Chapter 258
For a long time, there was only heavy panting on the manager's side. After Lan Shuang wiped his face, he hesitated and asked, "What are you doing? Are you listening to what I'm saying?"

Lan Shuang replied perfunctorily: "I'm listening, and I'm applying the mask while listening. You just scolded for 10 minutes, plus 5 minutes of rest, and now it's been peeled off."



He is the background sound of applying the mask?
The broker's breath became short of breath again.

"Are you still a person? Ah? I took you in with good intentions, Lan Shuang, don't put your nose on your face, you go out and ask, which company is willing to accept you now, which agent is willing to take you?!"

Lan Shuang's eyes dimmed. It was true. She was now full of black material, and her traffic plummeted. She was not as good as before. Just try.

No matter how much she disliked this animal manager, there was nothing she could do. Right now, she didn't have the capital to change managers casually, so she could only make do with it.

So she comforted her in a timely manner, "Brother Qin, why are you so angry, what did President Sun say?"

Qin Shou hesitated for a moment: "That's not true."

"So he's angry with me?"


"It's over. He's not angry. Why are you angry? Although I didn't get his resources, I didn't offend him. It's a big deal to start all over again."

"You said it lightly, start over from the beginning, you are playing a game, if you want to start over from the beginning, someone has to dare to ask for it!"

Qin Shou said angrily: "I picked a few scripts for you, but you didn't like any of them. How can you come back? You can't get in touch with variety shows."

Lan Shuang touched her face and thought for a while, "Then let's change the requirements."

"What do you mean?"

"I rejected those scripts because although the roles are not bad, either the second female or the third female, but they are all small web dramas, not to mention crude production, basically no exposure, small cost and small production, no effect, and the plot is mentally retarded. If you are in the mainstream, you will only be scolded if you act, which is not good for my comeback."

Qin Shou immediately sneered when he heard the words: "You are like this now, do you think you can get any good show? Are people willing to use you? With your old sauerkraut-like acting skills, can you do it well?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

She disagrees with this!
Taking a deep breath to calm down her mood, Lan Shuang said: "I know, what I mean is, we can find a big production film and TV series, and mix a small role in it, even if it is a female six female seven, as long as there is something outstanding, as well as being remembered.”

Qin Shou was surprised: "You have been possessed by a ghost? Can all six girls accept it?"

"Accept, I have as much food as I want, I know where my current abilities and status are, and I know how to do it is the most cost-effective. Of course, it is the most cost-effective. Live, it will also have a great impact on the future, Brother Qin, please find the book according to this standard, as for variety shows..."

Lan Shuang looked up at the wall clock on the wall and said, "I'll study tonight and I'll give you an answer tomorrow. Don't worry, we are grasshoppers on a rope. If I cheat anyone, I won't cheat you."

After hearing her words, Qin Shou's expression improved a little, and he gave a few bad words of advice before hanging up the phone.

After Lan Shuang washed her face and put on her skin care products, she sat in front of her laptop and opened several webpages, and then opened the information sent by Qin Shou to see the variety show that was being prepared recently.

After watching for more than half an hour, I saw that my eyes were tired before I turned to a love variety show that was being prepared from the last page of information. There was only one guest missing, but this guest was special and needed a more topical person to come. Attract attention.

Because it's a new variety show, I haven't done it before, and I don't have the previous ones to learn from. I don't know if I can adapt to it in my home country. I don't want to go, starlets don't like it, and amateurs are hard to find, so I have been delaying it.

It was hard to get a few people together, but there are still two guests missing, one male and one female undecided.

Ke Lanshuang took a closer look, and the missing male guest was marked with an asterisk. It seemed that someone had been found, but for some reason it was not listed, probably due to his special status, and the female guest was indeed vacant. of.

Lan Shuang thought for a while, love variety shows are just beginning in this novel world, but there are already many in the real world. The format of this program itself is very eye-catching, and it is easy to create topics. flow.

Now that she wants to come back, what she lacks most is traffic. This show is really suitable for her.

I just don't know if this program group will want her.

Lan Shuang thought for a while, and took the initiative to find the other party's contact information and make a call.

The other party's director obviously didn't expect that Lan Shuang would call, and he didn't expect that she felt good after contacting her, and she brought her own topic. The director thought about it and gave her a chance for an interview. If it was really suitable, let her superior.

After finalizing the time and place, Lan Shuang hung up the phone and had a very good sleep.


The next day she was woken up by the alarm clock.

She stretched out her hand from under the quilt and looked at the time on her phone. It was only 05:30. She didn't understand why the alarm clock should be set at this time.

But soon the alarm clock rang again, and the prompt on it said - order a meal for Xiaoxue.

Lan Shuang sat up abruptly, "I forgot that I have a younger sister."

She rubbed her hair, got up from the bed with a yawn, wandered to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and found that there were some vegetables in it, so she cooked some shredded chicken and vegetable porridge for Lan Xue with the ready-made ingredients , fried an egg, and heated up a glass of milk.

After it was done, put it on the dining table. After thinking about it, I squeezed some juice for her and put it in a cup, and asked her to take it to school to drink.

Lan Xue got up at 06:30, smelled the aroma and looked at the breakfast on the table, very pleasantly surprised, "Sister, you made these?"

Lan Shuang nodded: "Well, eat it while it's hot, and my sister will send you to school after eating."

Anyway, she's already awake, so it's good to accompany her to school.

Lan Xue didn't think too much, sat down and drank the porridge, her eyes widened as soon as she entered the mouth: "Sister, your cooking is delicious!"

Lan Shuang smiled: "Really? I just followed the recipes on the Internet. Maybe I'm more talented."

Lan Xue gave her a thumbs up, and then ate with a dull head, eating everything completely.

Lan Shuang looked quite fulfilled, and suddenly got the joy of raising cubs.

After the two sisters packed up, Lan Shuang took Lan Xue out to wait for the bus. After sending her to the school, Lan Shuang watched her enter the school gate before leaving.

But instead of going home right away, she went to the barbershop, had an interview, and needed a new look.

(End of this chapter)

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