Chapter 280
Gu Xiao's anger dissipated invisibly the moment he heard her voice, which even he himself found inconceivable. Did Lan Shuang bring her own fire extinguisher buff?

"If you asked, I'll tell you. If you have anything else you want to know, just keep asking."

Lan Shuang was lying on the bed playing with her hair.

Gu Xiao sighed almost imperceptibly: "Okay, then let me ask, how do you feel after you get to the set, and has anyone targeted you?"


Lan Shuang said with a smile: "The attitudes of the staff I met are not bad, and the environment of the hotel is also not bad. It seems that everything is fine so far."

"Aren't you able to talk a lot? Why are you jumping word by word on WeChat?"

Gu Xiao was depressed, Lan Shuang secretly smiled.

Of course it's to catch you, silly dog.

Fortunately, Gu Xiao didn't worry about it anymore, "What happened when you met Gu Han?"

Lan Shuang: "Ah, I met you in the elevator just now, don't worry, I didn't fight, she doesn't like me, and I don't like her, but..."

"But what?" Gu Xiao asked.

"But she seems to want me to seduce her brother."

Gu Xiao: "???"

Gu Xiao was silent for a while, and after digesting the news, he asked angrily, "Seduce her brother? Gu Ting?"

"Yes, she obviously hates Bai Moran's sister-in-law more than me, so she would rather let me approach her favorite brother to add trouble to Bai Moran."

Hearing the excitement in Lan Shuang's words, Gu Xiao's face darkened slightly: "What do you want to do? You don't want to take advantage of the trend to seduce Gu Ting, do you?"

"Why not? The opportunity is right in front of us, and the one who lets it go is a fool. If I figured out a way by myself, it might be difficult to get close to Gu Ting, but with Gu Han's help, it would be easy."

Lan Shuang turned over and lay on the bed, her eyes dimmed, "Don't worry, I won't rekindle my old relationship with Gu Ting, my goal is very clear, I want him to be ruined."

Gu Xiao subconsciously wants to refute, who is worried that their old relationship will rekindle?
But in the next moment, he realized that his thoughts were a little too naive, so he didn't say anything, pinched the center of his brows, and said with a smile: "Then be careful, there will be no bones left to be eaten."

He thought that he should look cool and domineering, but what he said still had a sour taste that couldn't be concealed.

He didn't feel it himself, but Lan Shuang could hear it clearly. The corners of her lips curled slightly, but she said in a natural and flat tone: "Isn't there you?"

Gu Xiao: "..."

The frizzy hair was instantly smoothed out.

"Me? You trust me so much?"

Gu Xiao cleared his throat, stood up, and loosened his tie with one hand.

Lan Shuang smiled: "Employees are not suspicious, suspects are not necessary, if there is anything that cannot be solved, I will come to you, and I will ask Mr. Gu to help me when the time comes."

"Yeah." Gu Xiao nodded reservedly: "Don't be brave in case of danger, remember to call me."

"Okay, ah, my assistant is back, hang up first."

Lan Shuang hung up the phone, just as Xiao Xu came in, she was carrying the takeaway and couldn't move, so she closed the door with her elbow: "Sister Shuang, are you talking to me?"

"No, I just called and I'll get it for you."

Lan Shuang got up from the bed and helped her put the things on the table, and the two of them sat down and had a makeshift meal.

After Gu Xiao hung up the phone, he stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window holding his mobile phone and stared at the busy street below for a moment.

Lan Shuang trusted herself so much, but she still couldn't live up to her trust.

Thinking of Gu Ting, he was still not at ease, turned around and called the people over there, so that they could monitor Gu Ting's every move at all times, and if there was any situation, he would save Lan Shuang as soon as possible, and then notify himself.

In any case, keep Lan Shuang first and then talk about other things.


In the evening, the producers and investors will come over, and the production crew will prepare a dinner, which will be eaten at the panoramic restaurant on the top floor of the hotel.

But you still have to dress decently to attend the event. After all, the producers and investors are big bosses. If they are chosen, they may be able to open up contacts, and they will not have to worry about resources in the future.

The clothes that Lan Shuang brought happened to be a small dress. The style was very simple. The off-white long dress was made of silk fabric, which was very elegant and smooth. Xu looked in amazement, "Sister Shuang, your figure is really good, you are worthy of learning to dance, this waist, buttocks, and legs, even a girl like me can't control it!"

"Stop your idiot expression." Lan Shuang looked at her helplessly through the mirror: "It's not the first day you've seen me, haven't you seen enough?"

"How can it be possible to see enough?" Xiao Xu immediately retorted: "Isn't beauty never enough? Come, I'll bring you the belt."

The matching belt is very ingenious, it is a rose-colored thin belt, tied loosely around the waist, it seems that it can be pulled off, but it just highlights the curve of the waist and hips.

Lan Shuang looked in the mirror, and after confirming that there was no problem, she picked up her handbag and went out with Xiao Xu.

Before going out, Lan Shuang asked 888: "Is there any recording equipment that can't be found?"

888: "Well... Yes, the host, you open the mall and look for it in the strange item column, I remember it is there."

Lan Shuang: "???"

In the eyes of outsiders, she held Xiao Xu's hand and walked in with a smile on her face. In fact, in front of her was a translucent blue electronic screen, which showed the interface of the mall as her consciousness fluctuated. Then it automatically jumped to the weird item column, and on the last page, she saw something.

"Hair recorder?"

Lan Shuang looked at it and explained, "The hair recorder is a recording device that looks the same as a hair. It doesn't need to be charged. The system automatically replaces the battery. You can change it as you use it. When you encounter difficult problems and need to record urgently, when you When you cannot carry a mobile phone recorder under special circumstances, the hair recorder is your first choice..."

"It's really weird, can you find this thing in your hair?" Lan Shuang looked at the thin strand, deeply suspicious.

888 explained: "Yes host, when you decide to terminate the recording, I can help you pick it out, the system has a way to identify it."

"How many points does that cost?"

Lan Shuang's heart skipped a beat.

888: "Well... one hundred points."

Lan Shuang: "...All right, change."

"Host, why are you so generous this time?" 888 was rather surprised by her cheerful behavior.

Lan Shuang smiled slightly, nodded to the person who said hello, and answered him by the way: "I used to pick because I had too few points, so I spent every point wisely, but in this world, I don't have any golden fingers, and The status and status of Gu Ting's family are too different, if you want to bring him down, you can't take the usual path, so some necessary expenses can't be picked."

"Okay, the [-] points exchanged for the hair recorder has arrived, please check with the host."

As soon as the words fell, Lan Shuang felt that there was an extra strand of hair next to her ear, which was itchy, but she quickly got used to it.

"Lan Shuang, this way."

- off topic -

I thought I should be fine, sitting in front of the computer with full confidence, half an hour later, dizzy, nauseated and powerless...

I was wrong, I didn't recover, this damn disease can't give me a happy, I'm just like recovering.

(End of this chapter)

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