Chapter 257
Lan Shuang did not return to the previous booth, but went directly to the door to get her handbag.

888 worriedly asked: "Host, you just left? Your manager is still over there."

"What are you afraid of? He expects me to make money for him, what else can he do to me?"

Lan Shuang was wearing thin clothes, standing on the street in the early spring night, it was still a bit cold.

She held her arms and looked at the passing traffic, her long curly hair fluttering in the wind, with a kind of messy beauty.

"But if you offend him, I'm afraid the future will not be easy." 888 said, "This manager is called Qin Shou. He's a beast, and he's extremely narrow-minded."

Lan Shuang reached out to stop a taxi, and after reporting the place name, she sat in the back and looked at the street view outside the window, "He just wants me to make money, if I can make more money, he will be big-minded, after all ——Keep your eyes open when you see money."


Is that how the word is used?
Should I say it or not, it sounds reasonable.

After the taxi turned a few turns, it came to a remote community from the bustling city center. Seeing the increasingly desolate scene along the way, Lan Shuang couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

Although the original owner's family was not a particularly wealthy family in the past, it was not bad. The family of four lived happily in the big house, living a happy and peaceful life.

But a ruthless illness took the lives of her parents, and she was cheated by a scumbag, and finally quit the circle by the Internet. A good family was torn apart in an instant.

The original owner wanted to die several times but didn't dare, because she still has a younger sister, who is only 14 years old and has just entered junior high school.

Lan Shuang got out of the car after paying, ignored the driver's probing gaze, and quickly walked into the community. The security guards in the community knew her and knew her family's situation, and sympathized with her, "Xiao Lan, you're back. "

Lan Shuang smiled and nodded: "Yes, is my sister back?"

"I'm back, I'll be back as soon as school is over, don't worry."

"Thank you, then I'll go back first."

Lan Shuang bid farewell to the security guard, found her own building with ease, got into the elevator and went up to the fifth floor.

"" Lan Shuang took out the key and aimed it at the keyhole, and was about to open the door, when the door creaked and was pushed open from the inside.

The little girl stood at the door, looking at her eagerly: "Sister——are you back?"

Lan Shuang was taken aback, this is Lan Xue.

Should I say that she is six or seven points similar to the original owner, and she will be a beautiful woman when she grows up, but she is more gentle and sweet. Her eyes are like those of her mother, and they are peach blossom eyes.

Lan Shuang walked in and touched her head naturally. Because of her body, she naturally had a kind feeling towards Lan Xue.

"Has Xiaoxue eaten?"

The original owner ordered takeaways for her on time every day. Although the family didn't have much money, the original owner ordered her all big restaurants, which were very clean.

There was no way, the original owner's work meant that she would not always be at home, and no one would cook for Lan Xue.

"Have eaten, where's my sister?"

Lan Xue brought her slippers, and Lan Shuang walked in after changing them. The house is not big, with two bedrooms and one living room, which is considered complete.

And it was arranged very warmly by Lan Xue.

There are a few exercise books on the coffee table, and Lan Xue should have been waiting for her while she was doing her homework just now.

"I ate it too." Lan Shuang smiled and said, "How was your day at school?"

Lan Xue sat down on the sofa and shook her legs: "It's okay, but I don't like playing with them very much."

"Why?" Lan Shuang took out a bottle of water from the refrigerator, took a sip and sat down beside Lan Xue.

Lan Shuang raised her head slightly, with a look of disgust on her face: "They are too naive."

Lan Shuang couldn't help laughing, because her parents passed away, and her sister's experience was also very tragic, so Lan Xue was much more mature than her peers since she was a child.

It's normal to think that peers are naive.

She touched Lan Xue's head and said: "But you still need friends, you don't need too many, just one or two, and get in touch with everyone more, otherwise I will always be outside, and you will be lonely at home alone."

Lan Xue hesitated for a while, then whispered: "But many of them speak ill of my sister, I'm not happy."

Lan Shuang was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the change happened so suddenly at that time, the family didn't have time to change schools for Lan Xue, and Lan Xue's current school is the best junior high school in the city. Few people should know that Lan Xue is Lan Shuang's younger sister, but unfortunately, Lan Xue's head teacher is a very gossip man, and he leaked his words in class, and the news spread.

At that time, Lan Xue must have received a lot of stares, right?

At the age of thirteen or fourteen, it is the time when curiosity is exuberant, the concept of good and evil is weak, and the world view has just sprouted, and it is easy to be biased by others. Likes and dislikes are very direct. And there must be a lot of malice.

Lan Shuang felt a little distressed when she thought of this, she touched Lan Xue's hair and said, "Forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't have friends, the most important thing is that you are happy, don't take what they say to your heart, but if you are bullied, don't swallow your anger, you must Tell my sister."

"If the teacher can't make decisions for you, call the police and let the police uncle solve it."

"Well, good." Lan Xue nodded and wrote it down.

"My sister is useless now, but if anyone dares to bully you, my sister will fight him desperately." Lan Shuang said while touching Lan Xue's thin face.

Lan Xue threw herself into her arms, and said sullenly: "Sister is the best sister in the world, no one can say that you are not good, you obviously didn't do anything, they just talk nonsense if they don't understand, I hate them to death .”

"It's okay, my sister will let everyone know who is right in the future, and my sister will not let you be looked down on all the time."

Looking at the dark night outside the window, Lan Shuang said in a deep voice, "We will all get better and better."

Afterwards, Lan Shuang helped Lan Xue with her homework for a while. Although her sister was aloof, she studied very well, and Lan Shuang was very pleased.

Seeing that the time was almost up, she warmed up a cup of milk for her younger sister and asked her to drink it before coaxing her to sleep.

After settling everything, Lan Shuang took a shower and returned to her room before turning on the phone. As soon as she unlocked it, more than a dozen missed calls popped up, all of which were her unlucky manager urging her manager.

She called back, and the agent answered immediately, yelling: "Where the hell did you go? Huh? Lan Shuang, did you have shit in your head? I managed to get you someone, just leave as soon as you say." , do you still think that you are a famous celebrity? You *&&¥%%...¥%#%"

When he scolded the first sentence, Lan Shuang turned on her mobile phone and threw it on the bed. She sat in front of the dressing table and applied a mask, turning a deaf ear.

888 silently gave her a thumbs-up in her heart. If her manager saw this scene, she would be so angry that she would pass over on the spot, right?
After applying the mask, Lan Shuang leaned on the chair and closed her eyes and waited for some time. After about 10 minutes, the person on the phone finally got tired of scolding, and her voice quieted down. Lan Shuang pinched the mask and took off the mask.

(End of this chapter)

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