Chapter 261 Don't Like Me If You're Kind 9 ([-]rd)
It was rare for Lan Shuang to go to the company. She borrowed the dance studio, changed into a classical dance costume that was quite suitable, put on a wig, and did her own makeup. Looking at herself in the mirror, she felt that something was missing .

888 reminded: "Host, your clothes are very exotic, do you want to wear a veil again, and the effect should be amazing when the veil is pulled at the end."

Lan Shuang raised her delicately drawn eyebrows, and raised the ends of her eyebrows slightly, using brightly colored eye shadow and eyeliner to outline the pattern of flower petals that looked like demons and immortals.

This face is indeed beautifully drawn, but it lacks a sense of mystery.

It does work better with a veil on.

Lan Shuang was kind, picked out a tassel curtain from the jewelry pile on one side, and hung it behind her ears, covering the lower half of her face. As she walked, the golden tassels swayed slightly, mysterious and charming.

Another boy who came up from the elevator was stunned for a long time, until the people behind him got impatient and pushed him: "Hey, Lin Zhiran, what are you doing? Let's go."

"Oh, good."

Lin Zhiran stepped out of the elevator, looked at the place where Lan Shuang disappeared and asked the partner behind him: "Is that the dance studio over there?"

"Yeah, are you going to dance practice?" The little friend behind him didn't see Lan Shuang, so naturally he didn't know what he meant by asking.

Lin Zhiran shook his head and nodded again: "I really want to practice. I'm going to be on a show in a while. I'm a little nervous, but it seems that the dance studio is occupied. I'll come back later."

"Okay, or if you want to go, there are also on the second floor."

"Forget it, there are people on the second floor all the year round, let's go and see Brother Liu."

Lin Zhiran glanced in the direction of the dance studio for the last time, thinking about the surprise glimpse just now, and left.


Lan Shuang set up her mobile phone in the dance studio, tried it out and felt it was okay, and then posed in front of the mirror.

When the music sounded, she flicked her hand lightly, and the golden-red silk flew out, and she seemed to wake up suddenly. Following the rhythm of the music, she stepped on the ground barefoot, sometimes jumping lightly, and sometimes landing gracefully, her body was soft And powerful.

Her dance combines the elements of Dunhuang murals. The whole is relatively elegant, the colors are strong, and the visual impact is very strong. The intensity of the dance is also very strong. The last movement is that she falls on the ground like a flower, looking back and smiling, the veil is just right It fell, revealing that beautiful and smart face.

Her eyes were fixed on the camera, and she smiled brighter than the sunlight outside the window.

Feeling almost done, Lan Shuang got up and pressed pause, watched the video from beginning to end, and found a few flaws, so she deleted it and started again, so she spent the whole afternoon in the dance studio, and finally recorded a satisfactory effect.

It's also because the company is small, most of the artists are actors, and there are not many dancers, otherwise she wouldn't be able to occupy the dance room all the time.

"Host, are you okay?" 888 looked at Lan Shuang, who was paralyzed in a corner of the dance room, and asked with concern.

Lan Shuang was weak and sweaty, "What do you think?"

"I don't feel well, are you hungry?"

Lan Shuang touched her stomach, "A little bit."

She slowed down for a while, feeling that she had regained some strength, she stood up and was about to leave, but she didn't want to almost bump into someone outside when she opened the door.

She took two steps back, looked at the boy at the door, "You—"

"Sorry, I wanted to knock on the door to see if anyone was there, but I didn't expect you to just open the door."

Lin Zhiran said that he couldn't take his eyes off Lan Shuang's face, it was so beautiful...

Lan Shuang shook her head: "It's okay, I just ran out of it, so you can use it."

As he spoke, he turned sideways and walked past Lin Zhiran.

Lin Zhiran looked at her back and wanted to go up to talk to her, when several people passed by, they all closed their mouths when they saw Lan Shuang, with strange expressions on their faces.

Lan Shuang ignored it, Lin Zhiran couldn't help being curious: "Why do you have such expressions?"

"You do not know?"

"He's new here."

"The newcomer shouldn't know that person just now, that's Lan Shuang!"

Lin Zhiran was taken aback: "Lan Shuang?"

"Yes, it's the one who made a lot of noise when the mistress..."

Before Lan Shuang walked too far, she could hear the whispers behind her clearly, and pushed open the door of the dressing room expressionlessly.

888: "The host, don't be angry, when the truth of the matter is revealed, you can wash away the stigma."

While removing her make-up, Lan Shuang said, "Why should I be angry? It's not me who scolded me, and it was me who scolded me, and what they said was not true, so what's the point of fighting with them?"

888 gave a thumbs up: "As expected of the host, the heart is strong."

Lan Shuang took off the false eyelashes, looked at her foamy face in the mirror and said with a smile, "I'm just a little itchy right now, I really want to smash the heads of Gu Ting and his little wife."


When he didn't say it, how could he not be angry about this kind of thing?
"But it doesn't matter. They are not in a hurry. They will be more topical first. The best time to clarify is when my traffic increases. Otherwise, people will only be said to be gossiping, and no one will really take it seriously."

Lan Shuang washed her face and sat in front of the mirror, and said very calmly: "It is the original sin not to be popular in this circle. If you are not popular, no one will see what you say."

When 888 heard the words, he suddenly said emotionally: "It's not because the original owner is cowardly that she can't survive. She also worked hard to get out of depression. Unfortunately, her voice is too weak, and no one heard her cry for help."

Lan Shuang remained silent, the original owner's emotions surged up at this moment, and she felt suffocated.

After a while, she said, "Don't worry, I won't let those two culprits go so easily."

"I want them to taste the taste of being ruined."

Lan Shuang said solemnly to the person in the mirror.


When she went out to wait for the car, Lan Shuang saw the boy again, but this time the other boy didn't come forward, he stood where he was, looking at Lan Shuang with a subtle look.

Lan Shuang smiled at him, then stopped a taxi, and was about to get in the car, when the boy came over again hesitantly.

"Are you okay?" Lan Shuang asked calmly.

Lin Zhiran shook his head: "It's late, it's not good for you to ride alone, shall I take you back?"

Lan Shuang was taken aback, "Do you know who I am? Are you sure you want to go with me?"

Lin Zhiran's expression was a little embarrassed: "I know, you are Lan Shuang."

He stretched out his hand and smiled, looking very shy: "My name is Lin Zhiran, and I'm new to the company."

On this late spring and early summer night, Lan Shuang looked at the white hand stretched out under the dim street lamp, and suddenly smiled. If there was such a hand to hold the original owner back then, she might not have come to a dead end.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing.

But she will not refuse this belated kindness.

She held Lin Zhiran's hand and said with a smile, "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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