Chapter 265
Lan Shuang's sleep quality was as good as ever, and she almost went to Zhou Gong after closing her eyes and breathing steadily.

Gu Xiao felt that something was wrong, and couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Lan Shuang?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

"Are you asleep?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

"Isn't it? Are you really asleep?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

Gu Xiao: "..."

Unbelievably, he propped himself up gently and turned around to look at her. The clear moonlight came through the thin curtains, and Gu Xiao saw Lan Shuang's state clearly through the faint light.

She really fell asleep, and she was still very stable, because the air conditioner in the room was fully turned on, and her face was still flushed with heat.

Gu Xiao fell silent.

Is she big-hearted or trusting him too much?Is it so sure that he is a grown man with high moral standards?

Well, he is, and he has to be.

His tense body gently fell back to the bed on the other side, he pulled up the quilt to cover his waist, opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling, his mind was in a mess.

At first he noticed Lan Shuang, it was indeed because of the scandal between her and his nephew, and then the adventure in the bar made him change a little, until he had dinner with Fang Dao, he could tell from Lan Shuang's words and demeanor that she was originally His family should be very good at educating their children, so he became more and more suspicious of the authenticity of the third-party scandal.

But those recordings are real, so what's the problem?
Is it because Lan Shuang's acting skills are too good, or is it framed by her opponent?

Gu Xiao didn't know.When he was in the mall, he never brought his emotions into his work, and he always maintained a state of being so rational that he was not human.

And after get off work, he will be dominated by emotions, and now, it is off-duty time for him, and emotions prevail. From a personal point of view, he thinks Lan Shuang is a pretty good person.

Thinking about it, he turned around and looked at Lan Shuang's back, and said silently: Don't let me down.


Early the next morning, before people woke up, the alarm clock of the program group rang, and the staff walked in the corridor with a loudspeaker and yelled: "Wake up, get up, start shooting right away, please pay attention to your clothes and manners, Don't reveal anything you shouldn't."

"Wake up, get up, put on your clothes, put on your quilt, and turn on the camera immediately!"

"Wake up, wake up..."

The staff raised the loudspeaker and yelled back and forth three times, which was like a magic sound.

Lan Shuang was awakened in a daze, got up in a "gasp" and grabbed something casually, trying to pick up something and throw it towards the source of the sound.

"Um...your hand..."

Lan Shuang: "..."

Lan Shuang: "???"

Doesn't the touch feel right?

It's soft and quite elastic, but it's a little uneven, which...

She touched down, and a tight muscle tensed slightly with her movements, and she could faintly feel blue veins.

Lan Shuang suddenly opened her eyes, and what she saw was Gu Xiao's forbearing expression.

He didn't open his eyes, he frowned and buried himself in the pillow, as if he hadn't recovered yet.

Lan Shuang; "..."

"I...Xiao Baba, did I grab his chest muscle just now?"

888 covered his face with his hands, peeked through his fingers, and said shyly, "I don't know, our system can't see this."

Lan Shuang: "..."

What are you bragging about?Blocked how did you talk to me?You are clearly watching!

But now is not the time to argue with the system, Lan Shuang looked at Gu Xiao's snow-white pajamas, pretended to be calm and withdrew her hand as if nothing had happened: "You are awake, we are being woken up outside, it is a bit noisy, I got angry when I got up, sorry. "

Gu Xiao: "..."

He took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "It's okay."

Then silently took back her long legs that were pressing on Lan Shuang, and turned over by the way, and buried herself in the quilt upright.

Lan Shuang: "..."

She was a little dazed at first, until she sat up and looked at the time on her phone. It was six in the morning, before people woke up, and the birds got up first.

It's embarrassing for someone.

She understands.

Lan Shuang looked at Mr. Gu whose ears were red, wanted to comfort him but didn't know where to say it.

"It's okay, it's a normal reaction."

Lan Shuang got out of bed and went to the bathroom, leaving room for Gu Xiao.

Gu Xiao tilted his head slightly to reveal his face, breathing rapidly, his eyes covered by broken hair were full of annoyance.

How did the two of them manage to sleep together?Still so intimate?
And... why is he the only one who is shy? !
Hearing the sound of water in the bathroom and remembering the camera that was about to be turned on, Gu Xiao silently recited the Great Compassion Mantra several times to calm himself down quickly.

But he couldn't remember the words very well, so he turned on his phone and opened the public release.

Ever since, among the scenes of all kinds of strange sleeping postures, this one of them looks particularly abrupt.

The guests in the other two rooms, boys and girls were either leaning close to each other, making small gestures, or greeting each other in a helpless manner. Only Gu Xiao was sitting on the bed by himself, with the quilt on his waist, solemn and low. The Great Compassion Mantra echoed throughout the room.

Fang Dao in the monitoring room fed a cup of coffee directly into his nose

The assistant director next to him couldn't swallow a mouthful of egg-filled biscuits, and almost suffocated himself. He kept beating his chest with both hands, and his face was flushed.

The staff who pushed the door in: "..."

He exited to look at the door number, and made sure that he was indeed entering the monitoring room, not some animal world.

"No, why is Gu Xiao the only one? Where's Lan Shuang?"

Director Fang lay on the screen in doubt, and the staff said, "Maybe I went to the bathroom? There is no surveillance over there."

"Oh, yes, then they got up quite early."


The assistant director finally swallowed the thing, and said in a hoarse voice, "What is Gu Xiao doing? Magnifying the curse? What kind of strange hobby is this?"

Director Fang didn't understand either, but the sponsor's father had some weird hobbies, so it was understandable: "Maybe the work pressure is too much, so listen to music to relax."

Assistant Director: "..."

Are you serious?
"Give them an hour to tidy up, and gather at the restaurant downstairs at seven o'clock."

Director Fang instructed the staff, and the staff went with a loudspeaker.


An hour later, six well-dressed people sat around the dining table, with more or less shyness and embarrassment on their faces.

Ruan Hanyi and her partner glanced at each other from time to time, and then smiled, feeling somewhat ambiguous.

Lan Shuang was thoughtful, it seemed that the highlight of this variety show was on them.

"Everyone had a wonderful night with their partners, don't you feel that the distance has been shortened all of a sudden?"

Everyone subconsciously looked at their partners, Lan Shuang and Gu Xiao exchanged glances, then looked away tacitly.

I don't know if it's beautiful or not, embarrassment is really embarrassment.

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you don't get closer, we also prepared a small game before breakfast for everyone."

Fang Dao sat in the back with a malicious smile on his face, Lan Shuang couldn't help but "thump" in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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