gu Xiao looked at his virtuous behavior with a sneer on his face. Soon, the sound of high-heeled shoes came from the bathroom, and it was getting closer. Gu Xiao couldn't help standing up slightly, squinting and looking in the direction of the door.

When the bathroom door was pushed open, he felt a little nervous for some reason. After realizing this, he couldn't help laughing and gave a hammer nervously.

When Lan Shuang came out, she was stunned when she saw someone standing at the door. The fight was too high just now, so she didn't notice that there was someone, but it doesn't matter if there is someone.

She didn't take it seriously, and she didn't see people's faces clearly. The door of the bathroom was dark and blind, and she didn't know what was going on in the mind of the designer. Aren't you afraid that something will happen here?

Silently complaining a few words in her heart, she turned around and left, but unexpectedly, Gu Xiao whistled suddenly, "Tsk, it's quite powerful."

His voice is nice, but his tone is not very serious.

Lan Shuang had just finished the fight, and she felt comfortable physically and mentally. She didn't intend to argue with him, and said lazily, "It's so-so, let's go."

However, before she could move her legs, an arm suddenly crossed in front of her.

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows: "You want to discuss with me?"

"Forget it, just curious."

Gu Xiao leaned over slightly, stared at Lan Shuang's face in the dark, and said in a low voice, "How dare you come back? The third party?"

These three words are really not very pleasant to hear, Lan Shuang's face suddenly turned cold, and she turned to look at him.

If you get close, you can still barely see the outline of the facial features. This inexplicable guy should be good-looking, but - the mouth is so cheap.

Lan Shuang sneered and asked, "What's your business? Mr. Enthusiastic Citizen?"

With a cigarette between his fingertips, Gu Xiao straightened up again, took a puff and said, "It's nothing, I just remind you to stay away from those people, don't stick it up, don't just rely on your youth and beauty to do whatever you want."

His tone was a little cold, implying a warning.

Lan Shuang was very upset when she heard that, she narrowed her eyes, her eyes fell on the scarlet flame, and she suddenly smiled: "You really look down on people like me?"

"Then you are still standing with me and talking, aren't you afraid of falling prices?"

Gu Xiao tightened his hands, "What did you say?"

"I said—" Lan Shuang put one hand on Gu Xiao's shoulder, and immediately felt his tightness.

She laughed secretly, it was really annoying.

"Go away—"

Gu Xiao stretched out his hand and wanted to grab Lan Shuang's hand, but he didn't expect that she was just a feint. Her real target was the cigarette in his hand.

The next moment he blanked out his fingers, looked up, and saw Lan Shuang imitating his previous posture and taking a puff of his cigarette. In fact, he didn't smoke, but just put on that posture, the cigarette butt was still some distance away from her lips, Not at all.

After all, she wasn't going to have an indirect kiss with a nuisance.

But it was so dark here that Gu Xiao couldn't see clearly. At first glance, he thought she had really smoked, and his face turned livid, "What are you doing?"

Lan Shuang smiled and handed the cigarette in front of him: "You can't be so stingy to take a cigarette, right? Ah, you hate people like me, but what if I dirty your cigarette? Do you think Is it disgusting?"

Gu Xiao clenched his hands tightly when he heard her words that she needed a beating. He doesn't beat women, but some women are really uneducated.

"Disgusting as hell."

Gu Xiao gritted his teeth and squeezed out these five words from between his teeth.

Lan Shuang just smiled, "Yes."

She threw the cigarette on the ground, and the little scarlet fell to the ground, still burning quietly.

Lan Shuang's voice also cooled down: "If you don't know how to speak human, go to a class and learn how animals communicate with people. If you can't learn how to communicate with people, I suggest you donate to those in need, don't waste it."

"Do you think you're standing on the moral high ground? It's ridiculous. You're just a brainless follower. It's pitiful to be played and applauded."

After speaking, Lan Shuang gave him a push: "Jian Rang, don't block my way."

Gu Xiao: "..."

He watched Lan Shuang's figure disappear around the corner, cursed in a low voice, then crushed out the cigarette butt, picked it up and threw it into the trash can in the corner.

When he went into the bathroom to wash his hands, he looked at himself in the mirror with angry eyes, but after a while he became thoughtful again.

He had heard the news about his flamboyant nephew before, so he naturally knew about Lan Shuang, but at that time he was not interested in Lan Shuang, it could even be said that he hated it, because Gu Ting was already married at that time.

He hated his nephew who was messing around outside after marriage, and naturally he also hated the celebrity who got involved with him.

But it was just disgusting, he wouldn't interfere, so he didn't take it seriously at that time. Later, Lan Shuang ended up miserable. He listened to it and thought it was retribution, so he didn't investigate further.

And seeing Lan Shuang again today, seeing her repeating her old tricks and making a comeback, he was a little scared, so he planned to spoil their good deeds and warned the two of them.

I didn't expect to watch such a good show. Is such a person really willing to follow the unspoken rules?
Gu Xiao thought of Lan Shuang's ruthless beating and hesitated again. If it was really so powerful, why didn't he react at all when he was hacked by the whole Internet?

It doesn't look like her style. If she is innocent, how can she bear this tone?

He squinted his eyes, and the small mole at the end of his left eye moved slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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