Chapter 273
Lan Shuang was taken aback for a moment, she held the phone tightly and did not let go, "Let me take a look."

"What's so interesting, is it interesting to find maggots in shit?"

Gu Xiao said in a bad tone.

Lan Shuang: "Ah? What and what? Don't say such disgusting things in broad daylight, I'll just read the comments."

"It's boring, don't read it." Gu Xiao used some strength in his hand, trying to grab the phone, but Lan Shuang turned over and pressed the phone under him, Gu Xiao: "..."

"What are you doing?" He frowned and stood by the bed looking down at Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang said calmly, "Go ahead, grab it from under me."

Gu Xiao squinted, Lan Shuang pressed the phone under his stomach, how could he snatch it?Although he is talking nonsense, what's the difference between letting him do this kind of thing and being a hooligan?He doesn't do such cheap things.

There was no other way, he sat down beside him as if discouraged, "All right, all right, you can watch it if you want, and don't look for me when you're so angry and crying."

Lan Shuang sneered: "What's wrong with you? Why did I find you? Didn't you have the same prejudice against me before?"


Gu Xiao wanted to defend himself, but his brain uncontrollably recalled what he had said before, and he turned off the ignition again, feeling guilty.

He rubbed his nose embarrassingly, wanting to say something to ease the embarrassment, but Lanshuang ignored him.

Turning around, Lan Shuang took out her phone and opened Weibo to see the trending search rankings. Seeing that she was alone in the top three, leading the way, she couldn't help laughing: "I didn't expect everyone to forget me , Is this another kind of recognition for me, I was really popular back then."

"Let me see what these bastards are scolding again."

Lan Shuang murmured and was about to click in. Gu Xiao, one of the "Bad Babies", felt uneasy, and didn't reply when he was scolded, but leaned over and covered Lan Shuang's eyes the moment the page popped up.

With this posture, he said in Lan Shuang's ear: "Really, don't look at it, what those people say is not important, but it will affect your mood."

When he was serious, his voice was deep and mellow, which was very nice, but usually he was not very serious, so Lan Shuang didn't feel anything before, but now that the two of them were so close, even their breathing became ambiguous, and Lan Shuang couldn't ignore it.

As a hidden voice controller, she couldn't take it anymore, and her ears turned red from being very hopeless.

Gu Xiao noticed this, felt it was novel, and stretched out his hand to pinch it, "Your ears are so hot."

Lan Shuang: "..."


She stretched out her hand to pull Gu Xiao's troublesome hand away, then moved it away from her eyes, turned over and sat up, and looked at Gu Xiao seriously, her eyes were too serious, making Gu Xiao feel a little uncomfortable.

"You must watch it?" Gu Xiao was puzzled: "It's useless to watch."

Lan Shuang shook her head: "You are wrong, it works."

"Huh?" Gu Xiao raised his eyebrows: "How do you say?"

"I'll see how many people are scolding me, see if it's passers-by or sailors, see if there are any whitewashing points, and really think about how to guide public opinion."

Lan Shuang is very calm, these are the first things she considers now, as for how others scold her, to be honest, she really doesn't care much.

She is not the little girl of the original owner who has lived her whole life. She has traveled far and wide, traveled through many worlds, and has seen much more malice than this. Her heart and face can be bulletproof long ago, and it will not easily affect her mood. .

Gu Xiao was silent for a while, and looked at her carefully, Lan Shuang let him look at her without avoiding it, Gu Xiao had no choice but to compromise, and made a "please" gesture.

Lan Shuang was finally able to read the comments in a leisurely manner. Not surprisingly, most of them scolded her, but they all focused on her "little three" back then, but not many people questioned her ability.

Lan Shuang looked down one by one, and found that many people still recognized her beauty.

In this era of looking at faces, having a good face can indeed bring a lot of convenience in many cases, but this is not enough to change most people's views on themselves.

Still have to rely on strength to speak.

Lan Shuang had an idea in her mind, and raised her eyes to stare at a certain point in the void in a daze.

The matter between her and Gu Ting cannot be denied, because it really happened, and there will definitely be clues, as long as the microscopic netizens are willing, they can always pick it up, and there is a recording hammer, she can't deny it, then We can only start with the matter of Gu Ting's hidden marriage.

It was Gu Ting who lied to her. She didn't know that Gu Ting was married or that he had a wife. He was the one who provoked her first. If she could find a way to clarify this point, the problem would be solved.

But the key to this point is - Gu Ting has to admit that he was the one who lied to Lan Shuang back then.

It is not easy to do this.

Lan Shuang frowned, but the premise was that she could see or contact Gu Ting.

Gu Ting is very cautious, he will not contact him easily, even if he is afraid of contacting, he will not take the initiative to expose what happened back then...

Do we have to start with Bai Moran?
It seems that the possibility of tricking her is easier than tricking Gu Ting?

Lan Shuang's mind was spinning rapidly, and Gu Xiao watched her face change from side to side, and his heart also raised, "What are you thinking? Did you feel uncomfortable after reading it? I said—"

"No, I'm thinking about how to catch Bai Moran and let her come to meet me."

Lan Shuang turned to look at Gu Xiao: "Do you have any familiar private detectives?"

Gu Xiao instantly understood what she meant: "Are you afraid that if you take the initiative to ask her out, she won't show up?"

"The matter of my comeback is such a big deal, she must have known about it. I take the initiative to meet at this time. She must be able to guess my intentions and find out her reasons. She is subject to me, so she will agree to the meeting request."

"Hmm..." Gu Xiao thought for a while, "I don't know any private detectives."

Lan Shuang's face could not help showing a bit of disappointment, but Gu Xiao said again: "But one of my brothers should know."


"Huo has a signature."

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows and tilted her head to look at him: "What?"

"Huo, you, sign."

Gu Xiao repeated it word by word.

Lan Shuang was still a little confused: "What's the name, are you sure you said it right? It's not Huo Youqian?"

Gu Xiao stood up and took out his mobile phone. Just as he was about to call Huo Youzhi, he replied casually: "Oh, his nickname is this. When he was born, their Huo family was in crisis, their capital chain was broken, and they almost went bankrupt." , his mother named him Youqian, hoping to change his luck and overcome this difficulty."

"Later, my dad borrowed money to help their family through this crisis. The whole family thought this name was very auspicious, but it was a bit difficult to be elegant, so they changed it to a homophonic one, called Huo Youzhi, and their nickname Also called rich."

Lan Shuang: "..."

Sure enough, it is a name that my parents can come up with.

(End of this chapter)

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