Chapter 272
The variety show is scheduled to start at [-] o'clock every Sunday night, and at this time, Lan Shuang has already gone to shoot the next episode of the show, so she doesn't have time to watch it.

In this episode, they changed the place, no longer a playground, but went to a small town in the south of the Yangtze River to pick lotus by boat.

This time they messed up and changed their partners. It was okay to do tasks during the day, the new partner was very cooperative, and Lan Shuang was also very good at acting. It seemed quite cp-like, but when it came to room allocation at night, it was still a lottery, no surprises. , Lan Shuang and Gu Xiao are in another group.

The two people holding wooden sticks of the same color looked at each other, Gu Xiao couldn't help raising his eyebrows and smiled at Lan Shuang: "What a coincidence, it's you again."

Lan Shuang smiled: "It's a coincidence."

Director: "Now everyone can go back to the room to rest. At night, we will record a short section according to the plan, and turn off the camera at a fixed time. Let's go."

"it is good."

Lan Shuang and Gu Xiao entered the same room one after the other, when the door closed, Gu Xiao locked it.

Hearing this sound, Lan Shuang turned to look at him: "Mr. Gu has something to say?"

"Well, we are not only partners, but also allies. Of course, we must have a good chat about the next plan, otherwise how can I cooperate with you?"


Lan Shuang sat down on the bed, and Gu Xiao sat on the chair opposite her. Any chair with armrests gave him an aura of a big boss.

"What are you going to do?" Gu Xiao dropped his fingers casually, tapping on the armrest one after another.

"This drama was made by Gu Ting as a stepping stone for his younger sister. Gu Han has developed well in the industry these years, but he is not popular, so he plans to rely on this drama to make a comeback. Gu Ting loves her so much, he must attach great importance to this drama , I will often visit Gu Han's class, my chance is here, I have to find a way to anger Gu Han, let her attack me, I also want to break up Gu Ting and Bai Moran, and then trample them on the soles of my feet, I have suffered It’s hard, they have to suffer it once before it’s over.”

When Lan Shuang said these words, her face was expressionless, like a pool of lifeless stagnant water, unable to make any waves.

Gu Xiao felt a little uncomfortable looking at it, frowned and asked, "Do you hate them?"

"What do you think?" Lan Shuang asked back: "Shouldn't you hate it?"

Gu Xiao shook his head, "That's not what I mean, it's just that hate is born out of love, and the hatred is still there, does it mean that love is still there?"

Lan Shuang narrowed her eyes and looked at him: "Gu Xiao, you really deserve a beating. If you ask such unnutritious nonsense again, I will let you know what pain is."

Gu Xiao: "..."

Thinking of the scene where she beat Mr. Sun violently in the bathroom, Gu Xiao raised his hands wisely: "I was wrong."

Lan Shuang snorted coldly: "There is no love, only hatred, you remember clearly."

"Okay, I see, I won't ask any more questions in the future."

Gu Xiao said: "As long as I catch Gu Ting, I can kick him out."

Only then did Lan Shuang show a little smile: "Okay."

"Ding Ding Ding-"

Lan Shuang's cell phone rang suddenly, she looked down, it was Xiao Xu's call, "Hello, what's the matter? I'm recording a program?"

Xiao Xu looked at the time on the watch and said, "It's supposed to be a break now, so I called you, Sister Shuang, do you remember what day it is today?"

Lan Shuang was puzzled: "What date?"

Xiao Xu reminded her: "Today is the first episode of "Let's Date". Now that the show is almost over, there is a bloodbath on the Internet!"

Gu Xiao heard it clearly from the side, and immediately logged on to Weibo to take a look, and several topics rushed to the trending searches.

#兰霜来起# burst

#Dating it#
"What and what..." Gu Xiao frowned, clicked on the hot search, and the first one was about Lan Shuang.

[Stunned, Lan Shuang actually made a comeback. After three years, she actually returned to the entertainment circle, or did she rely on love variety shows?Does the Internet have no memory?Do you really think everyone has forgotten what happened back then?Why does the third party come back to collect money? 】

[One thing to say, although Lan Shuang's character is not very good, but this face can still be punched. It is obviously better than other guests to see a lot, and it is very eye-catching to sit there and do nothing. 】

【Am I the only one following Mr. Gu?Wow, really handsome!Is the surname Gu's genes so good? 】

[Upstairs you are not alone!But Gu, it's normal for the romance hero to have a big surname and be handsome!Mr. Gu, look at me! 】

【Are you blind?You can only see that he is handsome, right?Aren't you talking about Lanshuang now?The upstairs couldn't be the navy that Lan Shuang was looking for, could it?Deliberately confusing the public and making everyone forget that she is a mistress?I tell you to think beautifully!Back then you meddled in actor Gu's marriage, but there was a recording to prove it, so you want to come back now?First ask the netizens to agree! 】


The comments below were full of quarrels. After all, it was a smash hit back then. Even after three years of resignation, it still set off a bloody storm when it came back.

Gu Xiao looked around, and some of the scolding was really ugly. He felt nauseated while watching it. How did those obscene and dirty words come out?

He suddenly froze, Lan Shuang faced these things every day when the incident was the biggest, right?He vaguely remembered that Lan Shuang's phone number was leaked by someone. Since then, people have called her 24 hours a day and insulted her. Some people even chased her to her company and splashed paint on her at her home.

At that time she was just a 20-year-old girl.

How did she come here after all these years?
In the past, Gu Xiao didn't know Lan Shuang, so he didn't think about this issue. He heard it as a story and forgot it after hearing it. However, now that he was sitting in front of him, he suddenly felt a very absurd feeling.

How could such a thin body and such clear eyes accommodate the maliciousness that poured from the sky?

"...It's okay, I know what to do, it won't affect the shooting, don't worry, I've been carrying it for so many years, what are you afraid of?" Lan Shuang comforted Xiao Xu on the phone with a smile, which also stimulated Gu Xiao's nerves .

His dark brown pupils turned slightly and landed on Lan Shuang. Lan Shuang hung up the phone and just happened to look over. Seeing his strange expression, she tilted her head and looked at him: "What's wrong?"

Gu Xiao suddenly came back to his senses, "...No, it's nothing."

What a jerk he is.

Gu Xiao propped his forehead with one hand, watching the screen showing his fangs and claws as if he was about to rush out to tear up Lan Shuang's bad comments, and thinking about how many times he had said that Lan Shuang was a mistress, he suddenly wanted to slap himself twice.

Regardless of whether she is a mistress or not, the exposure of human flesh on the Internet has crossed the bottom line of morality and law.

Lan Shuang saw that he lowered his head and didn't see his expression, so he didn't take it seriously. She took out her mobile phone and logged on to Weibo to read comments, but just as she did, a big hand stretched out and snatched her away. phone: "Don't look at it."

 Yo, Gu Gouzi, I know I love you
(End of this chapter)

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