Chapter 262
Lin Zhiran sent Lan Shuang back home. Lan Shuang didn't let the taxi stop at the entrance of the community, but stopped in front of a nearby supermarket. sent back.

Lin Zhiran was a little anxious: "I'll send senior there, it doesn't have much money, senior doesn't need..."

"I don't like to owe favors. I appreciate your kindness, but you have just joined the company and haven't started making money. How can I ask you to pay? Go home."

After Lan Shuang finished speaking, he closed the car door, Lin Zhiran watched Lan Shuang wave his hand at him, then turned and went into the supermarket.

When the car drove away, he couldn't help but turned his head and glanced in the direction of the supermarket. Such a person was not as hateful as the rumors said.

Maybe there was really a misunderstanding in it, and he was willing to believe what his eyes saw.


Lan Shuang bought a bunch of food and drink in the supermarket, and filled the refrigerator when she got home. She is going to shoot a show this time, and it is said that she will stay there for a long time, and prepare the things in advance to save Xiaoxue from having nothing to eat. .

The two sisters had a hearty meal that night, and when Lan Shuang was sitting on the sofa eating fruit after the meal, she told Lan Xue that she was going to film a variety show and asked her to take care of herself.

Lan Xue was very happy to hear that her sister had found a job, and promised that she would take good care of herself, so Lan Shuang felt relieved.


On Friday morning, Lan Shuang dragged her suitcase and set off from home to the airport.

The shooting location this time is in M ​​City, with beautiful scenery, pleasant climate, and many scenic spots. It is a good place for vacation and travel.

She was wearing sunglasses, and she didn't hide anything else. No one recognized her, after all, she had disappeared from the screen for a long time.

After getting on the plane, she took a nap first. I heard that there will be a one-person interview before the official shooting, and it will be released first, so she has to get enough energy and face it in the best state.

When she woke up, just as the plane landed, she got up and moved her shoulders and neck, feeling much better. After going out, she found the person in charge of picking up the plane from the program group. After the person helped her carry the salute into the car, she smiled Said to her: "Teacher Lan looks very good today."

Using almost common language, Lan Shuang said with a smile: "I just caught up on a nap on the plane."

"No wonder." The staff member was a young boy, wearing black-rimmed glasses and a hat, looking gentle, "Get in the car first, we have to wait for someone."

Lan Shuang was stunned: "Who?"

The staff member was about to speak, when he glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw someone, he raised the sign in his hand excitedly, and when he saw the person approaching, he replied Lan Shuang: "It's a male guest, he and you It should be the same flight."

Lan Shuang thought that the other party should be sitting in first class, so she didn't see it.

She lowered her head and took out her phone to check the time. She didn't pay much attention to the situation outside the car window, but the next moment the car door opened, a faint smell of perfume like a quiet mountain forest was blowing in forcefully with the wind of early summer, "Tsk, it's been a long time not see."

this voice...

Lan Shuang raised her head in surprise, her eyes fell on the person who came, "Gu Xiao?"

Why is this uncle here?

Then she remembered what the staff said just now, and slightly opened her eyes: "Are you a male guest?"

Gu Xiao got into the car, and sat next to her with his long legs, closed the car door behind his back, and turned his head to look at her: "Surprised?"

Lan Shuang: "I'm quite surprised. It's rare for a big boss to participate in a show in person. Why, are you going to have a blind date on the show?"

Gu Xiao laughed lightly: "I haven't fallen to the point where no one wants me, and I need to rely on the show to find someone."

Lan Shuang: "..."

Why does this sound wrong?

She narrowed her eyes to look at him, a silver-gray suit, a dark blue tie, an unknown number of W watches, and clean leather shoes without a brand.

In a word, two words: Sao Bao.

"Then what are you doing here?" Lan Shuang withdrew her gaze, leaned on the back of the chair and turned the phone in her hand.

The staff raised the car windows and drove them to the small villa by the sea.

"It's the first time I come into contact with a project in the entertainment industry, so of course I have to watch it carefully." Gu Xiao said casually.

This is of course a lie. In fact, there are not enough people. He just happened to be free, so he came to make up the number and promote himself by the way.

But it would be a bit embarrassing to get enough people to speak out, so he just made up an excuse.

Lan Shuang nodded without interest: "Oh."

I don't really want to talk to him.

Gu Xiao was silent for a moment, then suddenly said, "I watched that video of your dance."

Lan Shuang turned her head: "So?"

The corners of Gu Xiao's lips curled slightly, met her gaze, and smiled slightly: "It can be used. I have someone cut an incomplete version and release it to attract people. I will release the full version when the show officially starts."

"Good idea." Lan Shuang nodded.

"I can't see that your dancing skills are so solid. Why didn't you mention it before?"

"How do you know I didn't say that before?"

Lan Shuang grasped the point at once.

Gu Xiao: "..."

His fingers on his knees moved slightly, just as he was about to think of an excuse to fool him, Lan Shuang suddenly moved closer, and asked with a smile: "Could you have watched all my videos?"

Gu Xiao curled his fingers and looked at her calmly: "Oh, what are you thinking, I'm so idle?"

Lan Shuang backed away with a smile that was not a smile, and distanced herself from him, "Really?"

Then there is no text.

Gu Xiao frowned, why does this person feel like he can't get in?
There was nothing to say, and the two fell silent. The road to the beach was a bit far away, and Lan Shuang was a little bored, so she took out her bluetooth headset to listen to music, and turned her head to the direction of the car window.

Gu Xiao saw it out of the corner of his eye, and turned around to look at her unabashedly.

A simple white shirt, jeans, and casual shoes. This outfit is ordinary, with no highlights. At first glance, it looks more like a college student.

Who would have thought that such a person would be fierce and ruthless in fights?
Lan Shuang noticed his gaze, and she could bear it at first, but after watching this man for a long time, his neck was not sore, but Lan Shuang's was sore, she turned back to look at him helplessly: "How long do you have to watch?" ?”

Gu Xiao didn't have the slightest sense of being caught, and smiled a little arrogantly, "How do you know I'm looking at you?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

Otherwise, do you think the two under my eyebrows are venting?

She almost wrote this line on her face.

Gu Xiao chuckled, touched his nose and said, "It's nothing, I just thought of something interesting."

Lan Shuang pulled her lips, not interested in the interesting things he said.

Someone in this life was a little bit beaten up, and she always felt that her hands were itchy.

Forget it, bear it, what else can my boyfriend do, spoil him.

However, this mood only lasted until the grouping.

Lan Shuang smiled and asked, "Director, tell me again, who is my regular partner?"

(End of this chapter)

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