Chapter 264
"Ah... what a pity."

Ruan Hanyi lowered her eyes, looking very disappointed.

Lan Shuang didn't intend to just let her go: "I'm curious about your dancing style. You said you dance like a zombie. Have you ever practiced it? What kind of dance did you practice?"

Now everyone's eyes fell on Ruan Hanyi, Ruan Hanyi blushed slightly, and waved her hands: "No, I've only learned a little jazz, and I can't dance well."

That's what she said, but she looked at Lan Shuang expectantly, as if she was waiting for Lan Shuang to tell her to show it, so she could take the opportunity to show off.

However, Lan Shuang nodded very "understanding": "That's it, then I won't force others to be difficult. I originally thought that if you know it, I will show it to everyone. I'm sorry, I cut this paragraph out and pretended I didn't say it."

She smiled and gestured to the director, but it is impossible to pinch it off, and it will be released completely.

Ruan Hanyi: "..."

Ruan Hanyi held her breath in her throat, unable to go up or down.

She took a deep look at Lan Shuang, and she didn't cue Lan Shuang again in the following link, and Lan Shuang was also happy.

Soon there was no suspense in the part of drawing lots and assigning rooms. When the director said that boys and girls who had drawn a lottery of a color would live in the same room at night, the scene was full of exclamations.

"Are you playing so wild?"

"Is this too cruel?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

Hehe, you can really pretend, they are all people who hold the script, who doesn't know who?

Reluctantly, this is recording a program, so she has to dress appropriately, she looked at the camera in surprise: "How many beds are there in that room?"

Seeing her flexible expression, Gu Xiao couldn't help laughing, and said slowly, "I'm afraid there is only one."

"You'll know when you get to the room, there will be lottery every week, everyone should be prepared~"

After the staff finished speaking, two men in black came over with two lottery cones, one for boys and one for girls.

"Okay, let's start smoking!"

With an order, everyone stretched their hands in one by one.

The end of the bamboo stick is dyed with a small piece of color, and you can only see it when you pull it out.

Lan Shuang was a little curious, if this thing is uncontrollable, how can the program group guarantee that she and Gu Xiao will definitely get the same color?
But when it was her turn, she didn't know how deep the routines of this program group were.

"Everyone draws one by one, don't show the colored lottery to others, hide it for yourself, and show it after all the draws are finished."

Lan Shuang waited for everyone to finish smoking before reaching out for it, and Gu Xiao did the same, he was the last one in the boys group.

The two looked at each other, Lan Shuang took back the lottery as if nothing had happened, and checked the color, um, the bottom is red.

Take a closer look, there is a small number 1 engraved on the top, which cannot be seen from a long-distance lens, but can be seen by the drawers.

Lan Shuang: "..."

Don't think about it, Gu Xiao's must be the same, so everyone's script says not to draw number one, right?
Sao is still director Sao.

"Okay, let's all show the lottery."

Lan Shuang covered the number on it and turned around, revealing the little red. Everyone looked at each other, and the staff cheered: "Okay, then the list of groups will be announced below——Ruan Hanyi, Xu Yanlan, the first group on the left upstairs. one."

"Lu Fangting and Jianghuai Yellow, one group, the second room."

"Lan Shuang and Gu Xiao are in the red group, the third room."

"Now everyone can go upstairs to pack their luggage. There is no activity tonight, so everyone can have a good rest."

Lan Shuang breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and followed the staff upstairs.


The cameraman came in and took pictures of the two of them getting along with each other for a while, and then went out. There was no camera in the room. Lan Shuang started packing after closing the door. Gu Xiao was a busy person. I'm busy, but I don't feel embarrassed at all.

There was a camera installed in the room at night, and there was still a section to be filmed. Lan Shuang sat on the bed after taking a shower, drying her hair, and Gu Xiao put down the laptop, rubbed her eyes, and walked over, "Shall we chat?"

Lan Shuang didn't look at the camera, but patted the place beside her naturally: "Yes."

"I don't know how long our partner will be together, let's get acquainted first."

Gu Xiao sat beside her, separated from her by a pillow, looked at her, "How did you come to this show?"

These questions were designed in advance to attract topics, so the answers are actually fixed, but Director Fang specifically asked Lan Shuang to play freely.

Lan Shuang chose not to hear the word "proper". Faced with Gu Xiao's somewhat sharp question, she was very calm: "Actually, I don't like variety shows very much, but I can't help it. I'm poor. The group has given too much, so I’m here.”

Gu Xiao: "..."

Director Fang sitting in the monitoring room: "..."

Can you just close your eyes and talk nonsense?
The assistant director clattered through the script, scratched his head and said, "No bro, that's not what's written in the script."

Director Fang was silent for a while: "Let's see what she has to say."

Gu Xiao sat up and looked at her cross-legged: "You used to be a star anyway, so you can't be so poor?"

Lan Shuang gently pulled the corner of her mouth, she seemed to be smiling, but she was sad for no reason, she looked into Gu Xiao's eyes and said, "I lost a lot of money that year, and all my jobs were lost, my father I was seriously ill, and spent a lot of money on treatment, but it was useless. After sending him away, my mother also fell ill, and the family had little money left, and I had to pay for my younger sister’s education. There were a lot of expenses. ..."

Gu Xiao didn't expect it to be like this, and was taken aback for a moment, "Then your mother..."

"Leave too."

Following these three words, the room fell silent, even the people in the monitoring room fell silent.

No one thought that Lan Shuang's parents were gone.

"Sorry... I don't know, I shouldn't ask this." Gu Xiao stuttered.

"It's okay. My sister and I are doing well now. She is well-behaved and motivated. I have to work hard to make money so that she can have a good life."

Lan Shuang raised her head, there were no tears in her eyes, but she didn't smile much either, but the more she was like this, the more panicked she was.

Gu Xiao couldn't help but look away, "What will my sister do when you come this time?"

"Let's not talk about my sister, let's talk about you, why do you, a big boss, come to this kind of show?"

Lan Shuang hugged the pillow and turned her head to look at him, Gu Xiao laughed, "I don't know, maybe I just came here to play or just want to fall in love."

The conversation got back on track, and the directors in the monitoring room breathed a sigh of relief, and recorded for about half an hour. The director yelled to stop, and the filming ended.

The people in the room have progressed to sleep with the lights off.

Lan Shuang and Gu Xiao were lying side by side on the bed, the room was pitch black, neither of them closed their eyes or spoke, as if they were competing.

"Good night." After a while, Lan Shuang felt sleepy, yawned, greeted her, and turned her back to Gu Xiao.

Gu Xiao raised his eyebrows: "Can you sleep?"

"Why can't you sleep?"

"Shaking the bed with a young and strong man like me, aren't you afraid of me doing something?"

Gu Xiao wanted to ease the atmosphere, but Lan Shuang said quietly: "The party and the people are watching, Mr. Gu, stop flirting, I'm not interested in you."

Gu Xiao: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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